Re: [CTRL] SNET: My name is Bob, and I am Canadian.

2000-09-07 Thread Libby Magnello

SOME Americans are ignorant- not stupid- but ignorant from lack of facts, being
brainwashed by the tv.
America is still better than a LOT of other countries to live in.
My husband has traveled extensively with his job, and believe me, he is always glad to 
For one reason, Americans are hated and despised by most of the world, they think that 
government represents us (HA!) and that we want our government to come in and do the
things that it does to their countries, ie., to them.

It is heartbreaking.
My 14 year old daughter was talking to me today, saying that her 16 year old friend is
working minimum wage, and after taxes is actually making $2 an hour.
My mind went to all the women struggling to make ends meet on that amount.
I also thought of all the tax money, and where it goes.
We would have no poverty if it all went back into this country.
Heck, if they cut the taxes in half, and stopped giving to other countries, our 
would still have more money than any other!!!

I worry what will happen, and how it will end.
I don't see it ending without a violent revolution.

Lib- Queen of Blue's Haven in Central PA
"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are
taught falsehoods in school. And the one man that dares to tell the
truth is called at once a lunatic and fool" (Plato)
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Re: [CTRL] SNET: My name is Bob, and I am Canadian.

2000-09-07 Thread BB

    My name is Bill, I'm an American, I hear you and
sympathize -
your story sounds like ours.  Many of us have been making these
observations since the '60's.
    One point - Americans  ARE  ignorant 
--  look at the mess we've
gotten ourselves into.  After 4 years of the most ethical administration
in the history of the U.S.,  look at who the Americans elected
in '96.
Look at the fair-haired candidate who is now the successor to the 8
binge of ethics, elected by us "thinking" Americans.
    Americans are ignorant of much - most Americans are
ignorant of most.
Here's wishing us all better "luck" this time around, maybe brought
by some not - so - ignorant, better informed Americans.
    Regards,   Bill

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Subject: My name is Bob, and I am Canadian.
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 18:22:35 -0500
From: "Bruce B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It appears to me that
"Bob" shares some of his circumstances with a few of us "Yanks;" perhaps
more than just a few 
To: (Snip)
Subject: My name is Bob, and I am Canadian.
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 12:09:25 -0700
I am a minority in Vancouver, Banff, and
every casino in this country.
I was born in 1972, yet I am responsible
for some Native's great, great
grandfather who screwed himself out of
his land in the 1800's.
I pay import tax on cars made in Ontario.
I am allowed to skydive and smoke, but
not allowed to drive
without a seat belt.
All the money I make up until mid July
must go to paying taxes.
I live and work among people who believe
Americans are
These same people cannot name this country's
new Territory.
Although I am sometimes forced to live
on Kraft Dinner and
don't have a pot to piss in, I sleep well
knowing that I've helped purchase a
nice six figure home in Vancouver for some
unskilled Chinese refugee.
Although they are unpatriotic and constantly
try to separate,
Quebec still provides my nation's Prime
95% of my nation's international conflicts
are over fish.
I'm supposed to call black people African
Canadians, although
I'm sure none of them have ever been to
Africa, or east of Halifax for that
I believe that paying a 200% tax on alcohol
is fair.
I believe that same tax on gasoline is
also fair.
Even if I have no idea what happened to
that old rifle my
grandfather gave me when I was 14, I will
be considered a criminal if I don't
register it.
I DO know Jeff from Toronto.
I often badmouth the United States, and
then vacation there three
times a year.
I'm led to believe that some lazy ass unionized
broom pusher
who makes $30 an hour is underpaid and
therefore must go on strike, but
paying $10 an hour to someone who works
12 hour shifts at forty below on an oil rig
is fair.
I believe that paying $30 million for 3
stripes (The Voice of Fire)
by the National Art Gallery was a good
purchase, even though 99% of this country
didn't want it, nor will ever see it.
When I look at my pay stub and realize
that I take home a third
of what I actually make,
I say "Oh well, at least we have better
health care than the Americans"
It must bail out farmers when their crops
are too wet or too dry,
because I control the rain.
My National Anthem has versions in both
official languages, and
I don't know either of them.
Canada is the highest taxed nation in North
America, the
biggest military buffer for theUnited States,
and the number one
destination for fleeing boat people.
I am not an angry white male. I am an angry
broke taxpayer.
My name is Bob, and I am Canadian.