-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.sierratimes.com/archive/files/dec/03/arfli120301.htm

Oklahoma City Bombing-New Development Untouched By Media
By Kellie Donovan 12.03.01
(FLI Newswire) The American media seems to show little interest in
reporting a hair-raising new development in the Oklahoma City
bombing. However, recent developments in the case should not be
overlooked; an FBI agent filed a complaint last week saying that the
September 11th attacks could have been avoided if he had been allowed
to continue investigating certain prior terrorist attacks. Also,
inside a house in Kabul, Afghanistan, chemical formulas for making
explosives were found that referred to Oklahoma.
According to Judicial Watch, an active FBI agent filed a complaint
last week claiming that the September 11th attacks could have been
avoided if he had been allowed to continue pursuing certain terrorist
investigations, which were objected by his supervisors. It is
speculated that one of the 'certain investigations' was the Oklahoma
City bombing.
Charles Key, Oklahoma State Representative, commented in regards to
the FBI agent's complaint that this is one more revelation from a
credible source who has a lot to lose and nothing to gain.
There are many unanswered questions in the Oklahoma City bombing
investigation and the new developments add to the list of suspicions
that the Oklahoma bombing may have been a terrorist attack.
The New York Times on November 18th, reported that inside a house,
bearing Taliban and Defense Ministry insignia, notes were left behind
regarding chemical formulas for making explosives.
The Times said, "In an apparent reference to the Oklahoma City
bombing by Timothy McVeigh, one chemical formula at the defense
ministry is annotated in Bosnian, "Was used in Oklahoma."
This reference to Oklahoma builds up more suspicions in the Oklahoma
City bombing case. The media should be looking into this issue. As
mentioned, The New York Times did include the Oklahoma reference in a
small article regarding what was found in the Afghanistan house, but
the Times did not pursue the topic. As well, we have not found that
any other media outlet in the U.S. has reported this revelation.
The suspicion that a man across the world had a chemical formula
referring to Oklahoma has many scenarios.
One, this development could serve as more evidence that other bombs,
along with the truck bomb made from ammonium nitrate and fuel oil,
were used in the Oklahoma City bombing.
Many credible people believe that the truck bomb used in Oklahoma
could not have singly caused all the damage.
David Hoffman, author of Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of
Terror, said, " ...a non-directional, low velocity, fertilizer bomb
parked 20 to 30 feet from a modern, steel-reinforced super-structure
could not have caused the pattern and degree of damage it did."
Samuel Cohen, inventor of the neutron bomb, said, "The damage that
resulted could not have occurred from a van parked outside... What
did-in that building. was an inside job."
The government has left many unanswered questions in the Oklahoma
case regarding the bomb used and the media has seemed to follow the
Two, the government could have misinformed the public on what type of
material was used. From the beginning of the Oklahoma investigation,
the FBI told the public that a truck bomb filled with ammonium
nitrate caused the explosion. The chemical formula found in
Afghanistan could lead to different results.
Third, the man in Afghanistan could have been unreliable and not know
what he was talking about. However, this scenario is highly unlikely.
According to the New York Times, the chemical formulas left behind in
the house clearly showed that they knew how to make crude explosives.
Also, the man probably did not plan on abandoning his home and having
the U.S. find his notes. Many people in Kabul believed the Taliban
would win and the U.S. would not take over. A Pakistani soldier,
fighting for the Taliban, left a letter addressed to his aunt saying,
"Our enemy is not strong; we will win."
Given the possible scenarios, the media should not ignore possible
new evidence in the Oklahoma City bombing.
The New York Times began one article, "Trail of clues left behind by
Qaeda hints darkly at arms plan."
Trails of evidence were left behind, but the Times is missing or
ignoring the direction the trials are pointing towards.
Why isn't the media picking up on this information? The media
believes it is the fourth estate and yet it has either blatantly
accepting the government's explanation in the Oklahoma bombing and/or
is not doing a good job at investigative reporting.
Kellie Donovan is an intern at Accuracy in Media.
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