2000-10-09 Thread Birds

What you sent to the group was really great 
ole. It shows facts and much much more. Thanks for printing it to 
clear things somewhat.

BirdsRusPrivate Mail 


2000-10-08 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

  This "story" relates to events and discoveries which happened 
  to me between the years 1994 onto the present day. It involves missing 
  persons, Devil worship, Satanic abuse, child abuse, and satanic murders or 
  human sacrifice.Prior to Aug 1994, I lived in the British governed 
  part of Ireland which is known as Northern Ireland or Ulster. I was 
  self-employed in electrical engineering and owned my own property, modest 
  though it may have been. I knew nothing about devil worship, witches, or any 
  connection that they might have to missing people. My only knowledge of 
  witchcraft or anything devilish would have been the Hammer Horror films of the 
  sixties, ie, Dracula and The Wicker Man. One could say that I existed in a 
  world of naivety and ignorance.I lived in an area of South Antrim, in 
  Northern Ireland which was effectively controlled by the loyalist paramilitary 
  group, the UVF. I was surrounded by people who would have been known to be 
  UVF, but I never got involved with them except to be courteous and I tried to 
  keep a safe distance. I had, however, been getting anonomous phone calls for 
  at least 4 years but I put these down to someone that I knew who had UVF 
  links.There was a strange atmosphere around me during the time I lived 
  in this South Antrim village and I remember telling my local "clergyman" that 
  I felt a MALICE was upon me , even though I knew nothing about witchcraft at 
  this stage!On the 12th Aug 1994, I dropped my ex-wife off from my car 
  at her home in Belfast after being out together on a social occasion. I headed 
  off in my car for my home in south Antrim which was about 13 miles away. 
  I turned off the motorway at Templepatrick, the time was around 
  11.30pm and onto a dark and unlit road. I drove into a trap set up by a 
  loyalist paramilitary group and I have no doubt that this group was the 
  UVF.The first thing I saw was a white van and inside the van was the 
  face of the man I had seen circling my home on the previous day. His face was 
  unmistakeable with his stocky face and heavy black moustache. I immediately 
  turned back onto the motorway hotly pursued by this van and a white car which 
  was moving much faster than the van. There took place a highspeed chase 
  involving myself and mainly the white car. I sped up the completely 
  unlit motorway and I looked around and the white car was in pursuit, but it 
  must have had a problem because I saw its lights dim for lack of power or the 
  car must have been carrying too many persons. I finally reached the next 
  roundabout at Glengormley and I turned off only to be pursued by the white car 
  which drove straight across the roundabout at extremely high speed and exited 
  out the opposite side. At this roundabout, there were some cars even at this 
  late hour .I reported this incident to the local RUC. I requested a 
  police escort to my home in the village so that I could get certain personal 
  belongings. Afterwards I left the RUC patrol and fled the area. Two days 
  later, I drove across the border into the Irish Republic and drove at least 
  250 miles to the town of Kilkenny, where a friend of my ex-wife lived. I 
  eventually got a house to rent in Kilkenny, and I am living here 
  today.I will not go into the details of everything and every person 
  involved in this area for obvious reasons but I will name the relevant 
  government depts, politicians, police depts, newspaper groups,and welfare 
  groups which are all part ot this saga.In the weeks and months ahead , 
  incredible revelations unfolded and I discovered that a person once close to 
  me had set me up for the murder/abduction attempt in Aug 1994. BUT MUCH WORSE 
  became clear that there were other much more sinister motives for this murder 
  attempt. I went on to discover that the person who was once close to me was 
  involved with the IRA and a SATANIC CULT which was masquerading as a pseudo 
  Christian/ religious sect. I will not accuse all of the IRA of being totally 
  involved with this Satanic cult but I will say that some of their members 
  certainly are. That goes for the UVF as well, because the same cult is 
  known to have and had members who are UVF. This is one thing that the IRA and 
  UVF have in common membership of this cult; and this is widely known to Irish 
  journalists.After Aug 1994, a cult member moved into a house beside my 
  home in Kilkenny, and between 1995 and Nov 1997, I was subjected to a reign of 
  Satanic terrors. During that period, I had 3 of my cars smashed up, stolen 
  once, Satanic slogans constantly daubed on my car; and physically attacked one 
  one occasion with a hammer. The local police were constantly at my 
  door because of the attacks on myself and my property. On one occasion,