-Caveat Lector-

Place Your Doomsday Bets

British Bookies Will Take Your Gloomy Wager World War: 500-To-1
Global Mass Suicide: 100 Million-to-1

CBS Nearly 450 years after the seer Nostradamus is said to have predicted
“terror descending on the world” this month, the British -- never shy to
place a bet -- are lining up to get a piece of the action, reports CBS News
Correspondent Tom Rivers.

It was way back in 1555 that the French mystic predicted we’d have a rough
ride in the seventh month of 1999.

Graham Sharpe, from Britain’s William Hill bookmaking chain, thought he had
seen it all. But because of the unique nature of the “end of world” wager,
he’s letting the customers choose their own odds. “I’m pretty confident
that we won’t have to pay out if they’re correct,” says Sharpe.

Among the choose-your-own odds are a world war at 500-to-1 and aliens
taking over the world at 5,000-to-1. The rank outsider is global mass
suicide at 100 million-to-1.

Sharpe acknowledges that most of the bets are done for a laugh. The
tongue-in-cheek wagers are placed to obtain an “end of the world” betting
slip to be framed for posterity. But, he adds, “Some are serious; their
26-page letters supporting their theories means they’ve thought about it
long and hard.” In fact, “some will clearly be unhappy if the world doesn’t

At least Matthew Dumbrell has figured out a way to have his cake and eat it
too. If the world ends, the Londoner plans to collect on his
one-million-to-one bet because as Sharpe says, Dumbrell “believes that even
bookmakers will go to heaven and I’m quite happy to meet them there!”

So, who knows? Sharpe could well become the manager of the first celestial
betting shop.

But for now, the bookmaker remains philosophical. “As long as they’re 18
years old and in possession of their faculties, it’s entirely up to them.
We don’t force them to come to the betting shops and give us their money.
But if they choose to do that, we’re not going to turn them away.”

Odds are, we haven’t seen the last bet yet.
Written by Tom Rivers
©1999, CBS Worldwide Inc., All Rights Reserved.


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