-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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Anti-government activist faces trial for fraud, threats

ASHEVILLE, N.C., March 20 - An anti-government activist who
employed the tactics of the Montana Freemen by allegedly producing
phony checks and issuing the verdicts of a self-created "court" against
IRS agents and federal judges could face one of those judges this

PETER KAY STERN, a retired engineer and chief justice of a self-
described "common-law" court, was scheduled to stand trial Monday
before District Judge Lacy H. Thornburg on charges that include
threats to kidnap two of Thornburg's judicial colleagues. Stern has
been held without bond since his arrest in September. A federal
magistrate ruled there was "evidence of threats and weaponry which
could be used to kill law enforcement."

A leader in North Carolina's so-called patriot movement, Stern was
charged with bank fraud, conspiring to defraud the government,
attempting to interfere with administration of internal revenue laws,
threatening to kidnap federal judges, and using the mail to
communicate threats.

Stern's group, Our One Supreme Court, attracted notoriety for
sending official-looking summonses to public officials and ordering
them to appear as defendants. Town managers, IRS agents and
federal prosecutors were ordered to pay multi-million-dollar fines.

In his common-law court, Stern and other "justices" denied the
authority of laws passed by Congress or state legislatures, saying his
group's judgments were based solely on the U.S. Constitution. They
claimed to administer binding judgments that were a valid way to
escape paying taxes and other debts.

The government says Stern's activities began seven months after the
Internal Revenue Service determined he owed $56,000 in back taxes
and a month after attending a seminar run by the Montana Freemen.

Prosecutors said he was among seminar participants who learned
how to produce phony checks and carry out financial schemes such
as filing bogus liens against enemies. Beginning in December 1995,
Stern allegedly issued at least seven worthless checks. In each case,
he or an associate demanded a refund from banks, the IRS or
mortgage companies for an amount over the debt owed, according to
the indictment.

Stern allegedly tried to intimidate IRS agents by demanding they pay a
$1 million penalty. In January 1996, he sent letters threatening to
kidnap federal judges Graham C. Mullen and Richard L. Voorhees,
the indictment said. He allegedly used his title as the chief justice of
the "court" to sign an order demanding the release from detention of a
fellow tax protester.

Stern disputes the government's constitutional power to prosecute
him. He has filed challenges and appeals claiming "defects, illegalities
(and) misconduct of prosecution."
-end article-

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"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial
by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
-Thomas Jefferson
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