Re: [CTRL] OEN 4/17/00

2000-04-18 Thread Alamaine

Has there ever been a movie made about the 'Holocaust' "sufferers" who were
sold out by their own people, namely the Kapos that ruled over the ghettos and
the camps?  The folks that were sort of intermediaries between the 'campers'
and the camp 'management'?  I can't seem to recall where I discovered this
complicity between those at the medium to higher echelons of the power
structure ... it may have been even in the print version of *Schindler's List*
or maybe in some books I read while in Germany between visits to some of the

Having been an incarceree at one point of my life (19 hours too long for a few
too many drinks before driving), I was able to observe the pecking order in the
local hoosegow.  There are the inmates and then above them are the inTImates,
named 'trustees' for their trustworthiness to the jailers.  Of course, who at
the bottom gives information to the 'trustees' who may in turn pass it on to
the jailers?  Wasn't there long enough to find out but I can understand how
that sort of thing might just happen -- the jailers' agents on the inside.
'Translators' after a fashion.

Seeing and being in the 'camps' gave me a sense of deja vu all over again.
Although the WW2 and my specific situations were generations and cultures
apart, there are comparisons and similarities between the two, foremost among
them the profound sense of isolation and helplessness when deprived of personal
liberty with the future uncertain, being at the mercy of the keepers AND the
inmates, as well as realising there's a whole 'nother set of rules (protocol)
(regarding even the simplest things like processes of elimination) on the

What seems ironic to me is all this finger-pointing at only the highest layers
of the hierarchy when even the ones who work both ends from the middle just
might have been the master link in the chain, which, if removed, would have
rendered the machine idle and useless.  But who would sacrifice that one
essential link for the sake of the many?  Who could suggest that a soul (or
cell) mate would be a judicial ('Juden'?) Judas?


 How dare you diminish the market value of Swindler's List.

 STEVEN SPIELBERG, the Oscar-winning director of the Holocaust movie
 Schindler's List, was one of the main financial backers of the American
 academic unsuccessfully sued by the disgraced historian, David Irving.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 4/17/00

2000-04-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin

The Holocaust Business

Spielberg Backed Trial Against Irving

How dare you diminish the market value of Swindler's List.

STEVEN SPIELBERG, the Oscar-winning director of the Holocaust movie
Schindler's List, was one of the main financial backers of the American
academic unsuccessfully sued by the disgraced historian, David Irving.

Mr Spielberg was one of a group of prominent American Jews who gave money to
Professor Deborah Lipstadt, the academic whom Mr Irving sued for libel after
she described him as a Holocaust denier. Professor Lipstadt, who was
vindicated in the courts last week, told Telegraph yesterday that she had
received financial backing from a number of different individuals and
organisations, but declined to go into details.

Speaking from her home in Atlanta, Georgia she said: "I was helped by a
variety of people but I am really not at liberty to say who did or didn't
back me. It's not for me to confirm or deny one way another. I just don't
feel comfortable giving the details. I will say there are people who gave $18
and people who gave more." However, one individual close to the case told The
Telegraph that naming Mr Spielberg as a financial backer "would not be far
off the mark".

According to a report in the Jewish Chronicle, contributions to Professor
Lipstadt's defence fund may have been funnelled through the Shoah Foundation,
an organisation set up by the film director to raise awareness of the
treatment of Jews during the Second World War. Penguin books and Professor
Lipstadt's own university both contributed to the huge costs of the case. But
a number of wealthy individuals agreed to help when they realised a defeat
for the American academic would be a gift for far-Right extremists across the

A ready cash flow was essential given the enormity of the task facing the
defence team. More than a dozen lawyers and experts gathered witnesses and
evidence from around the world. Professor Lipstadt's successful defence
depended upon painstaking research into Mr Irving's background, in particular
his links with neo-Nazi organisations in America and Germany.

Additional funding may still be needed because Mr Irving has announced that
he is to appeal against the Mr Justice Gray's ruling. Last week he claimed to
have received as much as $10,000 from one supporter in the United States. Mr
Irving who has been told he must meet the entire £2 million costs of the
case, said he would not be surprised if Mr Spielberg had provided financial

He said: "I know she has received funding from a number of sources. I will
say this whole thing has backfired on them. If they had agreed to pay £500 to
charity then the whole thing would have gone away. But they insisted on
making it such a big issue and spending so much money on it. I think they are
beginning to regret that because there has never been so much interest in me."

Since the release of Schindler's List in 1993, Mr Spielberg, who is himself
Jewish, has emerged as a key figure in the fight to promote awareness of
Hitler's Final Solution. Most of the profits of the film, which won seven
Oscars, have been poured into the Shoah Foundation which aims to create a
permanent record of the suffering of Hitler's victims. One of its principal
aims is to undermine revisionist propaganda of the kind espoused by Mr Irving
and his supporters.

Shoah is the Hebrew term for the Holocaust. The Foundation has produced a
documentary called The Last Days, that recorded the testimony of 50,000
survivors, from 57 countries and in 32 different languages. In a separate
development, Penguin Books is in talks with Mr Justice Gray to see if they
can publish his judgment in book form.

The company is already planning to reissue the book that sparked off the
original libel trial. It will have a new introduction giving a detailed
history of the case. Irving is being pursued by an American court over
allegations that he failed to repay several thousand pounds to the widow of
one of his supporters. Irma Kerstan sued Irving after he refused to repay
more than $10,000 (£6,300) lent to him by her late husband Max, a former
German soldier who supported the historian's work.
The London Telegraph, April 16, 2000

Spy vs. Spy

The Commies Get Kohl

Stasi files help undo bribe-taking politician.

RECORDS of the secret financing system run by Helmut Kohl during his time as
leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Union have gone missing, his
successor said yesterday.

Wolfgang Schäuble, who took over from Mr Kohl last year, said the files for
1994-96 were missing from the documents handed by Horst Weyrauch, the
Frankfurt accountant who ran the secret system, to auditors commissioned by
the current party leadership to investigate the affair.
Mr Kohl, who has admitted the existence of the secret accounts, is under
pressure from the party leadership