-Caveat Lector-

President Jackass


Stupid George loses more votes

by John Seeley
February 2 - 8, 2001

It's becoming clear just how solidly George W. Bush lost the  election in
Florida. The media's ongoing examination of Florida ballots last week
increased Al Gore's edge in the popular vote.
Among the findings:
The Chicago Tribune and its Florida newspapers studied more than 15,000
ballots that elections officials in 15 small counties had said lacked a
presidential pick. The paper easily determined the voters' choice on 1,700
of the ballots. The ballots would have given Gore a net gain of 366
votes  wiping out the 154-vote Bush margin established by the Florida
Supreme Court, and canceling two-thirds of the statewide 537-vote Bush
margin certified by Katherine Harris and finally sustained by the 5-4
Supreme Court decision.
The Palm Beach Post examined thousands of dimpled ballots from Palm Beach
County. The ballots had been set aside by the canvassing board for court
review. By the newspaper's count, Gore would have picked up 682
votes.  This Democratic dividend would have eliminated Bush's cushion under
the standard of either court's calculation.
The Palm Beach Post also found that Bush would have received six more votes
if 10,600 rejected punch-card ballots had been tallied in Miami-Dade
County. The Democrats in December had expected to uncover hundreds of Gore
ballots, but found fewer than 500 discernible votes.
The Miami Herald reported the findings of a U.C. Irvine professor who
concluded that about 1,700 Miami-Dade ballots had been invalidated because
of misalignment between card and ballot holder. If properly aligned, these
cards would have given Gore 316 more votes than Bush, Irvine political
scientist Anthony Salvanto said.
As data comes in from an array of jurisdictions using different voting
machinery and varying ballot formats, some tentative conclusions can be
drawn about the causes of bad ballots. To hardly anyone's surprise,
spreading presidential candidates' names across two pages tended to confuse
voters, leading some to cancel out their actual preference with a vote for
a minor-party candidate on the second page. In Duval County, where voters
were wrongly advised in sample ballots to "vote on every page," more than
20,000 "overvotes" were recorded.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, the punch-card system  hanging chads and
all  was not the worst offender in disenfranchising Floridians. The
proportion of void ballots was even higher in counties using optical
scanners without reading machines at the precinct, research by the Orlando
Sentinel shows. Tabulating machines were generally unable to discern votes
cast by pen or marker (instead of the prescribed pencils) and often counted
a mark the voter had made every effort to erase.
And some literal-minded voters mistakenly thought the phrase "write-in
candidate" was an order to spell out their candidate's name. The scanners
rejected such ballots as overvotes.
The bottom line on the state's count is still to be revealed.  Under the
sponsorship of a broad consortium of media  including CNN, the Washington
Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles
Times/Tribune Publishing and the Associated Press  the National Opinion
Research Center continues to inspect all 180,000 rejected Florida ballots.
The Miami Herald expects to complete its separate examination of the
state's "undervotes" later this month.
Results to date tend to sustain the claim of Democratic National Committee
chair Joe Andrew that "If all the votes [are] counted, Al Gore wins the
Though the state Republican Party has had observers on hand for the
media-sponsored counts, GOP officials have taken issue with the results.
"To somehow suggest that a ballot that is dimpled provides us some sort of
[look] into a voter's mind is ridiculous," GOP spokesman Ken Lisaius told
the Palm Beach Post. The Rehnquist-Scalia-Thomas opinion, he added, points
out that voters must follow directions.
Another critic of the process is a Democrat who has been in the eye of the
electoral storm since the first Tuesday in November  Palm Beach Supervisor
of Elections Theresa Le Pore. "You got different people looking at
different criteria there," Le Pore told the Post. "Some are not even
looking at the cards. They're yawning, talking on cell phones. I think it's
unfair to put out any numbers that are inaccurate."
But Le Pore herself has now come under attack from an unexpected quarter,
her predecessor in the office, Jackie Winchester. "Just about every
decision she made favored Bush," said Winchester, a fervent Gore supporter.
If Le Pore had followed the office's previously established recount
guidelines, she suggested, Republican count observers would have had fewer
chances to make the frivolous challenges that overwhelmed the canvassing
board and stopped it from meeting the court-imposed November 26 deadline to
complete the count. Instead of focusing on apparent undervotes and
overvotes, as the guidelines prescribed, "Theresa had the counters going
over every ballot," Winchester told the Post. "They wasted so much time."
Le Pore said she decided to go beyond the written instructions because
"This was an abnormal situation."
Despite all the evidence, there is no sign Stupid George plans to yield to
the public will and move out of the White House anytime soon.

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