-Caveat Lector-


By Jim Rarey

October 21, 2002


In the deadly serious reign of terror in the Beltway area, there is a subplot battle of wits involved and most of the media and law enforcement appear to have entered the fray unarmed.

Although some are beginning to think otherwise, law enforcement seems wed to the theory that this is a lone psychopath with only a fair expertise in marksmanship and knack for planning his hits. Cable television has an endless parade of experts and "former" FBI profilers who spout their psychobabble of theories as to why the shooter has turned against society.

However most admit to the "possibility" of two scenarios. The first, and favorite, is the lone nut theory (possibly with a partner). The second is the "unthinkable" idea of organized terrorism plotted by a government or foreign or domestic group (take your pick between Al Queda or the local militia). The latter is almost universally rejected because no one has taken credit for the killings. And that's what terrorists do, right?

The philosopher George Santana said, "Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it," We need go back in history no further than to Lenin and Hitler for the techniques and motives for terrorism.

Lenin maintained that terrorism, in order to strike fear into an entire population, must be random. If there is a perception that only a certain group or groups are targeted, the rest of the public will still feel safe. The object of this kind of terrorism is to goad (or provide a rationale) for the government to institute repressive measures in the name of providing "security." As the terrorism continues it also buttresses the perception that the government is incapable of protecting the public. As the repression escalates, the public becomes increasingly resentful opening the door for the "white knight" or opposition to provide the solution.

Hitler followed this prescription by organizing "street gangs" to commit random violence as he ran for election on a platform of restoring "law and order." As soon as Hitler gained office he had the constitution changed to give him the power he needed to stop the violence. He got the power and the "random" violence stopped, although the "gangs" were incorporated into the dreaded SS storm troopers who continued the terror against selected targets and scapegoats.

After each killing we are told, by law enforcement and the media, that the killings are "linked" on the basis of forensic ballistic evidence. This evokes the image, seen on television and in the movies, of an "expert" peering into a microscope comparing "grooves" on bullets and finding they are identical. If you listen carefully, that's not what they are saying at all. The only thing they have determined is that the same caliber bullet (.223) has been used in each killing. There are some thirty weapons that can chamber a .223 cartridge and even more if a sabot round is being used.

What, you say, is a "sabot" round. In this case it would be a .223 bullet wrapped in a plastic cover called a "sabot" and encased in thirty caliber casing. A thirty caliber weapon would fire the cartridge and a .223 bullet (slug) would hit the target. The police have "found" one cartridge casing they say they believe was used to fire the shot that wounded the young boy at the school. This is the same crime where the Tarot card was found.

I have only heard one expert (on Fox Cable) point out that the casing was found right beside the Tarot card. Since the perpetrator obviously wanted the Tarot card to be found, it is only logical he wanted the casing to also be found. That expert who seems to be one of the few exercising common sense and not taking everything at face value was Mark Furman, the former L.A. detective of O.J. fame. He was also responsible for the reopening of the murder case in Connecticut with his book "Murder in Greenwich" that resulted in the conviction of the Kennedy relative for the murder. If the .223 casing was planted, should it be used to conclusively say that the murder weapon is of .22 caliber?

Remember the white block truck returned to a rental company in which a cartridge casing was found? It was first reported as a .308 caliber and on that basis the authorities dismissed its relevance. Today, the announcement was made that it was a .223 caliber afterall. Is it now relevant, apparently not. But it does spike speculation of a sabot round.

Then there is the instance of the person who was temporarily taken into custody and then released. Found in his car were a .22 "assault" rifle, Tarot cards and a sniper manual. No connection say the authorities and no more is heard of him. Did he not fit the preconceived "profile?" Why was he not at least charged with possession of an illegal weapon?

Now we are being treated to the spectacle of the police being forced to use the television media to "communicate" with someone they believe to be the sniper. Unless the messages police have delivered on TV are coded responses to the terrorist, they contradict themselves. First they say they have received a message and are formulating a response. Then they come back and say they don't understand the original message and need clarification before they can respond. All this is doing is creating the perception that the police are either being manipulated by the shooter or are incompetent. Neither perception is calculated to instill public confidence in the authorities.

We all hope the shooter is a "lone nut" and will soon be snared by law enforcement. However this writer leans more to the scenario of organized terrorism with the objective of creating nationwide fear and a crackdown by government . We have already seen an intervention by the military in a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act but most people shrug it off as necessary.

If, God forbid, sniper incidents should spread around the country, that would create more terror. However, that is unlikely as it would make it clear that it is organized. It is much more likely that another terrorist act of 9/11 magnitude will occur.

Let us all pray that is not allowed to happen.

Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a free lance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the U.S. Constitution.

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