Re: [CTRL] Ron Reagan/Dick Powell

1998-12-15 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Reagan hosted General Electric Theatre which was similar to Playhouse 90.
>Could you have the two reversed?

I just remember 'Death Valley Days', which was definitely Reagan...he may
have had an earlier show he was host of...but Powell was host of his own
anthology series, which was a popular type of show in those days...

>And OK, who wants to be first to step up and make the ominous connection with
>the evil General Electric?

Not to mention 20-Mule Team Borax   ;-)

(One of my clearest, earliest memories is of Reagan doing an ad, cast as
a driver of one of those 20-Mule teams...)


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Re: [CTRL] Ron Reagan/Dick Powell (was: "Heads Up"...)

1998-12-15 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>  And so I ask the list membership the question I always ask when I've
>>  recounted this -- does anyone remember this article, or hearing this
>>  story elsewhere?  And more importantly, does anyone have a clue as to
>>  what Powell said or did to Reagan during those 20 minutes?
>I don't recall ever actually reading anything in Parade Magazine. I usually
>find the K-Mart ad there with it in the center of the Sunday paper more
>absorbing. But I would suggest that this doesn't sound really plausible. Maybe
>Ms. Allyson remembers it that way. Maybe she embellished it.

If she hadn't divorced Powell later, I may have said the same thing...

But you'd have to have actually read it...the way she presented it was
not in a way to necessarily make Powell look good...only that she was
pretty sure that that was the definitive moment when Reagan 'became' a
conservative (but perhaps he always was, and the 'liberal' thing was just
an act?)...

She really came off sounding like she knew more than she was willing to
tell...and like I said, there HAS been a few things written over the
years about Powell, who apparantly was involved in more things than just
acting/directing...but for some reason, no one seems willing to delve
into his background...

I almost got the feeling that whatever Powell was involved with was a
mitigating factor in Allyson seeking a divorce from him...

>take it seriously, and that's not necessarily a defense of Ronald Reagan. But
>then again, maybe Powell wrote him a nice check. What do I know?

How nice of a check would it have to have been, to cause someone to make
a 180 degree turn in philosophy/politics?

Remember, it was shortly after this strange encounter that Reagan started
expressing an interest in politics beyond the sphere of the actors'


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[CTRL] Ron Reagan/Dick Powell (was:"Heads Up"...)

1998-12-14 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, E Mael wrote:
>>And so I ask the list membership the question I always ask when I've
>>recounted this -- does anyone remember this article, or hearing this
>>story elsewhere?  And more importantly, does anyone have a clue as to
>>what Powell said or did to Reagan during those 20 minutes?
>i believe it was a david niven annecdote from his series of biographical

Uhhh...Powell told Reagan a David Niven anecdote from one of Niven's
books?  ;-)

No, the article I remember was definitely an interview with Dick Powell's
then-wife, actress June Allyson, and it was Allyson's recollection...and
it was in something like Parade magazine (or perhaps the NY Times Sunday

But I'd be interested in knowing what you remember of Niven's anecdote on
the matter...


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revcoal AT connix DOT com
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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