-Caveat Lector-


Tony Snow
February 19, 2001

Justice Thomas steps up

WASHINGTON -- Clarence Thomas does not like large crowds. He
prefers the company of family and friends; the comfort of
neighborhood eateries and baseball diamonds where he can teach
kids to keep their gloves down as ground balls come skipping
their way.

But circumstance often thrusts unassuming men into major roles --
and last Tuesday, before a throng of formally dressed men and
women at an American Enterprise Institute dinner, the associate
justice of the United States Supreme Court issued a long-overdue
call for a renewed civil-rights movement.

He didn't advertise his talk as such, and he never would accept
responsibility for leading any cause, but his address carefully
analyzed a phenomenon many Americans have come to recognize: The
civil-rights movement has gone slowly, perceptibly, terribly

What began as a crusade for equal rights under the law has soured
into a big-money quest to impose racial preferences. A movement
that once united Americans of every class and color has turned
into an agent of segregationism, race-baiting and political
intrigue. What arose as a populist cause championed by ordinary
citizens has degenerated into cults of personality backed by
corporate America and shielded from scrutiny by a cadre of
enforcers and intimidators. "We Shall Overcome" has given way to
"Show me the money!"

The grandees of the New Segregationism have maintained their
authority through the raw and shameless use of force. The average
hack employs two weapons: protests and killer epithets. If a
white man runs afoul of the establishment, he gets tagged a
"racist." Black iconoclasts get dubbed "Uncle Toms." These labels
are the most corrosive and feared in the land, and the mere
threat of using them has reduced strong men and women to
gelatinous nothings.

Nevertheless, truth has a funny way of squirming through the
murk. Consider these propositions: Kids have a better chance of
living good and productive lives if they grow up in the same home
as their mother and father. Federal welfare imposed a
family-wrecking policy on poor Americans. A strong conscience is
a surer and more admirable form of birth control than a condom.
Jury nullification has helped predators create a whole new
generation of black victims.

The "civil-rights movement" has become a Potemkin operation: all
storefront and no store. There is no longer a practical
distinction between affirmative action and quotas. Diversity
training has become a tool for imposing uniformity of thought.
Race-norming, like Jim Crow, fetters black students and workers
with low standards and low expectations. And most importantly,
"black leadership" has become the chief shill for programs that
have inflicted breathtaking damage on average black Americans.

Everybody knows these things are true; almost nobody dares say
them aloud for fear of reprisals -- job loss, humiliation, a
demand for some groveling public recantation. It has been that
way for some time. In his speech, Thomas offered a 1974 quote
from theologian Michael Novak: "Honesty on questions of race is
rare in the United States. So many and unrecognized have been the
injustices committed against blacks that no one wishes to be
unkind, or subject himself to intimidating charges. Hence, even
simple truths are commonly evaded."

Thomas encouraged his audience to stop indulging in polite lies
about race relations and demand public acknowledgment of impolite
truths. "A good argument diluted to avoid criticism is not nearly
as good as the undiluted argument," he said, "because we best
arrive at truth through a process of honest and vigorous debate.
Arguments should not sneak around in disguise, as if dissent were
somehow sinister."

Most Americans know that racial harmony isn't difficult to
achieve. You give people a chance to live side-by-side, and share
everyday triumphs and hardships. We have won most of the big
battles already: Discrimination no longer enjoys any cachet.
Younger Americans don't think of racism as a threat, and
intermarriage rates make it obvious that love increasingly is
becoming colorblind.

As a country, we have rolled back the tide of old animosities.
Unfortunately, the New Segregationists keep getting in the way,
demanding that the nation re-live the 1960s and revive old
suspicions and grievances.

Thomas outlined the best way to deal with such bullies: Punch
back. A good place to start would be to call out anybody -- right
or left -- who makes gratuitous use of the "racist" label. The
same goes for activists who believe that the road to personal
salvation must travel though a government office.

When Martin Luther King Jr. talked about going to the
mountaintop, he didn't mean standing in line to get some
government-issued scrip. He had in mind the kind of dignity
Clarence Thomas discussed -- and has practiced -- while his
detractors were raising money for causes that have made them rich
while keeping their "people" poor.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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