Re: [CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak De...

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/19/02 7:58:32 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill, what's your opinion?  What's this about?  I know very little about
this case.

Well Sam, I just think that once again the LAPD is looking for that high-profile arrest.

Look, they are NOW claiming that Blake shot her himself...don't you think that that would've been pretty obvious, if true, after the initial forensics came back?

Yes, Blake is/was an oddball...he has a temper I guess and  reputation...but never for violence! And these "special circumstances" that expose him to the death penalty..."lying in wait"...c'mon!! The D.A. ought to laugh that right out of the case provided they have ANY integrity. 

The victim here had too many people that she'd screwed...not necessarily literally...she had many people who simply HATED her...Blake is the fall guy, like OJ...and hopefully justice will triumph again out west, even though when it does it's ridiculed.


Re: [CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak De...

2002-04-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/19/02 6:01:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

> > I remember right after Blake's wife was killed, someone posted to this
>  > list that they thought he did it. I don't remember who, maybe someone
>  > with some free time can check the archives.
>  Could've been me...but if it was I was wrong.
>  I initially thought OJ was guilty too...

  Bill, what's your opinion?  What's this about?  I know very little about
this case.";>
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Re: [CTRL] OJ: The Sequel was Re: The Robert Blake thing... was... Amtrak De...

2002-04-19 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/19/02 2:17:15 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I remember right after Blake's wife was killed, someone posted to this
list that they thought he did it. I don't remember who, maybe someone
with some free time can check the archives.

Could've been me...but if it was I was wrong.
I initially thought OJ was guilty too...
