This "seems" to be a VERY good page for those
intrested in Organics, pesticides, GM foods ...
Any man can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a man power.

Title: Why

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) is a nonprofit citizen-based NGO that advocates adoption of ecologically sound practices in place of pesticide use. PANNA works with over 90 affiliated organizations in Canada, Mexico and the U.S., and more than 400 PAN partner groups around the world, to promote sustainable agriculture, food security and social justice, and demand that development agencies and governments redirect support from pesticides to safe alternatives.

"Worst First". PDF format There is a raging national debate over whether farmers can survive without currently registered products.It is love of money against health again. It is about High-Risk Insecticide Uses,Childrens's Foods and Safer Alternatives. Don't panic buy organic.Industry Influence Prevents Government From Protecting Public Health

*Appendix I. California Certified Organic Farmers, Inc. Special Production in Response to the Request by the U.S. Dept. of agriculture for comments to the National Organic Program Proposed Rule, 1998.* California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF). Reiterates CCOF's prohibition of the use of genetically engineered organisms and their products in any form or at any stage in organic production, processing or handling. Includes articles regarding ethical, moral, spiritual, scientific and regulatory reasons for prohibiting genetically engineered organisms in all organic production. 156 pp. For ordering information, contact California Certified Organic Farmers, 1115 Mission St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060; phone (408) 423-2263; fax (408) 423-4528.

Press here and go to CCOFThe Califorina Certified Organic Farmers Homepage . CCOF now certifies processors and handlers nationwide.

Frontline-Fooling with Nature/Many scientists believe that wildlife are like canaries in a coal mine: they are indicators of when a health threat is near. Manmade chemicals have caused serious damage in wildlife populations. Therefore the question is - could humans be next?

NEWS OF FLORIDA LAWSUIT CHARGING MEDIA COVERUP OF SUSPECTED DAIRY DANGERPress to hear 4-part series of reportsat the heart of this dipute (filed as Exhibit "K" in Wilson/Akre v New World Communications of Tampa Fox-TV.

Pest sprays take gloss off fruit and veg

The Quality of Our Nation's WaterState Fact Sheets check out your state .

Use Your Voice DEMAND a Choice homepage asking for labelling of all genetically modified foods Remember you do not have to panic you can still buy organic as the USDA saves the day please read FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES IN REVISED PROPOSED RULE ON ORGANIC STANDARDS

our unwanted guest" pesticides!!!!!! PESTICIDES, ORGANIC & PEACOCK PAGE unwanted drifting of pesticides to non-targeted areas.This includes people wanting to be certified as organic and people wanting to be free of pesticides.

.:An index of the day's issues: HOST: RICHARD HARRIS HOUR ONE: ORGANIC FOOD STANDARDS GUESTS: Tom O'Brien Associate Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC Joan Gussow Member National Organic Standards Board Thank you Joan it is not going to be easy. Professor Emeritus, Nutrition and Education Teacher's College Columbia University New York, New York Christine Bruhn Director, Center for Consumer Research University of California Davis, California Earlier this month, in response to an unprecedented deluge of letters, faxes and e-mails, the Department of Agriculture announced that it would revise its proposed rules on what foods can be labelled organic. In this hour, we'll take a look at the science and politics behind organic foods.

USDA AMS National Organic Program Proposed Rule Search for Posted CommentsI always check out what people have to say about the fees.What this new law is going to cost in fees. that is my question? Pay Pay Pay there will be so many paper pushers that this law forces growers to pay off beside the USDA that small growers like me are going to feel it. . . I don't know how long the sight will be up but it is good reading. while it lasts. .

A Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Welcome to The Save Organic Foundation We want the USDA to rewrite its Proposed Rule to be truthful and consistent with the practices that consumers and farmers have understood as "Organic" for the last 50 years.


Asbury Park Press 3/06/98Opposition mushrooms to USDA's proposed organic food rules

Which Way, L.A.?l To play this .ra file you will need the RealAudio Player.From the Farmer's Market to the supermarket, organic food is going big time. But — what is organic food and what isn't? New regulations are in the works as Agribusiness gets into the act. Will that mean better produce for everyone — or the end of small farmers who first embraced organic farming?---5 Min . till showtime

WHAT IS THE PURE FOOD CAMPAIGNorganization dedicated to building a healthy, safe, and sustainable system of food production and consumption in the US and the worl

STOP genetic engineering of our food


Genetic Engineering and Its DangersESSAYS ON GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOOD-Thanks to the NATIONAL ORGANIC STANDARDS BOARD --- FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS -Organic farmers are not allowed to use Genetic Engineered stuff so look for the certified organic label and don't panic buy organic.


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