Re: [CTRL] "Profound historical illiteracy"

2000-02-26 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The more I learn about George Washington, the more fascinated I become with
him. He was an amazing complex, powerful man, and we are blessed that he was
willing to become the first president under the Constitution. Too many
others among the Founding Fathers might have become Napoleons, concentrating
power in their own persons and creating presidential dynasties. Washington
set the tone for the new nation, and in doing so ensured that his legacy
would last for generation on generation. He really was a great man. Those
who spurn him and his story because he was "just a dead white man" do so to
their own loss, and at their own peril. Those who simply ignore or forget
him are to be pitied.

Washington, Jefferson, the Adamses, Paine, Henry, Franklin, Madison,
Monroe...all of the Founders of this nation were very special people. Human,
yes; flawed, of course--but nonetheless able to seize a critical moment in
history and create an entirely new phenomenon: a nation whose government is
based not on personal rule by a monarch (whether crowned or not), but on a
framework of laws binding everyone together. Even more importantly, they
built into that framework of laws the mechanism for complete revolutionary
change without the need for armed civil conflict. The American model has
been copied many times in the last two centuries, but whenever we think of
George Washington and his companions, we need to remind ourselves that they
were the first, they were the true revolutionary pioneers.

- Original Message -
From: Bill Richer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 11:05 AM
Subject: [CTRL] "Profound historical illiteracy"

> This is the birthday of our first and greatest president, George
> Washington. Sadly, the current generation of Americans has all but
> forgotten the courage, faith and sacrifice of this mighty champion of
> freedom.


Re: [CTRL] "Profound historical illiteracy"

2000-02-23 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

Subject: PRAC Reality
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 17:36:35 -0800
From: Frog Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Are Russians still obligated to the Communist Party?  The Soviet Union
was dissolved by the decree of a president.  In America, the
Constitution was suspended by the decree of a president.  The U.S.
Congress adjourned sine die.  It never reconvened under the
Constitution.  Do Americans pretend to know and understand what happened
in Russia, when they can't recognize the same thing at home?  I think

People who claim to support the original American government, the nation
that was born of freed British colonies, would today, if they suddenly
found themselves in Russia, be looking for direction from their
Communist Party commissars, not aware that the Soviet Union is no more.
Today these Americans proudly claim their membership in the new beast
created by Abraham Lincoln, which has no lawful origin or current
existence in law (except under the law of military conquest, the defacto
supreme law of the world).  Yet they claim to support the old
Constitution that hasn't been in lawful effect since 1861 due to the
fact that no one uses it anymore.  Offer them an election to participate
in, and they'll vote, no matter whether they are legitimate members of
the group holding the election or not.

Russians are not pretending that the Soviet Union still exists.  Yet
Americans are pretending that the United States of America, founded July
4, 1776, still exists. The Russians realize that governments can come
and go, yet Americans can't seem to recognize that same fact.  Their
national government dissolved on March 27, 1861, when the quorum to
conduct business under the Constitution was lost. The only votes
Congress could lawfully take, under parliamentary law, were those to set
the time to re-convene, take a vote to get a quorem, and vote to adjourn
and set a date, time, and place to re-convene at a later time. Instead,
Congress abandoned the House and Senate without setting a date to
reconvene. Under the parliamentary law of Congress, when this happened
Congress became sine die (pronounced see-na dee-a), literally,`without
day,' An adjournment sine die -- that is, without day, -- closes the
session, and if there is no provision for convening the assembly again,
of course the adjournment dissolves the assembly. Thus, when Congress
adjourned sine die it ceased to exist as a lawful deliberative body. The
lawful, constitutional power who could declare war, was no longer
lawful, or in session. Congress did not reconvene until days later when
it was re-convened under the military authority of the
Commander-in-Chief by Executive Order, and sat unlawfully under the
direct pleasure of A. Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief of the military. To
this very day, Congress still exists by the military authority of the
Commander-in-Chief, and not as a lawful Constitutional body.  To those
who say that Lincoln had no lawful authority to suspend the
constitution, and that therefore it is not suspended, I agree.  But find
some people to agree with us! You can't!  You can get almost anyone to
claim membership in the "Union" created by Lincoln, which is NOT the
same government that existed on March 26, 1861.  Offer them membership
in the Soviet Union today, and they might even accept!

What does this mean to us today?

It means you have to know who you are, without having to have someone
else tell you!  You have to know if you have any allegiance, and to
what, instead of believing your allegiance lies wherever you've been
trained to say it does.  True Americans, of the nation of 1776, are like
free Chechens today - realizing that the Soviet Union is dead, and that
they have no lawful government but that which they institute for
themselves.  They fight their oppressors, who are backed by Lincoln's

True communists who want paid jobs being Communists have had to look
elsewhere than to Russia.  True Americans who want paid jobs supporting
the old Constitution of 1789 have to look elsewhere than the corporate
creations of Lincoln's Beast of 1861.

Some people believe that anyone called "president" can do anything.  Are
you one of those?

Yeltsin's Address Dismissing the Supreme Soviet and Congress of Peoples'
   (National Television Address)


  Fellow citizens. I am addressing you at one of the most complex and
critical moments on the eve of events of extraordinary importance.

  In recent months Russia has been experiencing a profound crisis of
its state structure. All government institutions
  and political leaders have been dragged into a fruitless, senseless
and destructive struggle. A direct consequence
  of this is the decline of the authority of state power as a whole.
I am sure that all the ci

[CTRL] "Profound historical illiteracy"

2000-02-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

"Profound historical illiteracy"

By Chuck Baldwin

February 22, 2000

This is the birthday of our first and greatest president, George
Washington. Sadly, the current generation of Americans has all but
forgotten the courage, faith and sacrifice of this mighty champion of

This unfortunate fact was noted yesterday in the Washington Times. A recent
survey, "Losing America’s Memory, Historical Illiteracy in the 21st
Century," was released disclosing the miserable condition of history
knowledge among our nation’s college seniors. Not just students but
teachers as well are historical ignoramuses.

The survey of students at the top 55 colleges and universities in the
country reveals that not a single one requires a course in American history
for graduation – not a single one! College seniors could not identify
George Washington as the American general at the battle of Yorktown, Valley
Forge, words from the Gettysburg Address or even basic principles from the
U.S. Constitution.

Worse still is the fact that when Washington and the other heroes of
American history are mentioned it is usually done with derision. Just
recently, a New Orleans school removed Washington’s name because it was
determined to be politically incorrect. Hardly anywhere do students learn
to respect and revere the memories of these great men.

James Rees, director of Mount Vernon, says visitors to the historic site
know "next to nothing about the real George Washington." He laments, "Our
own studies have determined that history is being shortchanged in
elementary schools, where even our greatest hero, George Washington,
receives so little time and attention."

Next to the Christian gospel, the story of America is the greatest story
ever told! The United States of America defies the tyrannical redundancy of
world history. No nation like America was ever conceived, much less brought
to full term. This country invokes the envy of the world, the wrath of the
abyss and the favor of heaven.

Throughout the life of this republic, enemies have sought to find a way to
destroy us. More sagacious communist leaders always knew that the best way
to bury us was to separate us from our past. The strength of this nation
rests with our morality, our faith and our patriotism. Much of that depends
upon our understanding of and appreciation for our own history. Destroy our
past and we have no future.

How long can an ignorant, thankless, self-indulgent nation retain its
liberty and independence? Not long. We may have already crossed the point
of no return. If the trend continues, our posterity will rise up to curse
our memory when they realize the depth of depravity that would allow this
land of faith and freedom to shrivel and die.

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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