Re: [CTRL] "Protocols" Forgery Argument Is Flawed

2003-12-14 Thread Zuukie
Thank you very much - Richard Levy - for bringing Benjamin W. Segel's work to 
our attention.
Now I have two basic questions:
Are there any comparative studies of the different language 
editions of the "Protocols"? (Admittedly I can't force myself to read it; I had 
much less problems with reading Maurice Joly's Discourse)
Does anyone know of a study of Sergei A. Nilus the man and his 
book: The Great in the Small, or the Advent of the Antichrist and the 
Approaching Rule of the Devil on Earth, that in its second edition (1905) 
contained the "Protocols"? Or generally a study of this important religious myth 
(?Revelation of John, Apocalypse?) one occasionally finds in fiction. A 
comparative historical study of this myth and its use in fiction? Nothing I read 
so far mentioned the complete title of Nilus's book.
The Anti-National 
Congress  The Congress lasted 
for ten days during August 1917[41]. There is a reference to it in 
Gottfried zur Beek's notorious Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion (known in its 
English translation as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion).  But this was 
a congress of Theosophists and "progressives." 
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[CTRL] "Protocols" Forgery Argument Is Flawed

2003-12-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Protocols Forgery Argument is Flawed
Henry Makow Ph.D.

Next to the Bible The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is perhaps the mostly widely read book in the world. 

Published in Russia in 1903, it purports to be the leaked master plan for "Jewish world domination." It is the kind of thing that would be studied at secret workshops of an occult society. 

In different ways, both Zionists and Nazis have made it synonymous with virulent anti Semitism and genocide. 

But surely Jews should not be blamed for the machinations of a tiny secret society. The vast majority of Jews would disavow this master plan if they believed it existed. 

Surely one can condemn all racism and genocide in the strongest possible terms and still believe the Protocols are authentic. 

In my opinion, the equation of the Protocols with anti Semitism is really a ploy to divert attention away from this master plan. 

The plagiarism claim is part of a propaganda campaign waged by conscious and unconscious collaborators in academia and the media. 

The Forgery Claim

We are told that The Protocols of Zion is a hoax, a "proven forgery" concocted by the Tsarist Political Police (the Okhrana) to incite anti Semitism and discredit revolutionaries. 

But the "proof" is far from convincing. 

It consists of three articles published in The London Times (August 16-18, 1921) by Philip Graves. 

According to Graves, Protocols is a crude, chapter-by-chapter plagiarism of Maurice Joly's Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864). 

It was easy to make this claim while Joly's book was unavailable. Napolean III's police confiscated it as soon as it was published. 

But it is available now and I invite you to compare the two texts. In my opinion, they are entirely different in tone, content and purpose. At 140 pages, Dialogues is twice as long as Protocols. Most of it finds no echo in the Protocols. 

The crux of Graves' argument is that certain references and passages in Protocols have been lifted from Dialogues. He claims there are 50 of these and produces about a dozen. 

Their striking resemblance to the Protocols leaves little doubt that the author did refer to the Dialogues as part of his research. He had no compunction about borrowing or reshaping a few passages that appealed to him. 

Indeed Philip Graves is "struck by the absence of any effort on the part of the plagiarist to conceal his plagiarisms." 

That's because he had nothing to hide. He was not Graves' "unimportant precis- writer employed by the court or by the Okhrana" to construct a hoax. 

He was a diabolical genius crafting an original work. It is simplistic and disingenuous to characterize Protocols as a hoax. 

Political Provenance

Graves' article smacks of Zionist propaganda. Graves "expose" of the Protocols appeared in August 1921 when Zionists were pressing the League of Nations to turn Palestine into a Jewish homeland under British Mandate. 

Philip Grave tells the unlikely story that a "Mr. X" brought the Dialogues to him in Constantinople where he was the Times' correspondent. Mr. X presented it as "irrefutable proof" that the Protocols are a plagiarism. 

Mr. X was a White Russian, which seems incredible given the Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution. He claims he bought the book from, get this, "a former member of the Okhrana" who had fled to Constantinople. 

In The Controversy of Zion, (Chapter 34) Douglas Reed, a Times' staffer, provides additional background. 

In May 1920, Lord Northcliffe, a part owner of The Times, printed an article about the Protocols of Zion entitled The Jewish Peril, A Disturbing Pamphlet, A Call for an Enquiry. " It concluded: 

"An impartial investigation of these would-be documents and their history is most desirable...are we to dismiss the whole matter without inquiry and to let the influence of such a book as this work unchecked?" 

Then in May 1922 Northcliffe visited Palestine and wrote that Britain had been too hasty to promise it to the Jewish people when in fact it belonged to 700,000 Muslim Arab residents. 

Mr. Wickham Steed, the editor of The Times of London in 1921 refused to print the article and Northcliffe tried to get him fired. 

Somehow Steed was able to have Northcliffe declared "insane" and committed. Later Northcliffe complained he was being poisoned and died suddenly in 1922. 

Douglas Reed was Northcliffe's secretary but didn't learn of these events until they appeared in Official History of the Times in the 1950's. 

Clearly Northcliffe had offended some "big boys" when he opposed the British Mandate in Palestine. Why was it so important? 

Israel is intended to be the capital of the Masonic World Government. They are already constructing the infrastructure. See "The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem" 

The Forgery Claim in Detail

Philip Graves and the oth