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Matt Drudge Cuts Radio Deal With ABC

Controversial Columnist's Show to Air Here

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 8, 1999; Page C01

Matt Drudge is coming to Washington--and plenty of other
cities--over the heated objections of ABC News President David

ABC Radio said yesterday that it has signed the Internet gossip
columnist to a syndication deal that will put him on the
network-owned stations in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Detroit, Atlanta and Washington, where Drudge will be
heard on WMAL-AM. Drudge, whose Sunday night show is already
carried on New York's WABC, is getting a bigger major-market
rollout than Rush Limbaugh.

According to network sources, Westin vociferously argued that
Drudge should not be part of ABC's corporate family. In meetings
with Pat Fili-Krushel, the president of ABC Television, and Lyn
Andrews, the head of ABC Radio Networks, Westin contended that
Drudge was reckless and that the radio division would be sorry if
it hired him. Fili-Krushel, in turn, raised the matter with
Steven Bornstein, president of ABC Inc.

The sources said Westin also noted that Drudge had been sued, a
reference to the $30 million defamation lawsuit filed by White
House aide Sidney Blumenthal after Drudge falsely accused him of
spousal abuse.

Drudge's signing was delayed more than a week by Westin's
lobbying campaign. But the radio unit, which operates separately
from the news division, prevailed.

Drudge brushed off the criticism by Westin, who declined to be
interviewed. "It doesn't bother me at all," he said from Los
Angeles, where he will often do the show. "Hopefully one day I
can become an apple of his eye like George Stephanopoulos and
anchor the news." The former White House aide recently filled in
as co-host of ABC's "World News Now" overnight news show.

Geoff Rich, executive vice president of ABC Radio Today
Entertainment, said Drudge is "a dynamite radio personality" and
that the show "wouldn't be on the air if it didn't have a great
breadth of support within ABC. I can't speak for the news

As for Drudge's controversial record, Rich noted that ABC long
carried famed gossip-meister Walter Winchell on Sunday nights. "I
expect him to be a responsible broadcaster," Rich said. "Are
there things talk show hosts have said that later turned out not
to be true? That's happened with every talk show out there--and
it's happened with every news organization out there."

Phil Boyce, program director at WABC, said he was "not too
worried" about Westin's opposition. "It's not a news show, it's a
talk show," Boyce said. "After he's done this for a while, our
friends at ABC News will come on board."

Drudge became a media star after he was the first to report on
Monica Lewinsky's affair with President Clinton. He now has an
America Online site, a Saturday show on Fox News Channel and the
online Drudge Report, which recorded more than 20 million hits in
the last month. Drudge remains a lightning rod; he was widely
criticized for reporting on a supermarket tabloid's efforts to
compare the DNA of an Arkansas youth with that of the president.
The tests came back negative after a spate of "Clinton love
child" stories.

Drudge often beats up on the establishment media and recently
criticized ABC for appearing to tout its ratings success in the
wake of the Littleton, Colo., high school shootings. But, he
said, "there's safety in working for different organizations.
They can always throw me back to the Internet if they have to."

ABC has given Drudge a six-figure deal and a share of future
advertising revenues. While he'll debut Sundays on about 20
stations, Rich said he hopes to eventually air the program five
days a week. In the latest ratings period, Drudge boosted his New
York audience by 80 percent and beat everyone else on both AM and
FM--a feat that Rich says is accomplished only by the likes of
Limbaugh and Laura Schlessinger.

John Butler, WMAL's program director, said the 10 p.m. show is a
natural for Washington. "I think he'll do well," Butler said.
"Drudge manages to find stories bubbling in all kinds of places
before they hit more mainstream places."

© Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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