-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Monday February 19 12:01 AM ET
Poll Names America's Best Presidents

By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Americans mentioned Ronald Reagan (news - web sites), John
F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln most often when asked in a poll whom they
regarded as the greatest president of the United States.

Those three former presidents were followed by Bill Clinton, Franklin
Roosevelt, Harry Truman, George Washington and Jimmy Carter, grouped together
slightly behind the top three in the Gallup Poll. Others mentioned were
George H.W. Bush, father of the current president, Theodore Roosevelt,
Richard Nixon and Dwight Eisenhower. Others were mentioned by a combined 5

Reagan was mentioned by 18 percent, Kennedy by 16 percent and Lincoln by 14
percent in the poll of 529 adults taken Feb. 9-11. The poll had an error
margin of 5 percentage points.

A year ago, Kennedy and Lincoln were mentioned most often, and Reagan and
Franklin Roosevelt were slightly behind them. Two years ago, Lincoln was
first, and Reagan, Kennedy, Clinton and Washington were grouped right behind

When people were asked whether they would prefer to see George Washington or
Abraham Lincoln as president today, six in 10 said Lincoln and just under
three in 10 said Washington.

Gallup released the poll data for President's Day, which is celebrated
Monday. The holiday was originally celebrated on Feb. 22 each year on the
birthday of Washington, the nation's first president.

But, in 1968, Congress decided to make it a three-day weekend, setting the
holiday marking the first president's birthday as the third Monday in

In 1971 President Nixon issued a proclamation declaring the holiday
Presidents Day in order to also honor Abraham Lincoln, who was born Feb. 12.

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