-Caveat Lector-

found on the web.....

Dave Hartley

Removing the NSA
A sample program which replaces the NSA key with a test key, and leaves the
rest of the CryptoAPI system intact, can be downloaded by clicking this link
(currently only for WinNT and Win2k). For legal reasons, source code will be
provided for free, but only be available through a Nondisclosure Agreement
with Cryptonym. You can download the NDA here. These files are provided for
demonstration purposes only, and may not be redistributed or used for any
purpose other than demonstration without the written authorization and
license of Cryptonym Corporation. For more information, please contact:

Andrew Fernandes
Phone +1 919 469 4714
Fax   +1 919 469 8708
 Win95/98 Programmers: we could use help in porting the software to
Win95/98. If you have a strong background in Win95/98 virtual memory
management, virtual device writing, and Windows 'internals', and don't mind
volunteering your time, please contact Andrew at the addresses above!

Microsoft, the NSA, and You
Here is the press release; for the full details, look here.

A sample program which replaces the NSA's key is here, at the bottom of the


Microsoft Installs US Spy Agency with Windows

Research Triangle Park, NC - 31 August 1999 - Between Hotmail hacks and
browser bugs, Microsoft has a dismal track record in computer security.
Most of us accept these minor security flaws and go on with life. But
how is an IT manager to feel when they learn that in every copy of
Windows sold, Microsoft may have installed a 'back door' for the
National Security Agency (NSA - the USA's spy agency) making it orders
of magnitude easier for the US government to access their computers?

While investigating the security subsystems of WindowsNT4, Cryptonym's
Chief Scientist Andrew Fernandes discovered exactly that - a back door
for the NSA in every copy of Win95/98/NT4 and Windows2000. Building on
the work of Nicko van Someren (NCipher), and Adi Shamir (the 'S' in
'RSA'), Andrew was investigating Microsoft's "CryptoAPI" architecture
for security flaws. Since the CryptoAPI is the fundamental building
block of cryptographic security in Windows, any flaw in it would open
Windows to electronic attack.

Normally, Windows components are stripped of identifying information. If the
computer is calculating "number_of_hours = 24 * number_of_days", the only
thing a human can understand is that the computer is multiplying "a = 24 *
Without the symbols "number_of_hours" and "number_of_days", we may have no
idea what 'a' and 'b' stand for, or even that they calculate units of time.

In the CryptoAPI system, it was well known that Windows used special numbers
called "cryptographic public keys" to verify the integrity of a CryptoAPI
component before using that component's services. In other words,
already knew that windows performed the calculation "component_validity =
crypto_verify(23479237498234...,crypto_component)", but no-one knew exactly
what the cryptographic key "23479237498234..." meant semantically.

Then came WindowsNT4's Service Pack 5. In this service release of software
from Microsoft, the company crucially forgot to remove the symbolic
information identifying the security components. It turns out that there are
really two keys used by Windows; the first belongs to Microsoft, and it
them to securely load CryptoAPI services; the second belongs to the NSA.
means that the NSA can also securely load CryptoAPI services... on your
machine, and without your authorization.

The result is that it is tremendously easier for the NSA to load
security services on all copies of Microsoft Windows, and once these
services are loaded, they can effectively compromise your entire operating
system. For non-American IT managers relying on WinNT to operate highly
data centers, this find is worrying. The US government is currently making
as difficult as possible for "strong" crypto to be used outside of the US;
that they have also installed a cryptographic back-door in the world's most
abundant operating system should send a strong message to foreign IT

There is good news among the bad, however. It turns out that there is a flaw
in the way the "crypto_verify" function is implemented. Because of the way
crypto verification occurs, users can easily eliminate or replace the NSA
from the operating system without modifying any of Microsoft's original
components. Since the NSA key is easily replaced, it means that non-US
companies are free to install "strong" crypto services into Windows, without
Microsoft's or the NSA's approval. Thus the NSA has effectively removed
control of "strong" crypto from Windows. A demonstration program that
the NSA key can be found on Cryptonym's website.

Cryptonym: Bringing you the Next Generation of Internet Security,
using cryptography, risk management, and public key infrastructure.

Interview Contact:
   Andrew Fernandes
   Telephone: +1 919 469 4714
   Fax: +1 919 469 8708

Cryptonym Corporation
1695 Lincolnshire Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada  L5E 2T2


# # #


The Full Details
These details are essentially the contents of the "Rump Session" talk that
Andrew Fernandes gave at the Crypto'99 Conference, on 15 August 1999, in
Santa Barbara, California.

Note 1: many people have written us and assumed that we "reverse engineered"
Microsoft's code. This is not true; we did not reverse engineer Microsoft
code at any time. In fact, the debugging symbols were found using standard
Microsoft-purchased programmer's tools, completely by accident, when
debugging one of our own programs.

Note 2: many reporters have stated that Andrew studied computer science at
the University of Waterloo and was a classmate of Ian Goldberg of Zero
Knowlege Systems. In fact, Andrew studied biochemistry and mathematics at
Waterloo for his undergraduate, and mathematics at McGill for his graduate
work. He and Ian graduated in the same year, but really did not know each
other at the time.

An Overview of the Microsoft's CryptoAPI
Microsoft's CryptoAPI allows independent software vendors (ISVs) to
dynamically load Cryptographic Serivce Providers (CSPs) as in the following

This arrangement of having Windows verify the CSP signature is what allows
Microsoft to add cryptographic functionality to Windows. They will not
digitally sign a CSP unless you first agree to abide by US export rules.
Translation: Microsoft will not allow non-US companies to add strong crypto
functions to Windows.

Fortunately, the verification of the CSP's digital signature opens up a
security flaw in this picture.

Using NT4 Server, SP5 (domestic, 128-bit encryption version), and Visual C++
6, SP3. These same results have been found in Win95osr2, Win98, Win98gold,
WinNT4 (all versions), and Win2000 (up to and including build 2072, RC1).

Many people have emailed us to say that these debugging symbols are actually
present in NT4-Workstation, and are in the original CD's debugging symbols!
Thanks, people!

Before CSP loading
   in ADVAPI32.DLL
Address 0x77DF5530
 A9 F1 CB 3F DB 97 F5 ... ... ...
Address 0x77DF55D0
 90 C6 5F 68 6B 9B D4 ... ... ...

After RC4 encryption using
   we see
A2 17 9C 98 CA
 R S A 1 ... 00 01 00 01 ... (looks like an RSA public key)
A0 15 9E 9A C8
 R S A 1 ... 00 01 00 01 ... (looks like an RSA public key)

Looking at SP5 debugging symbols
   in "_CProvVerifyImage@8"
Address 0x77DF5530
 has data tag "_KEY"
Address 0x77DF55D0
 has data tag "_NSAKEY"

Screenshots One, Two, Three, Four, and Five showing the actual debugging

The Flaw
An attack:
Replace "_KEY" with your own key...
...but Windows will stop working since it cannot verify its own security
An better attack:
Replace "_NSAKEY" with your own key...
... Windows keeps working, since Microsoft's key is still there
stops the NSA
works because Windows tries to verify the CSP first using "_KEY", and then
silently fails over to "_NSAKEY"
The Result:
Windows CryptoAPI system still functional
the NSA is kicked out
the user can load an arbitrary CSP, not just one that Microsoft or the NSA
What is the purpose of "_NSAKEY"? Espionage? Or do they simply not want to
rely on Microsoft when installing their own CSPs?
Using RSA's Data Security's (now Security Dynamics) "BSafe" toolkit actually
makes analysis of a program easier.
We do not need to modify the "advapi32.dll" file in order to remove the NSA
key, nor do we need special privilleges on the machine.
use self-modifying code
needs undocumented vxd calls under Win95 and Win98
needs special memory features under WinNT and Win2k
It is easy for any process to bypass any CSP and substitute its own.
Export control is effectively dead for Windows.
Note for Win2k - there appear to be three keys in Win2k; Microsoft's, the
NSA's, and an unknown third party's. Thanks to Nicko van Someren for
bringing this to our attention.
Removing the NSA
A sample program which replaces the NSA key with a test key, and leaves the
rest of the CryptoAPI system intact, can be downloaded by clicking this link
(currently only for WinNT and Win2k). For legal reasons, source code will be
provided for free, but only be available through a Nondisclosure Agreement
with Cryptonym. You can download the NDA here. These files are provided for
demonstration purposes only, and may not be redistributed or used for any
purpose other than demonstration without the written authorization and
license of Cryptonym Corporation. For more information, please contact:

Andrew Fernandes
Phone +1 919 469 4714
Fax   +1 919 469 8708
 Win95/98 Programmers: we could use help in porting the software to
Win95/98. If you have a strong background in Win95/98 virtual memory
management, virtual device writing, and Windows 'internals', and don't mind
volunteering your time, please contact Andrew at the addresses above!

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