"Archie Bunker" posted:
> PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK: Not for Booze, Not for Drugs
> Education, Not Prohibition, Is the Answer
> Kevin Kosar , a Ph.D. candidate in politics at New York University, writes
> frequently for TomPaine.com.
> In 1873, the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) arose from a wave of
> female uprisings in America's hamlets and small towns and began its crusade
> against alcohol.

And within two years, every pretended 'argument' and fallacy
used by these wretched hags and fools to justify their "my
shit don't stink" Puritan (a)moral crusade was soundly
debunked. Not only were the absurdities of their (a)moral
crusade exposed, so were the countless frauds, usurpations,
robberies and murders of every *bound-to-fail* prohibition
crusade which followed. I say AMORAL because through
abandoning genuine moral scruples in favor of moral
pretensions, they reveal that they have no morality.

And if all these so-called 'christians', who profess to
believe in the concept of "original sin" (vice), and that
all mankind are "sinners" (have vices) and who need to be
"saved" [by the (Sun) of God] -- including themselves --
who among them is "sinless" [has no need to be "saved"]?
Who among them can legitimately "cast the first stone"?

None of these individual has, or has ever had, the
legitimate power and 'right' to define and punish their
neighbors' vices -- and to defraud, kidnap, loot, and
perhaps even kill their neighbor in exercising that
pretended 'right' -- while at the same time claiming
exemption from punishment of their own vices.
["Every human being has his or her vices. Nearly
all men have a great many. And they are of all
kinds; physiological, mental, emotional; religious,
social, commercial, industrial, economical, etc.,"]
Avarice, power, greed are the blackest of all vices,
in that they've caused immeasurably more crimes
and sufferings than all the drunkenness, highs, and
paid-for organisms throughout history combined;
these three vices have been at the root of the
greatest of all crimes: WAR.

And how could a group of individuals legitimately
possess any such 'right' that none of them possessed as
*individuals*? Since they could not contribute, or delegate,
to the group any (pretended) 'right' which they did not
themselves possess, vice Prohibition, in all it's form and
color, has *always* been an illegitimate usurpation -- a
massive terrocratic CRIME SPREE masquerading around
as "justice" (so-called). It's a crime spree to the extent
that, in enforcing vice prohibition, those who've committed
no crime against another's person or possessions but, at
most, may have committed a "prohibited" 'vice' against
themselves, (or helped someone commit a "prohibited" 'vice'
against themselves), often become victims of *real* crimes
and injustices carried on in the name of "morality": they're
defrauded (via colorable 'authority'), forcibly detained
(forced to sign a summons) or kidnapped (arrested, sometimes
imprisoned) and held for ransom (bail), robbed (fines, fees,
"evidence", etc., are confiscated), and perhaps even killed
(murdered), in the course of defending oneself.

Since all this force and fraud perpetrated against all these
individuals, who've committed no crime against another's
person or possessions but, at most, may have committed a
"prohibited" 'vice' against themselves, (or helped someone
commit a "prohibited" 'vice' against themselves), has always
been illigitimate, these acts are truly CRIMINAL.

        "Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it.
Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges,
police, prisons and gendarmes at the service of the
plunderers, and treats the victim -- when he defends
himself -- as a criminal." -- Frederic Bastiat, The Law

        "If those persons, who fancy themselves gifted with both
the power and the right to define and punish other men's
vices, would but turn their thoughts inwardly, they would
probably find that they have a great work to do at home; and
that, when that shall have been completed, they will be
little disposed to do more towards correcting the vices of
others, than simply to give to others the results of their
experience and observation. In this sphere their labors may
possibly be useful; but, in the sphere of infallibility and
coercion, they will probably, for well-known reasons, meet
with even less success in the future than such men have met
with in the past." -- Lysander Spooner, Vices Are Not Crimes
<http://www.geocities.com/golwis/vices.html> (1875)

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