Re: [CTRL] SNET: What's Behind the Double Standard By Samuel Z.Anvil (fwd)

2004-05-13 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/13/2004 10:25:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Oh, the humiliation! The horror! No wonder the press cries out! Worldwiderevulsion, disgust and Moslem rage! Shame on you!Of course they're not speaking about what Sadam did to his own people:thegassings, the rapes, the strangulations, the mass graves, etc. Or any oftheatrocities countless Moslem leaders inflicted on their fellow Moslemsoverthe years. But why not? Weren't those things disgusting too? Is theresomething going on here that ordinary people like you and me don'tunderstand?
Just what part of "We're not really trying to be worse than Saddam." do you not understand?  Prudy
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[CTRL] SNET: What's Behind the Double Standard By Samuel Z.Anvil (fwd)

2004-05-13 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 00:23:54 EDT
Subject: SNET: What's Behind the Double Standard  By  Samuel Z.Anvil

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From: "surfer1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "surfer1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [origin of nations] What's Behind the Double Standard  By
Samuel Z.Anvil
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 20:44:18 +1000

What's Behind the Double Standard
By Samuel Z. Anvil

Oh, the humiliation! The horror! No wonder the press cries out! Worldwide
revulsion, disgust and Moslem rage! Shame on you!

Of course they're not speaking about what Sadam did to his own people:
gassings, the rapes, the strangulations, the mass graves, etc. Or any of
atrocities countless Moslem leaders inflicted on their fellow Moslems
the years. But why not? Weren't those things disgusting too? Is there
something going on here that ordinary people like you and me don't

Well, actually there is. But it's all very simple really, and it makes
perfect sense to Moslems. It's only we infidels who have difficulty
understanding it.

You see, in the Islamic view of things, the lives of infidel kafirs like
(Christians, Jews and everybody else), are "worth" something between a
Moslem woman and a camel. I'll bet you didn't think there was room
those two lowly categories to wedge a fingernail in, let alone the vast
majority of human beings on this planet, but there is. There's room for
and every one of us. It's another of Allah's miracles.

At the top of the heap are Moslem men, Masters of the Universe, the
of all creation, the exclusive custodians of the eternal Truth, and the
people whose feet we kafirs should all be kissing. Below them are Moslem
women, whose job it is to wash those feet. Below them, us, then camels
other useful creatures like sheep that don't make too much of a fuss when
Moslem man whips out his knife.

So when a Moslem man tears out another Moslem's fingernails and rapes his
daughters and slits all their throats, well that's just the way things
in Allah's dysfunctional little family. And when a Moslem man shoots dead
pregnant dhimmi woman and her four daughters as they drive through a part
the world he thinks belongs to him (and of course every square inch of
planet rightfully belongs to Moslems and to nobody else), well, that's
natural-born right as Master of the Universe. Even the kafirs of Europe
don't dare deny him that right.

But if a kafir, a dhimmi, one of those so-called people whose role in
life is to be properly submissive to and respectful of his Moslem
should turn around and strike back, well that's completely unthinkable.
against Allah's holy law. It's as though a wife should, perish the
hit back when her husband beats her. It's a shameful humiliation, a
of Allah's creation, it can't be allowed to stand, and it "fuels Islamic

It's shameful and humiliating because what the dhimmi is saying when he
strikes back is that maybe, just maybe, Moslem men are not the pinnacle
all creation, the reason why the whole universe exists. And when the
creates a free society in which people have real hope of better lives,
Moslem men use their oil billions to create one hellhole country after
another, the dhimmi is saying: "Don't give me this crap about how
you are, and how Allah himself has chosen you to rule the world."

And that is a message no Master of the Universe wants to hear. Not from
wives, not from his slaves (and yes, they do have slaves in this
twenty-first Christian century), and certainly not from the dhimmis, the
sons of pigs and monkeys. So he runs for refuge to his holy books, which
tell him to - guess what? - kill the infidel! And if it's not possible to
kill the infidel right now, to do what Prophet did: lie to the infidel,
a false peace while you prepare for war, and plan for the long term. Send
him your masses to overwhelm his country with the fruits of your wombs,
advantage of the kafir's unsuspecting nature, use his democratic laws and
rights to undermine his society, enlist the help of the dull-witted,
him of his wars against you and when he mentions your wars against him,
him a racist, and in the end - maybe a hundred years from now, maybe a
thousand - you will finally rule the world as Allah intended. Patience.
infidel is too stupid to understand what you are doing.

And that is how the dhimmi w