-Caveat Lector-

Bob Djurdjevic wrote:
> The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
> such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
> www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.
> Issue S99-63, Day 41, Update 1
> ---------------------------------------
> May 3, 1999; 3:00PM EDT
> Belgrade           1. NATO Knocks Out Electricity in Serbia
> Pec                    2. NATO Hits Another Bus Near Pec, 30 Civilians
> Perish; Woman
>                              Killed in Srem. Mitrovica While Hanging Laundry
> New York         3. Another "Albright Story:" Gen. Wesley Clark, Grandson of
>                              Russian Jew, Mass Murderer with Personal Vendetta
> Minnesota        4. The Real Agenda of a Foreign Cabal
> Jerusalem         5. Jackson's CFR Mission (By Barry Chamish)
> New York        6. Journalist: Standing in Solidarity with Serbs
> ----------------------
>From Joshua2,

I always knew you were a religious bigot Bob. I'm glad you are finally
showing it to the world.
> 3. Another "Albright Story:" Gen. Wesley Clark, Grandson of Russian Jew,
> Murderer with Personal Vendetta
> NEW YORK, May 3 - A story in today's New York Times revealed that Gen.
> Wesley Clark is a mass murderer with a personal vendetta against the
> Serbian Orthodox Christians, co-religionists of the Russians, who had
> supposedly persecuted Clark's grandfather, a Russian Jew.
> With one big difference, however.  The Serbs, more than 700,000 of whom
> were also victims of fascism during WW II, have saved many Jews from
> Croatian and Nazi pogroms, risking their own lives in the process.

While some of this is true, the best that can be said for the Serbs
did not become fascists is that they did not treat the Jews like the
Catholic Croats and Muslims did under the Germans in WWII. Some
also saved their Jews. I personally have been a supporter of the Serbs
this NATO aggression and will continue to be one in spite of Serbs
like you.

> Of course, the New York Times put a different spin on the general's
> thirsting for Christian blood.  "Some say General Clark's roots give him
> empathy for Kosovo's victims," read the article's sub-title.
> In a way, what the Times revealed today is another "Albright Story" (see
> "Da Bull," a TiM column about Albright's "discovery" of her Jewishness,
> available at our Web site -
> http://www.truthinmedia.org/Columns/DaBull.html). Just like the secretary
> of state, Clark supposedly didn't learn of his Jewish heritage until later
> in life.  And just like Albright, he has changed his religious adherence
> the way other people change their mailing addresses.  During his service in
> Vietnam, he converted to Roman Catholicism, abandoning the Southern Baptist
> faith of his mother.

I don't know Bob. It sure sounds like this guy is a Christian to me.
synagogue does he go to to worship Jesus. I'm not really aware of any
synagogues are you?

> Here are some excerpts from the Times story, titled, "His Family's Refugee
> Past Is Said to Inspire NATO's Commander:"
> "The American general who is leading NATO's military operation...
> discovered as an adult that he is the grandson of a Russian Jew who fled
> his country to escape the pogroms there a century ago. Gen. Wesley Kanne
> Clark was raised as a Protestant in Little Rock, Ark.,

Being raised a Protestant in Little Rock IS a definite sign that this
is Jewish.

> where he was brought
> up by his mother and stepfather, Victor Clark. He was ignorant of his
> ancestry, which disappeared from his life with the death of his father,
> Benjamin Jacob Kanne, when Wesley was five years old. He learned of his
> ethnic background when he was in his 20's and embraced the discovery,
> according to several family members.

This actually makes him quite different from Maddy Albright who ALWAYS
rejected being a Jew, and converted to Christianity quite early in
and has been climbing the Christian social ladder towards the
pinnacle where she currently resides. She spent her childhood and
adulthood as a Catholic, and became Episcopalian when her career and
ambitions demanded it. Now let's see, if I remember my Hebrew lessons
correctly there are no Jewish sects that call themselves

> General Clark has not discussed his heritage with many people, sharing his
> belated discovery of his biological father's family and background with
> only a few close friends and his immediate family. He declined to be
> interviewed for this article.
> Since President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia began the forced exodus of
> Albanians from Kosovo, many have drawn parallels with the expulsion of Jews
> from Russia and the Nazi mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust in
> Europe.  But in interviews, some of his relatives and friends say that
> General Clark was inspired by the story of his grandfather's persecution
> and escape from his native land, and that his determination to defeat
> Milosevic is fed in part by his empathy for the victims of Serbian ethnic
> purges."

This sounds like crap to me because he understands that his mission is
break up Yugoslavia for the EU. You don't get to be a NATO war
criminal of
his stature by being sentimental about your ol' grandpa.

> In the late 1890's, Jacob Nemerovsky, the general's grandfather, fled
> Russia in fear for his life during one of the episodic pogroms against
> Jews, the Times also said. According to the family, Nemerovsky found safety
> in Switzerland where he obtained a false passport under the family name of
> Kanne, which he used to immigrate to the United States.

Yeah. Those pogroms were always fomented either by the Russian
Church, or by the Aristocracy using the willing Russian Orthodox
You'll forgive me for not being sympathetic to your history of
butchery of my people.

> By the way, Clark's middle name is Kanne, the surname of his biological
> grandfather.
> For the full story, check out
> http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/europe/050399kosovo-clark.html .  But
> you'll have to do it, today, if you want to avoid paying for retrieval of
> the Times' archives.
> --------------
> 4. The Real Agenda of a Foreign Cabal

This racist twit doesn't seem to realize that this cabal is as
as she/he is.

> MINNESOTA, May 3 - We received the following reaction to the escalation of
> NATO's war on Serb civilians from Heli North of Minnesota:
> "I believe that the antics of the current administration with regard to
> Serbia/Yugoslavia are best understood when one realizes just whose agenda
> is being promoted and by whom. Here are some clues:
> 'You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders.
> We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your
> destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not
> merely the latest great war, but of every other major revolution in your
> history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your
> personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long
> we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might
> have been yours if we had left you alone.'
>                         Marcus Eli Ravage
>                         Century Magazine
>                         February, 1928

Who is this guy? Probably a convert. You win some, you lose some.

> Now, it is time to realize just who is promoting this war in Yugoslavia:
> Madeleine Korbel Albright,

A Christian by choice.

> William Cohen,

A born and unrepentant Christian.

> Strobe Talbot,

I have no idea what this guy is. Except CFR.

> Sandy Berger,

A practicing Jew.

> etc., ad nauseum. It is time to realize that the US has been seized and its
> government is now occupied by a foreign cabal whose interests are in
> diametric opposition to those of main street America. Exposing them is the
> only solution."
> Heli North, Minnesota

Right on baby!!! These damn Christians are at it again. Killing
everything in
sight. They are doing what they have always done throughout Christian
bloody history. Murder and theft and religious insanity. The hallmarks
of the
most vicious culture based on a religion of love.

Sorry baby. You can't blame this one on Jews. It's a Christian thang.

This will be my last contribution to your sorry assed racist rag.
Truth in media. Ha.


PS: Hey Bob, how is it that no one has accused you of dual loyalty?
    and propagandizing for the enemy while your country is at war is
    is it not? Lucky thing you are not Jewish, or you would surely
hear from
    your Minnesota pals. Very lucky thing.  -- J2

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