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                      *** 02-Mar-0* ***

Title: PETROLEUM: OPEC Meeting to Decide Fate of Soaring Prices

By Luis C˘rdova

CARACAS, Mar 2 (IPS) - Rising oil prices, currently nudging 30
dollars per barrel, convinced the world's three largest producers
Thursday to increase the supply on the international market in
order to keep prices in check, but anxiety about the future
direction of prices will go on for another 25 days, until OPEC
delegates meet in Vienna.

''There is consensus on the need to increase production this
year,'' commented Venezuela's Energy minister, AlĄ RodrĄguez, as
he left a crucial meeting with his colleagues Luis T‚llez, from
Mexico, and AlĄ Naimi, from Saudi Arabia. The three met Thursday
in London to assess the impacts of the current high oil prices.

But RodrĄguez, calling from London, confirmed on a Caracas radio
programme that the world must wait until the Organisation of
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meets before it will know how
much the crude supply will be expanded and when this additional
quantity will make its way to the market.

Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Venezuela are seen as the authors of the
OPEC agreement to restrict petroleum production, which led to the
ongoing price increases that began in March 1999 after the price
per barrel hit its lowest point in two decades.
[These three countries are American puppet states. Particularly
Oil puppet states. If the price of oil goes up, it is not an act
of god. They are gouging the most dependent users of petroleum
while we still have money in our pockets.

Bill Richardson, the US Secretary of energy, gave the ok to raise
oil prices. Free market my ass. When capitalists control vital
commodities, we are at the mercy of the merciless. --J2]
''The commitment we made was to stabilise the market,'' stated
RodrĄguez, who will now initiate a series of talks with other OPEC
ministers. Venezuela and Saudi Arabia are founding members of the
cartel, and worked with Mexico and Norway to push for last year's
price recovery.

On the agenda for the OPEC conference is the decision on whether
the member nations will moderate or deactivate their strategy of
oil production quotas, or extend the restrictions on the world
supply for a time longer.

When the strategy was decided last March, oil prices had suffered
an important decline throughout the previous year, which had
serious negative impacts on the economies of the petroleum
exporting nations.

West Texas Intermediate (WTI), a US-produced light crude, sold at
12.97 dollars per barrel during the first quarter of 1999, and in
the last two weeks reached 30 dollars. According to international
reports, it has surged beyond that watermark in recent days.

For the North Sea Brent oil company, the 11.24 dollar average
barrel price during 1999's first quarter reached more than 27
dollars this week. OPEC saw its oil prices jump from 11 dollars  a
year ago to 26.7 per barrel by Feb 27, according to Venezuela's
Energy Ministry.

The strong upswing in prices during the year made the price issue
a problem for oil importing countries. Several weeks ago, the
United States began to insist on the need for measures to moderate
petroleum prices.

The three countries that met Thursday in London, and other oil
producing nations such as Norway and Kuwait, were contacted by the
US Energy Secretary, Bill Richardson, and the parties backed the
general principle that they must work to ensure the stability of
the world oil market.

''The ministers agreed that an adequate supply of petroleum at
reasonable prices is of crucial importance,'' stated the official
communique emitted in Venezuela following the RodrĄguez-Richardson
meeting Tuesday in the British capital.

The Venezuelan official underscored the need to prevent market
volatility and repeatedly stated it would be necessary to
implement corrective measures if the prices go above 30 dollars
per barrel.

But he has also stated that this South American nation continues
to back OPEC decisions and awaits the organisation's decision to
be made March 27.

The Saudi minister Naimi agreed with the need to stabilise the
market, but only if it is done within the framework established by

The OPEC meeting later this month promises to be turbulent,
despite the flexible attitude of some of its members, such as
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Venezuela. Others, including Iran and
Algeria, have indicated they favour extending the quota strategy
until mid-year, saying they expect a seasonal drop in demand.

According to data evaluated by Venezuelan analysts, the current
world demand - 77 million barrels of oil per day - is met with a
supply of 75 million barrels, which leaves a deficit of two
million barrels daily.

Petroleum prices received additional stimulation from the
recovery of the world economy and the reduced oil reserves of the
planet's largest consumer, the United States, where inventories
are running dangerously low, warned Richardson.

RodrĄguez assured on several occasions that Venezuela is not
interested in jeopardising the economies of oil-importing nations,
which are the nation's customers. The government has also stressed
that abrupt oil price increases in the past have been followed by
sharp plunges, which have had devastating consequences for
Venezuela's economy.

The Venezuelan Energy minister emphasised Thursday that the
eventual increases in oil production would be ''progressive, not
instantaneous.'' (END/IPS/tra-so/lc/ag/ld/00)

Origin: Montevideo/PETROLEUM/

       [c] 2000, InterPress Third World News Agency (IPS)
                     All rights reserved

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