-Caveat Lector-

Elia Kazan directed movie, "On The Waterfront." During House
Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings, Kazan named
names. Some see his subsequent movie, "On The Waterfront" as
Kazan's justification; hero in the movie "snitches" on corrupt
union leaders. Kazan to receive honorary Oscar, but there will
be protests based on Kazan's HUAC testimony, where he had
named names. Below is editorial on subject, from NYTimes.

      February 28, 1999

Hollywood Hypocrisy


     E lia Kazan is a wonderfully creative director who has contributed
     brilliantly to the arts of drama and film in the 20th century. He
     is also a man who in 1952 gave the House Committee on Un-American
     Activities the names of people he had known during his brief
     membership in the Communist Party 16 years before.

     And he is a man whose impending recognition by the Academy of
     Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is driving some people into orgies
     of self-righteous frenzy. Mr. Kazan, they say, is a scoundrel who
     should apologize for past misdeeds in politics before he receives
     an honorary Oscar for his lifetime achievement in the arts.

     Mr. Kazan, the protesters say, is an informer, and his offense is
     unforgivable. But is that what the protesters really mean? Is
     informing unforgivable in all circumstances? Had Mr. Kazan been a
     member of the German-American Bund naming underground Nazis, would
     they have condemned him just as much? Or a former Klansman who
     informed on his hooded brethren? Or a former Mafia thug who
     informed on the mob? Or a member of the Nixon White House who
     informed during Watergate? Or a whistleblower who disclosed
     government malfeasance?

     No, informing per se is not Mr. Kazan's offense. His true offense
     in the minds of the Hollywood protesters is that he informed on the
     Communist Party. Now, informing on former associates is not an easy
     choice, even though Mr. Kazan named no names not already known to
     the committee. Under the pressure of the time, Mr. Kazan searched
     his conscience and went one way. Others searched their consciences
     and went another way. Those who were not subject to the pressures
     of the time should not rush to judgment. "No one knows what he'd
     do," Lee Strasberg, the director of the Actors Studio, told Mr.
     Kazan, "until he's in it."

     Mr. Kazan's critics are those -- or latter-day admirers of those --
     who continued to defend Stalin after the Moscow trials, after the
     pact with Hitler, through the age of the gulag. One wonders at
     their presumption in condemning others for recognizing the horrors
     of Stalinism -- horrors that the entire world, including Russia,
     acknowledges today.

     The presumption is especially acute when it comes from those who,
     when they testified before HUAC, declined to declare their true
     beliefs. (Bartley Crum, one of their lawyers, urged that they
     declare them.) Instead they preserved secrecy, refused to argue
     their beliefs and posed as champions of a Bill of Rights that a
     Stalinist regime would instantly have abolished. If the Academy's
     occasion calls for apologies, let Mr. Kazan's denouncers apologize
     for the aid and comfort they gave to Stalinism.

     Those were horrid times. Little has disgraced Congress more than
     the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Its inquiry into
     Communism in Hollywood was among the most indefensible, scandalous
     and cruel episodes in the entire history of legislative
     investigations. The idea that the presence of a few Stalinists and
     fellow-travelers in the film industry was a grave threat to the
     republic rates high in the annals of Congressional asininity.
     Collaboration with these Congressional clowns had its elements of
     disgust and shame, as Mr. Kazan himself admits in his memoir.

     But was it worse than collaboration with the Communist Party -- the
     party that for years, as Eleanor Roosevelt wrote in 1945, "taught
     the philosophy of the lie."

     "They taught that allegiance to the party and acceptance of orders
     from party heads, whose interests were not just those of the United
     States, were paramount" she said. "Because I have experienced the
     deception of the American Communists, I will not trust them."

     These were indeed horrid years -- horrid for HUAC's unhappy
     targets, horrid for HUAC's unhappy collaborators. In 1970 Dalton
     Trumbo, a major target, spoke interesting words to the
     Screenwriters Guild.

     "Caught in a situation that had passed beyond the control of mere
     individuals," he said, "each person reacted as his nature, his
     needs, his convictions and his particular circumstances compelled
     him to. There was bad faith and good, honesty and dishonesty,
     courage and cowardice, selflessness and opportunism, wisdom and
     stupidity, good and bad on both sides."

     Mr. Trumbo concluded: "When you who are in your 40's or younger
     look back with curiosity on that dark time, as I think occasionally
     you should, it will do no good to search for villains or heroes or
     saints or devils because there were none; there were only victims."

     Arthur Schlesinger Jr., the historian, has twice won the Pulitzer


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