-Caveat Lector-

Talk Show Wars Spin-Doctoring Backfires

Pigdog Journal (www.pigdog.org)

Jabber Streams

1999-07-08 01:07:17

By El Snatcher

Like an old-fashioned minister of information, Art Bell has tried to
control the propaganda coming from his opponents, and failed.
Apparently unaware of the famous aphorism that the Net routes around
censorship, he has tried persuasion and cajoling to shut down opposing
viewpoints on web sites and discussion forums. But it hasn't worked.

The most recent casualty of Minister Art has been the infamous "Shadie
Pines" (sic) web site (www.shadie-pines.com), maintained by Joe Oddo.
Surfers became aware that Oddo's site was defunct when they tried to
access it yesterday afternoon and received an "access denied" error
message. Later in the evening the entire site was replaced by a single
page with the cryptic message "Peace" in large black letters.


Other Pigdog articles on the Talk Show Wars:



                 .^....^.  "I don't like the feel of
                 ! .\/. !  [the sun] on my skin."
                 (. oo .)            --Christopher Walken

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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