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The Search for Beautiful Teeth

Las Vegas Prostitutes Eagerly Await Dentists' Convention

Innovations in cavity filling.

LAS VEGAS--With the New Jersey Dental Association's annual convention less
than one week away, excitement is building among the city's prostitutes.

The four-day event, which will bring some 1,500 New Jersey dentist-johns to
the Las Vegas MGM Grand Hotel, is expected to pump an estimated $75,000 into
the local streetwalking economy.
"This is the big one," pimp Marlon "The Pearl" Evans said. "We don't see this
kind of action from anyone else all year--the electronics-industry
convention, the auto show, insurance seminars, no one. The average car dealer
or pet-store owner in town for a convention might treat himself to a piece if
he thinks he can spare it, but he doesn't have what we in the business call
'dentist money.'"

"The dentists' convention is where we pull out all the stops," said Lucy
Calhoun, owner of Juicy Lucy's, a popular Vegas-area brothel. "The average
dentist has an unusual combination of cash and low self-esteem that makes him
an ideal customer."

Across the city, prostitution-sector employees are scrambling to make
last-minute preparations for the anticipated rush. Madams are breaking in new
girls, pimps are setting out extra strings of whores, and bordellos are
putting up partitions in the pool rooms and throwing extra mattresses on the
billiard tables. Most prostitutes will pull longer shifts beginning Wednesday
in preparation for an expected 200 percent increase in tricks.

"I'm definitely going to have to put in some overtime when those dentists hit
town," area hooker Candi Walters said. "I swear, when those guys were here
last year, my feet hardly touched the floor for about four days straight."

Prostitutes have long known that the average dentist, while earning almost
$60,000 per year, is not generally respected by the public at large. Neither
an admired craftsman nor a full-fledged member of the medical community, the
dentist, more than anyone short of the chiropractor, uses conventions as an
opportunity to purchase emotional gratification in the form of sex.
If previous years' figures hold true to form, Las Vegas prostitutes can
expect to serve an average of 15 dentists per day during the four-day
convention. And while some dentists may request special treatment--such as
bondage, menage a trois, or unusually young girls--sex-trade insiders say a
majority of services rendered will likely consist of half-hour sessions of
conventional, one-on-one, missionary-position intercourse.

"It's strange, really," said Cherry Caldwell, who will be working her seventh
NJDA convention. "Most guys want something a little kinky when they come to
Vegas--something they can't get from their wives or girlfriends. But not the
dentists. It's almost as if it's enough for them just to have sex with a

"All in all, the dentists tend to be a pretty conservative bunch," prostitute
Sapphire Jones said. "A lot of them do like to talk dirty, though. They'll
say stuff like, 'I'm gonna drill a few holes,' or 'This won't hurt a bit,
baby.' And when you suck them off and they come, they love to tell you to
"They really respond to Las Vegas' unique energy," said MGM Grand hospitality
director Patrick Worthington. "There's just something about this town's $3
all-you-can-eat prime-rib specials, cheap drinks, and easy, 24-hour access to
a wide variety of prostitutes that just says 'dentist.'"
The NJDA dentists agreed. "Look out, Vegas," said convention organizer and
Mahwah, NJ, orthodontist Harold Stemmer. "The dentists are coming to town to
fill a few cavities, if you know what I mean, and there are some lucky girls
out there who are going to be a few dollars richer if they play their cards
The Onion, February 2, 2000

Self-Fulfilled Reality

Bomb Vienna Now!

US, Israel create a new boogeyman.

VIENNA - The diplomatic sanctions and protests against the new conservative
government of Austria have reinforced a view by many abroad that Joerg
Haider's xenophobic Freedom Party is the reincarnation of the fascist
movement that brought the dictators Hitler and Mussolini to power in the
1920s and 1930s.

Here in Austria, however, even Mr. Haider's opponents have mixed feelings
about his party and the backlash against it. Many Austrians are disturbed by
his far-right party achieving power, because its anti-foreigner sentiments
echo the Nazis' racism and because Mr. Haider's commitment to democracy is
open to question.

Still, Austrians are even more alarmed by the reaction in Europe and the
United States, which they believe will only boost support for Mr. Haider's
xenophobic movement, according to political commentators and other observers

''You foreigners are making him into a hero and a martyr,'' said Christa
Troger, an antiques dealer in Vienna's historic central district who opposes
Mr. Haider. ''The best thing would be to let him make mistakes and fail to
live up to his promises so he will lose his popularity. But now our friends
abroad are forcing Austrians to stand behind him.''

Hundreds have demonstrated elsewhere in Europe both for and against the new
coalition government. But the international campaign by the United States,
Israel and European Union countries to isolate Austria by severing political
contacts already shows signs of raising Mr. Haider's stature. Polls indicate
that if elections were held now, the Freedom Party would emerge as the
largest in the land with 33 percent of the vote, up from 27 percent in the
general election in October.

''He is neither a neo-Nazi nor a fascist, but rather an unscrupulous
opportunist and populist,'' said Christoph Kotanko, an Austrian political
commentator who has closely watched Mr. Haider's rise over the years.
''Anybody who has followed his career knows this, but the outside world
prefers to stick with the mistaken caricature that Haider is another

The striking gap between Austria and abroad in judging the Haider phenomenon
reflects a profoundly different appreciation of his origins and his
character. While foreign governments perceive Mr. Haider as a far-right demon
beneath a sharkskin-smooth personality and media-savvy style, Austrians
regard him as a populist firebrand who gives voice to their anxieties about
being overwhelmed by immigrants and surrendering their national sovereignty
to an ever-expanding EU.

Blue-collar Austrian workers see Mr. Haider as an ardent defender against
immigrants who would steal their jobs by accepting lower wages. And upwardly
mobile young people view him as a plucky and charismatic rebel battling a
decadent ruling establishment.

''Haider's appeal is that he says what many people think,'' said Andreas
Kirschhofer, a political pollster. ''There is much latent skepticism in
Austria toward immigrants and the European Union, and I fear this will grow
in the years to come. Haider is well aware of this discontent, and he has
proved more clever than other politicians in exploiting it.''

While the outside world considers him a pariah for his controversial
endorsement of Nazi labor policies, his opposition to bringing eastern states
into the EU and his anti-immigrant diatribes, Mr. Haider has ridden the
latest wave of criticism to whip up nationalist fervor on his behalf.
Denouncing what he calls the ''hypocrisy'' of foreigners intruding in
Austria's domestic politics, Mr. Haider castigated the decision by the 14
other EU countries to sanction a fellow member state as ''a massive offense
to all honorable democrats and decent citizens of Austria.'' He said the new
government ''will put to shame all those who prematurely condemned us and
tried to promote prejudice.''

Many Austrians complain they have been unfairly singled out for political
ostracism. They note that Italy did not suffer the same fate in 1994, when a
conservative government headed by the media impresario Silvio Berlusconi
included two rightist groups, the separatist Northern League and the National
Alliance, widely viewed as the heirs to Mussolini's Fascists. Nor did France
endure any criticism when hard-line Stalinists from the Communist Party
joined the government.
Mr. Haider will not occupy a cabinet post and intends to keep serving as
governor of the southern province of Carinthia. But he has never concealed
his ambition to become chancellor. If his party's support continues to grow
and he believes the moment is ripe to topple the government in favor of early
elections, some analysts say he will not hesitate to do so.

Mr. Haider's penchant for shifting his stance on policy and history, while
making what seem to be unpardonable gaffes and then apologizing for them,
appears to have served him well by confusing his opponents and making him
difficult to pin down ideologically. Yet those who have worked closely with
him also say he possesses a ruthless streak and an intolerance for dissent
that make his commitment to democracy questionable.

Heide Schmidt, a former close associate who ran for president with Mr.
Haider's support but broke with him in 1993 because of his sympathetic
remarks about Nazis and his virulent hostility to foreigners, said the
international reaction is justified because Mr. Haider is ''a wolf in sheep's
clothing'' who will do anything to satisfy his lust for power.
International Herald Tribune, February 7, 2000

Gold Market

All Eyes on Gold After $23 Jump

Placer Dome pulls its hedges.

The gold price is expected to come under the spotlight today following
Friday's spectacular leap from $287 an ounce to $310 in the final hour of
trading in New York.

The trigger for the rise was an announcement by Placer Dome, Canada's second
largest gold miner, that it was suspending its gold hedging activities "in
expectation of improving gold market sentiment and reduced producer hedging".
The decision will remove more than 2m ounces of gold that would have been
sold into the market this year. "After a $23 move some market participants
will be scurrying to cover their positions," said analyst Andy Smith at
Mitsui in London. His view was supported by other analysts in South Africa
and North America.

Chris Thompson, chairman of Gold Fields, South Africa's second largest gold
miner, predicted that the price would rise sharply in the short term before
settling. "It's the beginning of a new era for gold," he said.

Large forward sales of gold by producers last year, hedging against possible
price falls, have been blamed for accelerating the fall in the price to just
above $250 last summer. Jay Taylor, Placer's new president, said: "We believe
it is time to adjust our approach. We will continue to manage our existing
position, but we want to be clear about the need for industry to show
leadership and confidence in gold."

Analysts are waiting to see whether today's scheduled annual strategy
statement from Barrick, Canada's largest gold miner, shows any move towards
the anti-hedging camp.

The gold mining industry has become increasingly polarised into "hedgers" and
"anti-hedgers" since the sharp price rise at the end of September 1999 pushed
Ghanaian miner Ashanti to the brink of default.
The Financial Times, February 7, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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