-Caveat Lector-

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WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Britain

Deal between British government and BMW--Rover car plant gets stay of
By Mike Ingram
9 April 1999

The British government has agreed to provide more than £150 million in
subsidies for German auto concern BMW to continue production at Rover's
Longbridge car factory in the West Midlands. Even if agreed by the BMW board
the deal offers only a temporary reprieve. It by no means secures the
long-term future of workers either at Longbridge, or within BMW itself.

If the Longbridge factory were to close the implications would be far
reaching. The Rover group employs 39,000 people internationally, 12,000 at
Longbridge. A further 110,000 people work for companies supplying Rover with
production materials and services. It is estimated that the loss of the West
Midlands plant would mean the destruction of some 50,000 jobs in related
industries in the area. The Rover group has annual sales of £6,500 million
and exports its vehicles to about 130 countries, earning £3,200 million in
overseas sales each year. It is the UK's third largest exporter.

At the beginning of this month, Stephen Byers, the Secretary of State for
Trade and Industry, announced that the government had reached an agreement
with BMW chairman Professor Joachim Milberg. BMW were asking for a subsidy
of more than £200 million.

The German company bought the UK car group for £800 million five years ago.
It has since invested £2.5 billion in Rover and is expected to put up an
additional £1.7 billion. Rover losses were £642 million last year and they
are expected to lose a further £350 million this year. BMW had threatened to
shift production of Rover models to Hungary, where they were offered a free
site and the benefit of much reduced production costs.

When British Aerospace placed Rover on the market in 1994, it was one of the
few car companies still making a profit. The British car industry at that
time had the lowest total labour costs in the world, while Germany had the
highest. Average German labour costs were £19 per hour in 1993, compared
with £10 per hour in Britain. Much of the difference was due to the UK's
lower social costs. Social contributions, like National Insurance, accounted
for only 27 percent of total wage costs in Britain, while in Germany they
made up 43 percent. Even Italian labour costs were 6 percent above the
British level.

As a specialist producer for the luxury car market, BMW faced stiff
competition. Rover gave the company access to new and lucrative markets,
through acquisition of the Land Rover and Range Rover, four-wheel-drive
models that are sold widely in the Far East and the United States. Through
the development of the Longbridge plant, BMW aimed to produce a vehicle for
the small car market without downgrading the BMW name. Also, due to its
relations with Honda who owned a 20 percent share in the company, Rover had
already implemented Japanese "flexible" production methods.

Despite this, Rover has turned out to be a rather costly white elephant. A
fiercely competitive world market has hit the company hard. The high value
of the pound has reduced its sales overseas and within Britain. BMW chairman
Joachim Milberg said that despite reducing the productivity gap between
Rover and BMW plants from 30 percent to 20 percent, the Longbridge plant was
unlikely to meet its break-even target by 2000 or 2001. This is in part due
to the original target being set when the pound was worth DM2.30. It
currently trades at DM2.90, costing the group £480 million in annual
profits. "If the pound entered the euro today at DM2.50 that would save us
far more than we are asking the UK government for," a company source said.

The crisis confronting BMW led to bloodletting within its top management,
with the loss of Bernd Pischetsrieder and Wolfgang Reitzle. It was
Pischetsrieder who, five years ago, persuaded the Quandt family, owners of
46 percent of BMW's shares, to buy Rover. Pischetsrieder resigned his post
following a 12-hour board meeting on February 5 at BMW's Munich
headquarters. His anticipated replacement, Reitzle, was expected to carry
out sweeping rationalisations at Rover, scrapping all but production of Land
Rovers and Minis and thus closing Longbridge. But trade union officials on
the BMW board in Germany opposed this, and Milberg was selected as a
compromise candidate.

BMW first responded to the crisis with repeated threats to close the
Longbridge plant, in order to beat the work force into accepting new work
practices and pay cuts. In December last year this led to a groundbreaking
agreement between management and the British unions that included 2,500 job
losses and the introduction of flexible contracts. In return BMW promised a
further £2 billion investment programme.

With trade union collaboration, BMW were able to go a long way towards
establishing their dictates over the work force. The company then turned its
attention to British government policy. With the demand for state aid--the
first of its kind by the company--BMW are making clear that the interests of
the transnational corporation stand above national government policy.

This has not convinced financial analysts that the future of either Rover or
BMW is secure. The April 3 edition of the German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung

"Analysts regard BMW strategy for Rover with scepticism. The Deutsche Bank
valued BMW shares downwards. 'We have the feeling that BMW does not have a
clear strategy for Rover,' said analyst Christian Breitsprecher. 'It remains
open how the mid-range models Rover 200 and 400 will be positioned in the
market. Subsidies do not change the evaluation analysts have made regarding
fundamental problems. Rover will probably continue for the next three to
four years in the red,' Breitsprecher predicted."

The British magazine the Economist is even more critical. It said of the
February board meeting, "The BMW row raises two other big questions. What
will happen to the company now? And could this Munich putsch accelerate
consolidation in the car industry?"

Following the February 5 board meeting, the firm's share prices leapt by 10
percent in anticipation of a possible merger of BMW with either Volkswagen
or Fiat. But the Quandt family appears determined to hold on to the
company's independence.

This could prove disastrous. BMW still makes a relatively high return
world-wide, but over half its profits come from one model range, the
3-series, selling around 400,000 a year. The company is facing increasing
competition from the Mercedes C-class, VW's Audi A4, the new small Jaguar
and Fiat's Alfa Romeo brands.

Moreover, the car industry is suffering from global overcapacity, estimated
at around 30 percent. This has fuelled an increasing tendency towards
consolidation and mergers, the largest of which was between Chrysler and
Daimler-Benz last May. Daimler-Chrysler's co-chairman Robert Eaten said
recently that the industry would soon have the capacity to produce 23
million more cars than it could sell. Jac Nasser, chief executive of Ford,
said that there would soon be only six makers of volume cars in the
world--two in America, two in Europe and two in Japan.

Even with Rover, BMW ranks only eighth among the world's auto companies. It
is this that has led to scepticism over the company's long-term viability.

These considerations also prompted harsh criticism of the Blair government
in Britain for its attempt to maintain production at Longbridge. The same
Economist article speaks of government as a "big obstacle to European
consolidation" and denounced the "fuss the British government is making
about Longbridge".

"The trouble is that a resort to subsidies to keep plants open, or the
maintenance of barriers to imports such as the EU's [European Union] quotas
on Japanese cars (which are due to go next year), or an addiction to the
defence of national champions, may conspire to make Europe's car industry
less competitive not more. Barriers to closures and sackings, in the form of
heavy-handed rules about worker consultation or rigid labour laws push the
same way. Mergers and consolidation across borders will help the European
industry only if these attitudes change," the magazine wrote.

Whatever the immediate future of BMW, it is clear that the tendency towards
mergers within a saturated world market demands massive job losses and the
destruction of many established work practices. If Longbridge survives under
these circumstances, BMW will seek to close the 20 percent productivity gap
between Rover workers and their German counterparts through brutal speed-ups
and rationalisations.

See Also:
UK Rover plant may still close as BMW tightens its belt
[20 February 1999]

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