Joshua is absolutely right.  With near-universal access to the Internet, for
the first time in our nation's history genuine *full* democracy, really
participatory democracy, becomes possible.  And don't give me any bullshit
about the "digital divide"...anyone who wants to can find a PC linked to the
Internet, whether in a cybercafe or in a public library or school.  Another
idea: include an earmarking section on the Form 1040, so that taxpayers can
stipulate what their tax dollars are going to go for.  Or perhaps make that
a preferential poll to set spending priorities for the coming fiscal year.
There a LOT of creative ideas floating around that have never been
implemented.  Require that all legislation be approved by a two-thirds
majority, but repeal is possible by a one-third vote--if thirty-three
percent of the people's elected representatives are unhappy with a given
law, it doesn't deserve to be a law.  (That's from Heinlein's *The Moon Is A
Harsh Mistress*, which you ought to read if you haven't already.)  Another
idea is to have one chamber to enact laws, and another chamber whose sole
responsibility is to repeal laws.  Perhaps legislators should have to
*personally* solicit the signatures of a majority of the voters they want to
represent in order to assume office.  Perhaps...  Well, what other nifty
notions can folks come up with?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nurev Ind Research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: $100 BILLION for Israel, Arab phony "peace"]

> Tenorlove wrote:
> >
> > --- Bob Stokes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  You are right about one thing, we need to spend less on fancy
> > > military
> > > equipment such as the B-2 or B-1 bomber and more on real education
> > > ... I'm
> > > still waiting for that payback from being "at-peace."  It would save
> > > funds if
> > > we didn't have to pay federal taxes, then have to beg to get them
> > > back from
> > > the federal government for education.  Education should be habdled by
> > > States
> > > rather than the Fed.
> >
> > Better yet, we should put control of education where it belongs, and
> > that is with the PARENTS of the children being educated. That means get
> > the government OUT of the education business. With the money not being
> > spent on government schools, parents can choose to send their children
> > to the school that best suits their children's needs, or buy the
> > curriculum materials and educate their children themselves.
> Typical Libertarian poopy doopy.
> As if parents have the time , ability, or desire to teach their children
> a school type curriculum.
> Better yet, WE should decide ALL aspects of government spending. ALL.
> Politicians can plan and make proposals, but not one cent gets allocated
> ANYTHING without public approval. This is not at all hard to do.
> Joshua2

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