-Caveat Lector-





One year after a murder of Serbian prime minister dr Zoran Djindjic it is not clear who did it, and spetialy who is standing behind a mentioned murder. Official version notified that the direct executant is a deputy commander of Unit for special operations at Ministry of serbian internal affairs, and that it is organized and assisted by a clan from Zemun. If we accept this one as a truth one, it means that killers are from the same social milieu wich brought him the the power and wich formally was under his control. I am personally more inclined to the version that can be heard in public-shuly- that behind the murder stands powerfull forein informative service. In case this is the truly one, we will feel a premotion of it in one or two decades (but completly will newer know).In the same time it will also be confirm the presumption that the plot was born between those who were standing behind his coming to the power.So anyone of these two ,the motiv is already clear now-unsatisfied their expectations.

Political violance became carrateristic of political serbian stage on October 5 th, 2000. It reflected in way of coming to the power, strike where were conquested and burned down building of RadioTelevision of Serbia,whose general director Dragoljub - Dragan Milanovic lived personal lynch, than the building of Federal Parliament(where were standing all electiv material, also burned), and building of Cittizen Commitee of Socialist party of Serbia(SPS) . The violance than continued by burning houses of well known membrs from mentioned party(drastic exemples we had in Leskovac and Secanj), with gathering in front of their flats and invitation to lynch (indeed, if someone opposed , like it had done courageously Gorica Gajevic, ex general secretaryu of SPS, that "brave" masse would be dispersed). There was also unseen medium hunt to people and created "shortage headquarter" wich with force of mob and kalasnikov (machine rifle) was taking over the goverment in the institutions and firms. In that persuit more than 40.000. members of Socialist serbian party had been replaced and rimaned without a job.

Next phase of Democratic opposition of Sebia( DOS) persecution of political rivals was begining to carry out politic " casemate democracy". All socialists in jail, was main motto of leaders from new goverment ,regulary tansmit by mediums. Countless criminal charges, political arrests of officials from SPS ,accusations for tens robed miliards of dollars ( what kid knows what is a billion), also beginig with fixed processes , political processes in front of Courts managed by DOS regents where judges were frightened non to be dismissed and frigntened of everykind threats. All that reached a culmination with arrest of President Slobodan Milosevic in night between March 31th and April 1st 2001 and his kidnaping to Hag on St Vitus Day ,that same year. Arrest of the President Milosevic managed personally Legija, hero in that time in eyes of new goverment becouse of his role wich had on October 5th ,2000, but today first accused of murder of prime minister Djindjic. And about kidnaping to Hag we know something more today: according to statement of former deputy of head boss in State security police in Serbia, operation was managed personally by british military attache` in Belgrade, under the supervision of CIA delegate.

Persecution of political opponents was continued. New chance for that to DOS goverment gave a murder of prime minister Djindjic. Instead of carring out an efectiv investigation and revealing killers , they took hold "SABER" - on unconstitutional way and proclaimed state of emergency in whole Serbia. It had also been killed John F. Kennedy in America, Aldo Moro in Italy, Olof Palme in Sweden, but only after a murder of dr Zoran Djindjic in Serbia was brougth into state of emergency. The reason was obvious - clash with criminals but also with political opponents. Natasa Micic with her Order gave to the police authorities that , according to the sermon of Law, can be given just in war, but not in state of emergency: police took the authorities of courts. The consequence was near 13.000. arrested during that period of time. Just to compare, when Pinochet in Chile had taken a power by killing socialist President Allende, he had arrested 4.000. person. During"SABER" rights of arrested wich they have according the Criminal Code, and according to obligatory international documents, brutaly were violated; a great number were newer leaded out in front of investigative judge or have been told the reason of their arrest, to all of them were deprived visits of lawyer or family members, even walk in prison`s courtyard wasn`t allowed. Someone was exposed to the pressure, false promises, and someone to abuse and open blackmail just to extract "desirable" statement ecc. Mediums in Serbia were instructed everyday in Goverment what to write. New day brougth a new target for clash; nominaly, they were aiming at criminals, but essentialy clashed with political opponents by imputing them untruthly the most monstrous crimes. Djindjic`s political successors thought it would last for ever. They were swindled.

One year after these events nothing is the same. Main " SABER " protagonists as top of casemate democracy in Serbia, by will of people, are removed from big political stage. Investigation wich are announced will probably reveal the details reguarding abuse of power during that operation.

Democracy means rule of rights. In that sistem there is no place for "SABER". Miserable is democracy in wich main investments are construction of casemate instead of schools and hospitals.


Uros Suvakovic, M.A.

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