-Caveat Lector-


Netanyahu Secretly Visits Arch
Spy Jonathan Pollard In Prison
Breaking News From Dandelion Books



Author Gordon Thomas - whose new book, Seeds of Fire: China and the
Story Behind the Attack on America, skyrocketed to 49 in amazon.com
sales rank listings in two days, has just learned that Jonathan
Pollard - the spy convicted of espionage against the United States 17
years ago - was secretly visited in his U.S. Federal Prison on
Monday, January 7 by former Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin

Pollard - who is a central figure in Thomas, Seeds of Fire - was convicted of 
espionage against the United States.

"But I am told on the highest authority in Israel that Natanyahu's visit is the first 
step in persuading the Bush administration to set him free so he can go to Israel, the 
country for whom he spied," said Thomas.

The author is renowned for his contacts in Mossad, the Israeli secret service. His 
book was the preview bestseller to Seeds of Fire. Titled Gideon's Spies, it took 
Thomas two years to research and write. Mossad directors
and other key officers granted him exclusive interviews.

In Seeds of Fire, he details how one of those officers, former Operations Chief Rafi 
Eitan, ranks Pollard as the most effective spy Israel has ever had. Eitan told the 
author in a taped interview that he would "only wish
to have Pollard free again before I die."

"His targets were the innermost intelligence secrets of the U.S. He stole more than 
the Russians ever did," said Thomas.

Esther Pollard, the spy;s wife, said, "This was a very personal meeting between Bibi 
and Jonathan. I cannot tell you what Bibi said. But it was an excellent meeting. A 
very long meeting, and it left Jonathan filled with h

The ex-Israeli prime minister traveled to Pollard's prison in North Carolina and spent 
hours with the spy alone, said Thomas.

Mrs. Pollard added that her husband has been kept in solitary confinement during his 
life sentence.

She said that previously Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu had tried to secure 
Pollard's release as part of a package deal with former President Bill Clinton at the 
Wye talks - but failed.

"But CIA chief George Tenet has let it be known that if Pollard is freed it could be a 
resignation matter for him," said Thomas.

"Tenet regards Pollard as a man who nearly wrecked the CIA intelligence gathering 
operations throughout the globe," said Thomas. "He believes that if Pollard is sent 
back to Israel he could have something useful to do for
 Mossad," he added.

"Seeds of Fire describes Pollard's never before revealed role in the theft of the most 
important software in the U.S. intelligence arsenal."

Seeds of Fire is backed by over 100 pages of never before published documents that not 
only show how the theft was carried out - but also how it eventually led to China 
having a copy of it.

Seeds of Fire shows how China used it to prepare itself to become a new Superpower.

Quoting from a CIA Briefing paper - prepared by incumbent CIA director George Tenet 
for President Bush - Thomas reveals the agency- s fear about a coming conflict with 

Hours after Gordon Thomas had revealed exclusive details in Seeds of Fire about the 
full intent of China's threat, it was confirmed today by the CIA - and followed up by 
ABC News and the Associated Press. Said Dandelion P
resident Carol Adler: "Not for the first time, Gordon Thomas has set the news agenda 
with is revelations. There are many more in Seeds of Fire which we believe will find 
their way into the mainstream news media in the com
ing days. But remember: you read it here first."

Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America (ISBN 1893302547) is 
available at bookstores and at www.dandelionbooks.com


Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America reveals why Pollard 
was sentenced to die in prison after he had been found guilty of being the greatest 
traitor in the history of the United States.

Seeds of Fire shows how, compared to Pollard, the damage done to U.S. security by 
others spying against the U.S. pales into significance.

Pollard was a civilian senior analyst in the most secret Field Operational 
Intelligence office in Suitland, Maryland. The post required top security clearance 
because Pollard had access to highly classified files in the e
ntire U.S. intelligence community.

Seeds of Fire documents how a powerful lobby WITHIN the United States has lobbied to 
have Pollard freed. It names the lobbyists. They are headed by Harvard Law School 
Professor, Alan M. Dershowitz, once Pollard's attorney

Seeds of Fire quotes the attorney thus: "There is nothing in Pollard's conviction to 
suggest that he had compromised the nation's intelligence-gathering capabilities or 
betrayed worldwide intelligence data."

Backed by such powerful sources, Israel has now begun a new campaign to persuade the 
Bush Administration to set Pollard free.

But CIA Director, George Tenet, as Seeds of Fire reveals, is leading the opposition to 
such a move.

Tenet is not the only one who has joined in the battle over Pollard's future. Four 
retired US admirals, one who had served as a director of US Naval Intelligence, have 
circulated a paper within the Washington intelligence
 community that bluntly states Pollard's release would not only be "irresponsible to 
the highest degree, but also a victory for the clever public relations campaign waged 
for the worst traitor this country has had."

So far such trenchant views have remained within the intelligence community, but a 
number of senior members of the CIA, FBI and other agencies who were involved in 
assessing the damage Pollard did, have begun to say they
will go public on what they know the extent of that damage to be.

Though reluctant to be named "for the moment," one FBI agent told Gordon Thomas: 
"Pollard stole every worthwhile intelligence secret we had. We are still trying to 
recover from what he did. We have had to withdraw dozens
of agents in place in the former Soviet Union, in the Middle East, South Africa and 
friendly nations like Britain, France and Germany. The American public just don't know 
the full extent of what he did."

Ironically, Pollard in his youth had made no secret of his support for Israel. The 
youngest son of an award-winning microbiologist, his family and friends have described 
as his near obsession with "the power of Mossad." A
t Stanford University he said he was "waiting for the day when Israel will call upon 
me." Nobody took him seriously; many thought he was a fantasist. For that reason the 
CIA rejected his job application, dismissing him as
 a "blabbermouth."

But the agency also saw that he had an extraordinary gift as an analyst. This talent 
allowed Naval Intelligence to overlook his other faults.

His former chief, David Muller, admitted that "despite his stories about his visits to 
Israel when he claimed to have met with Mossad, he was a genius when it came to 
breaking down complex data. He was a one- off in every
 sense of the word. With hindsight we all should have listened to the alarm bells 
ringing. Pollard had a drug habit. He had huge debts. He lived well above his salary. 
In every sense he was a prime target for a foreign in
telligence service to recruit."

No other US spy in modern intelligence has generated such controversy as Jonathan 
Pollard. Now forty-seven years of age and incarcerated in a maximum security jail 
supposedly for the rest of his life, no one publicly stil
l knows the full extent of the damage he did after he was recruited in November 1984 
to spy for Israel.

The man who did the recruiting was Rafi Eitan, Mossad's legendary spymaster who 
captured Adolf Eichmann. Pollard was to be an even greater triumph for Eitan and 

Eitan is one of the few who knows the full extent of the top-secret materials Pollard 
passed over. But within the Israeli intelligence community it is accepted that Pollard 
also provided a clear picture of U.S. intelligen
ce gathering methods in the Middle East.

For over eleven months Pollard had raped US intelligence. His trial was told "over 360 
cubic feet of paper was transmitted to Israel."

Yitzhak Shamir, then Israeli's prime minister, had personally approved the recruiting 
of Pollard.

Pollard was arrested on November 21, 1986, outside the Israeli embassy in Washington. 
He elected to plea-bargain rather than face a full trial. The US government agreed 
with alacrity: no state secrets would have to be rev
ealed, especially about the extent of Israeli espionage.

After the plea bargain, the Justice Department supplied the court with a sworn 
declaration signed by Caspar W. Weinberger, the Secretary of Defence, which detailed 
by categories some of the intelligence systems that had b
een compromised.

In prison, Pollard divorced his first wife Anne (who had been sentenced to five years 
imprisonment for being his accomplice), and converted to Orthodox Judaism. In 1994 he 
married, in prison, a Toronto schoolteacher named
 Elaine Zeitz. Esther Pollard, as she was from then on known, became the spearhead of 
the campaign to have her husband freed. Now she has been joined by Benyamin Netanyahu.

"Much of what he knows is still in his head. And some of what he stole is still in use 
by us," 'Seeds of Fire' reveals. "The reasons the key was thrown away to his cell is 
because until he died he would be useful to Israe
l. They would just have to show him something and he would know how to extrapolate 
from it. A man like that doesn't lose his touch because he is locked away."

Yet the lobbyists are now arguing that Pollard has to be seen within the context of 
the "big picture, in the Middle East," says Gordon Thomas.

A former FBI officer who had been involved in tracking Pollard told the author he 
would have no objection to a deal over Pollard "providing Israel listed everything 
Pollard had stolen and what they have done with the mate
rials in terms of all their friends in Beijing".

He conceded that such a hope was forlorn. Far more realistic he thought, was that one 
day soon Jonathan Pollard might yet get to use the Israeli passport that spymaster 
Rafi Eitan had provided him.

Certainly the old spymaster is more than ready to welcome Pollard to Israel. "It would 
be really nice to see Jonathan again and discuss old times," Eitan has told Gordon 

The full untold story of Pollard, Eitan and Israel's secret operations in the United 
States are documented in Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on 
America, by Gordon Thomas, ISBN 1893302547, Dandelion B
ooks, Paperback, 524 pages, over 100 original documents. $25.95.

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