-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Scientists I.D. Christ's fingerprint - Nonsense of
Achyara S and S...

> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 9/24/00 9:04:47 PM Central Daylight Time,

OH DEARY ME! Poor old WILLIE is a tad ruffled again! But then, that tends to
happen to the mentally incarcerated in their own shallow and blind dogma. So
once again, we ask poor old doddering WILLIE, where exactly are his
refutations of previous rebuttals to the outright and outlandish LIES of his
spiritual guru Achyara ?  NOWHERE to be seen, just more conceited Willie
rhetoric, lets have a further read below.

And why has Willie so long played the pseudo liberal ere this, and not had
the courage to reveal his hidden Gnostic agenda here?

> << All it really shows, and all she really knows, is how to disseminate
>  and disinfo to the subject illiterate cultists, and ill-informed bigots
>  you Shannon. >>
> She simply and effectively shows that the inspiration for your particular
> cult, one Jesus Christ, was a fabrication based upon older myths and
> fables...that's all.
> Her site www.truthbeknown.com speaks for itself and will easily counter
> hysterical ravings.

Willie, your worshipful spiritual phoney fakir, only effectively
demonstrates that she is a liar, or at best completely ignorant of the
historic facts and evidence.

She also confuses, as but one example, historically State sponsored
terrorism via the Vatican, with the teachings of the Bible and Jesus Christ,
the twain are a universe apart. No one that is supposedly as intelligent as
she boasts and professes to be, could be THAT ignorant and not be able to
distinguish between the
two, yet she constantly confuses and muddles both by her deliberate
obfuscations. Hence, I say that your guru is a more likely a deliberate
disinfo agent.

The Papacy in fact burnt, destroyed and sought to eradicate the very
manifesto of true Christianity - the Bible. Your guru is highly confused at
best.  In the same manner, your holy guru does the work of the Vatican, but
merely employs more subtle methods and lies to do so - are you so blind to
this Willie?

Why would the Vatican wish to eradicate the authority of the Bible Willie?
Why would these neo-Gnostics with their inherent Gnostic Jew hate do the
Vatican's work?  Have you ever studied the TRUE tenets of Gnosticism Willie?
Have you ever considered why many of such adepts praise the Nazis as did the
Vatican align itself with Nazi Germany?  Have you ever looked at the
similarity in doctrine to these neo-Gnostic New Agers and the third Reich
Willie?  As much as you THINK you know Willie, there is a lot you are
completely ignorant of.

> <<Cleary, when examined against the evidence, her work is one of pure
> dis-information and has more to with raking in the hard earned savings of
> gullible fools who require on-going stimulation for their ridiculous fear
> life and the world as a whole.>>
> Actually the people raking in the "hard-earned savings" of the gullible
> those who call themselves churches and have preyed upon human weakness and
> insecurity for millenia.

Agreed, and this is true in many cases, but not in all and every case. It is
however undoubtedly the case with reference to your sacred cow guru whom you
blindly worship, not even being fully cognizant of what is being peddled
Willie. In fact, you are completely out of your league here Willie. You got
conned, and conned good wee Willie, better than by any slick
Tele-Evangelist, because like the gullible churchocrats, your guru merely
appeals to your own particular paranoid style of superstition. You really
should check into this stuff, honestly - it's not as harmless, nor
"liberating" as they like to sell you.

> <<As I said, and now Shannon confirms, the author of this piece of
> is merely out to rake in the bucks any way she can with her ridiculous and
> grandiose FICTIONS, because fiction in today's world, most oft sells
> With the bible being the king of all fictions and the greatest con-job in
> history.

This is clearly a complete falsehood. How anyone could be so unsophisticated
and prattle such unhistorical garbage in the modern world is
incomprehensible. You ought to examine some of the links and references I
supplied to familiarise yourself with the facts rather than relying on
invalidated data from long dead and ill-informed sceptics and conspiracy
theory nutters wishing to sell books and attempt make a name for themselves.

Such invariably are given over to their egomania and will say and print any
kind of worthless and demented froth to satiate their weak egos. I can't
believe you are as dumb as that not to have seen through her bunkum.

> <<You seem extremely ruffled
> that someone dared to question one of your sacred cows, and expose your
> for the fraud she is. >>
> LOL!! It's the fact that your sacred cow has been gored by truth that
> your harangue and namecalling...and the abuse that you and your cohorts
> heaped upon Acharya is proof positive that you are fearful.

I think your unsolicited SPAM e-mail thoroughly demonstrates that you are as
frightened as a startled rat scuttling down a sewer drain that anyone dared
to question the baloney you posted without even checking it.  You couldn't
answer the rebuttals made against that shyster guru of yours, so all you
have left is your wounded bloodied ego by which to limp-wrist wave and mewl
in response.

> <<You are a bigot, and are one of the most
> profoundly blind religionist bigots I have yet come across.>>
> Well you're still a mere lad so I'm certain you'll meet many more that you
> feel the need to abuse and attack...people who differ from you undoubtedly
> and point out the fallacies of the mental prison you've chosen to lock
> yourself away in.

I think the fact that I bothered to read and investigate the baloney your
sacred holy-cow Gnostic guru regurgitates, whilst you have advertised your
and froth of alternative views, suggests that it is you in fact that is
incarcerated with a mental-padlock and an extremely dogmatic and cloistered
mindset. Are you perhaps a Catholic priest by profession, many such seem to
inanely ramble on as you do?

> Again, http://www.truthbeknown.com/christcon.htm ........find out what
> up the blind religionist!!
> Bill.

I think people can judge for themselves who is riled and ruffled. Your rude,
bilious and unsolicited SPAM e-mail suggests you are an extremely disturbed
individual, who feels his dogma cannot be questioned, and when Willie and
his never-to-be-questioned holy mullahs teachings are shown to be
fraudulent, Willie resorts to personal abuse via my PRIVATE e-mail gateway.
Some "neighbour" this guy would make eh folks? Tossing his inane psychotic
manure over his fence and into your PRIVATE yard.

Once again, for those that desire GENUINE, thoughtful considerations of the
issues, or for those that are interested in sound refutation of Shannon's
guru's nonsense above, which Shannon has fallen for hook-line-and sinker,
Bookmark the following, and have a casual peruse as you find time, they are
informative, and give a balanced appraisal without the extreme bias and oft
outlandish lies promulgated by arch mythmakers like Willie Shannon and et








Suggested reading written by serious scholars and researchers:

The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
by Craig L. Blomberg

The Historical Jesus : Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
by Gary R. Habermas

Jesus Under Fire
by Michael J. Wilkins (Editor), James Porter Moreland

Reasonable Faith : Christian Truth and Apologetics
by William Lane Craig

Christian Apologetics
by Norman L. Geisler

The Gospel and the Greeks : Did the New Testament Borrow from Pagan Thought?
by Ronald H. Nash

Archaeology and the New Testament
by John McRay

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> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
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> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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