-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/01/99) -- On March  25,  1999, this news service posted
to Internet the following prediction:

  Phase 2 of the Kosovo *causa belli* may be a  staged  event
  of Serb  troops  supposedly  crossing  over into Macedonia.
  Such a staged event would "excuse" NATO troops, now  massed
  in Macedonia, for invading Kosovo. [1]

*Causa belli* means "pretext for war."  The  CNNS  prediction  of
March 25, 1999, was repeated by this news service in a subsequent
press release, dated March 29, 1999:

  Significantly,  the  NYTimes  article  which  is shocked --
  shocked!  -- by the  danger  of dishonest news outlets also
  discloses that the Serbs fear NATO troops in Macedonia will
  soon provoke border incidents  as  pretext  for  a  planned
  invasion by NATO ground troops. [2]

  NYTimes quotes a Serb news anchor, as follows:

    "Our  sources  report,"  the  anchor said in the same
    evening news broadcast,  "that  in  addition to 2,400
    NATO soldiers  stationed  in  Macedonia,  1,800  U.S.
    soldiers  have just arrived.  NATO plans to use these
    forces  to  provoke  border  incidents  and  stage an
    alleged Yugoslav attack on Macedonia, which would  be
    used as a pretext for sending NATO ground forces into
    Yugoslavia." [3]

Today, April 1, 1999 (of all days, "April  Fools  Day"),  reports
are  extensive  on the unfortunate capture of three U.S. soldiers
serving under the auspices of an offensive NATO force.

Please pause a moment, in  the  flurry  of news from the troubled
Yugoslav region, to make note of how predictably the scenario has

On March 29, 1999,  this  news  service  published  a  report  by
Sherman  H.  Skolnick  of the Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the
Courts, a highly-regarded public interest research group, warning
that U.S.  soldiers  operating  under  NATO  command  may  not be
protected by the Geneva Convention:

  Of more immediate concern  is  the  fact  that  the  Geneva
  Convention,  ratified during the 1920s, does not apparently
  cover  military  personnel  operating under the auspices of
  the *ex post facto* NATO.  Since NATO did not exist  during
  the  1920s,  pilots  shot  down  over Yugoslavia may not be
  sheltered  by  the Geneva Convention.  In such a case, they
  could  be  subject  to  torture and execution by the Serbs.

Today, April 1, 1999  ("April  Fools Day"), reports have appeared
via mainstream USA news outlets loudly decrying  the  Serbs  lest
they violate supposedly operant Geneva Convention protections.

The  fact that the predicted scenario is unfolding on April Fools
Day has a double significance:   (1)  it muddies the issue:  this
report by CNNS is not to be taken in any way, shape  or  form  as
any  sort  of  April Fools joke.  The previous CNNS reports which
have predicted the unfolding scenario are all archived and can be
proven to have appeared  days  before  current events.  (2) it is
symbolic, in a major way, that the predicted NATO *causa  belli*,
prelude  to  insertion  of  NATO  ground  troops into Yugoslavia,
enters the public consciousness on this day, April 1, 1999.

It is awkward for an American news service, which strongly wishes
for  our  young  soldiers  to   be   safe,  to  report  on  these
circumstances.  Nonetheless, it must be pointed out that  we  are
being  lied  to  by  our  government and their lies are aided and
abetted by the mainstream  U.S.  mass  media.   Does the cause of
Truth supersede national boundaries? Let's hope so.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "Kosovo Drugs  Target  'Christian Infidels.'" CNNS, 03/25/99.
Archived at http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cnns.html
[2]  "Guess  Next   Pretext,"   CNNS,   3/29/99.    Archived   at
[3] "Serbia Uses TV to  Attack  NATO  Policy," by New York Times.
Published  at  San  Jose Mercury News web site, 3/28/99.  Qtd. in
"Guess   Next    Pretext."     CNNS,    3/29/99.    Archived   at
[4] "White House Sends 'Melissa Virus?'" CNNS, 3/29/99.  Archived
at http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cnns.html

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