-Caveat Lector-


How are called people whose houses are torched with impunity, whose children are killed with impunity, whose women are abducted, who can not move freely, whose labour fruits and holly shrines are being destroyed and who must not have their homeland? Some call them Kosmet (shorthand for Kosovo and Metohija, the full name of this Autonomous Province of Serbia, meaning black-bird’s field and the church land, translator’s note) Serbs. I call them Serbian slaves, because Albanians and their tutors (KFOR and UMNIK) have taken everything from them, except the right to vote. Serbs have for long time now lost their faith in European Union and her Big Brother form across the Atlantic, and they also lost the hope that they would bring them anything good. It was only normal therefore that Serbs do not go out to vote for the Kosmet Assembly. They could not give the legitimacy to the creation of one more Albania on the territory of their country. We can also understand the frustration of European Union and of her Big Brother. No liar likes to be told that s/he is a liar, including Brussels and Washington, who do not like when one people, even when it is the case of demonised Serbs, shows them that it saw through their deceit. Kosmet is officially under the protectorate of the "International community" and NATO, but in essence it is the latifundium of Albanian narco dealers and terrorists that are masked in the clothes of businessmen and politicians. Serbs owned the majority of land in Kosmet, before the arrival of the Western occupation forces in 1999, and now when more than 300000 Serbs are driven out, they still own one half of the Kosmet land. Serbian land, houses, their monasteries and churches form Middle ages Albanians are systematically destroying, and this is looked at kindly by both KFOR and UMNIK. Recently the representative of the Baptist community form New York, former American sportsman Michael Faucner visited Kosmet. Astonished by the destructive barbarism of Albanians, stated kneeling in front of the ruins of the monastery Devich: "This is racism of the kind I have never seen before, racism of the white man toward another white man. Faucner is by the way Afro-American and knows well what racism is. Albanian racism does not bother UMNIK and KFOR, like the racism of their temporary or permanent allies never bothered Americans. Sometimes I ask myself is not Kosmet experimental polygon for future enslavement and destruction off many states and people who hinder America to remain in the future as well the only superpower in the world? Representative of KFOR-a and UMNIK-a in Kosmet are well paid in order to snatch from one sovereign country, Serbia, the richest part of its territory and to drive away from it the autochthonous people, Serbs. I even think that many "officials" of KFOR and UMNIK are handsomely corrupted by additional resources coming from Albanian narco dealers, sometimes in money form, and sometimes, like in the case of Michael Schtiner, in the form by Albanian brides with big dowry.

Even Albanians did not rush out in great numbers to voting polls for their Parliament. This surprised Western commentator, having in mind that Albanians as the national minority in Serbia are being offered independence of the Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija through secession and without ever asking the state whose part this Province is. It is the logical question with what is so dissatisfied at least one half of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija? After the first euphoria of the Albanian population inspired by the terrorists of the "Kosovo liberation Army" that together with NATO pact soldiers from Albania (where they fled because Serbian army and police destroyed their strongholds within Kosmet) ordinary people Albanian minority affiliates began to gain consciousness. It is the fact that for four years during which Albanians rule Kosmet, the life for ordinary small citizens that live form their work did not improve. On the contrary, they lived better with their old-time neighbours Serbs in one lawfully ordered state in which the Constitution and laws were observed. Today in Kosmet sixty percent of work able Albanian population is unemployed, poverty is enormous and only criminalised groups have good living standard. Situation in Kosmet is particularly burdened by the inflow of several hundred thousand immigrants Albanians from Albania that occupied flats, houses and land of driven out Serbs, and accustomed to plunder began to attack even Kosmet Albanian population. Kosmet slowly but surely become the powder keg, what was probably also the intention of Euro-Atlantic allies. I think that the Big Brother from across the Atlantic gave to European Union as a present a kind of Trojan horse, unstable region that can explode any moment. If Kosmet gains independence, the fire will consume Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria as well. I can bet that then will come to the Third Balkan war. Americans support Albanian wishes for creation of one more Albania on the territory of the Balkans. This was persistently demonstrated by Democratic Party and Clinton administration while in White House. Albanian terrorist clothed in Kosmet politician and a pet of democrat Madeline Allbright, Hashim Thachi, returned love to American democrats. During the Convention of Democratic Party in Boston Thachi enthusiastically supported the candidacy of John Kerry for the president of the USA. There was bribing and with the money gained mostly through selling of drugs to American children. Albanians American citizens have invested into Kerry’s campaign huge funds. According to the estimate of FBI "Albanians are holding almost all criminal businesses in bigger US cities, and especially in New York. They substituted themselves for Italian Mafia, only much more rude and conspiratorial so that it is almost impossible to infiltrate agents into their organisations of Causa nostra type", claim FBI experts. Already Clinton’s administration emboldened Albanian terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija to develop pretensions toward territories of Balkan states in which live Albanian minority. Now US received, as a kind of collateral damage, well organised Mafia on its own territory. It shell never be able to ascertain with certainty how many Albanians from the Balkans settled in USA. In the same manner in which they falsified hundreds of thousands of personal documents in Kosovo and Metohija, I suppose with certainty that they have already falsified very many documents before and after entering the USA. It is clear why they will vote Carry, since voting for him, the Soros lobby will rule USA, including Allbright, Clark... They have dug into the ground a powder keg in Kosovo and Metohija. The fuse can be lit easily.

Spomenka Deretic


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