Re: [CTRL] Rapist Bill and Hitlery Separating?

1999-03-18 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

I firmly believe that had Clinton not won the nomination for pres. several
years ago, Hillary would have dumped him back then, or even earlier. She had
to know about some if not all of  his sexual indiscretions. The reason she
stuck around then is simple, she wanted to ride his coat tails right into the
white house. Just look how soon she ingrained herself in the running of
affairs that only the pres. should be running. Look at all the women "Bill"
has nominated for key positions in gov. Do you believe Hillary was behind
these nominations? Do you believe she kept her mouth shut about what kind of
person he was so as not to jeopardize his nomination and election?The payback
being her access to practically running the country hand in hand with Bill
until the country took notice and made their disapproval known.
Now that his term is winding down, now's the time you'll begin to hear about
her bailing-out of that joke of a marriage. I mean, why stick around now? He's
got nothing more that she would want.
What I find hard to believe is the fact that he is allowed to get away with
all these charges and allegations-RAPE-SEXUAL HARASSMENT-MURDER? ACCESSORY TO
Be honest, if this were Joe average citizen who had these alegations, what
would you think the law would do? Clinton is not GOD!! Why does and can he get
away with this without so much as a full investigation by a law agency that
won't whitewash the proceedings and outcome?! ie: The Warren Commission
I've had enough, I'm sure you have too!
Get these two jerks out of the public eye and keep them out! They embarrassed
this country long enough!
Most sincerely,JOHN

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[CTRL] Rapist Bill and Hitlery Separating?

1999-03-12 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Let's hear it; aaahhh. Hopefully, these two symbiotic, loveless and wholly
repugnant people are finally going their sperate ways. Gavin.

Clintons 'close to separating'
By Hugh Davies and Hugo Gurdon in Washington

All about Hillary
Clinton - The
AllAbout Centre

Hillary Clinton: The
good, the bad and the
painful - Womens

Heart to heart: The
respect and passion
Hillary and Bill have
for each other - AdZe

Bill Clinton at a summit for
Central American leaders in
Guatemala yesterday
THE Clintons' marriage may finally be on the rocks,
according to reports yesterday.
Friends leaked graphic details of Hillary Clinton's
unhappiness, provoking speculation that while divorce
is not contemplated, the couple may be thinking of
separating. The First Lady is at the end of her tether,
with her hopes of a successful political career
apparently sinking as fast as her affection for her
husband of 24 years.
They returned early without plausible explanation from
a skiing trip in Utah last week, during which they were
never seen together. Mrs Clinton is this week
boycotting the President's trip to Central America.
It is reported that friends have quoted her as saying: "I don't want to be in
same room with him, let alone the same bed."
The First Lady is also thinking of going to Morocco and Tunisia next week
instead of joining Mr Clinton at the annual radio and television
correspondents' association dinner, a high-profile event in the Washington
Mrs Clinton's solitude is attributed to a bad back. But she showed no signs of
discomfort in New York recently when she tested her popularity for a
possible bid for the Senate next year.
Her poll numbers there are slipping fast. She is now no better than even with
Rudolph Giuliani, the probable Republican candidate whom she was tipped
just weeks ago to beat in a landslide if she ran.
The event that is reported to have snapped Mrs Clinton's patience with her
husband and her chances of a prominent political career, is the televised
interview given by an Arkansas nursing home owner, Juanita Broaddrick,who
claimed that Mr Clinton raped and battered her 21 years ago.
The charge has apparently devastated the family. Mrs Clinton gave up on her
husband and their daughter, Chelsea, was incensed. Mrs Broaddrick, who
had five witnesses and other corroboration, is widely regarded as credible.
Her testimony has darkened Mr Clinton's image after the Monica Lewinsky
case. He is now seen as a dangerous, serial sexual marauder rather than a
happy-go-lucky Lothario.
Mrs Broaddrick's charges strike at the heart of Mrs Clinton's feminist
constituency. The National Organisation for Women, hitherto a steadfast
supporter of the abortion-supporting President, has said the rape allegation
has to be properly investigated. Mr Clinton's dark sexual past has cast Mrs
Clinton less as a wronged wife than as an "enabler" who covered up his
Mrs Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Miss Lewinsky were flushed out by the
Paula Jones 1994 sexual harassment case. Their evidence suggested a pattern
of predatory behaviour, in which Mr Clinton had women brought to him to be
pressed for sexual favours and then persuaded to deny it under oath.
The conservative Weekly Standard magazine said this week that Mrs
Broaddrick's testimony had cemented Mr Clinton's legacy. And it may also
be the final straw which has broken Mrs Clinton's support. In an oft-quoted
remark of 1992, Hillary saidshe was not the "stand by your man" type,
although she has indeed stood by Mr Clinton for more than two decades.
But now she is tired of being the butt of late-night jokes. Events came to a
head in Park City, Utah, when the Clintons flew in for a long weekend to
celebrate Chelsea's 19th birthday. In a confrontation at the secluded estate
the Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chelsea was crying and depressed.
She told her father: "I wish you weren't here."
George Stephanopoulos, the former White House aide, said he did not know
if Mrs Clinton had a bad back or not. He said: "But it's got to be killing
Hillary has put up an awfully good front for so long. It must be painful for
Mr Stephanopoulos took time out from dishing the dirt to say Mrs Clinton
"adored" her husband. But others have seen their marriage as one of
There have long been reports that she had an affair with Vince Foster, the
deputy White House counsel who apparently committed suicide in 1993. And
it may be that Mrs Clinton now finds it inconvenient, not simply

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being 

Re: [CTRL] Rapist Bill and Hitlery Separating?

1999-03-12 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

these two strange individuals have always had an"open marriage"- they just
think theyre too advanced to share this fact with us poor hicks

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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