Re: [CTRL] Serbia: Cartoonist is Eyewitness to NATO Attacks

1999-03-25 Thread Divinewill

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello to MsCountryLady ,

  Thank You so much for forwarding these
letters to us from Sasa . I have sent him e-mail
wishing him and his country safety and forwarded
reports regarding the protests here in the US against
the NATO strikes .
 It is a rare opportunity for this madness
to become a "real " event instead of the usual surreal
war game mentality and it's accompanying non attachment
to reality .

"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any
problem, it is generally employed only by small
children and large nations."
-- David Friedman

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Please Keep these reports from civilians in Serbia!
> This is good for us all
> to read.  I passed on the last one and have gotten
> alot of response back on
> wanting more!
> Thanks,
> MsCountryLady
> ==
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Re: [CTRL] Serbia: Cartoonist is Eyewitness to NATO Attacks

1999-03-25 Thread MsCntryLdy

 -Caveat Lector-

Please Keep these reports from civilians in Serbia!  This is good for us all
to read.  I passed on the last one and have gotten alot of response back on
wanting more!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Serbia: Cartoonist is Eyewitness to NATO Attacks

1999-03-25 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

The following e-mails from Serbia were posted this morning to the Comix
Discussion List, which links alternative cartoonists, scholars, and fans
worldwide.   Sasa Rekazic (aka Aleksandar Zograf), cartoonist of Alas!,
Life Under Sanctions, and Psychonaut, is currently witnessing the bombing
of Serbia by NATO.

>From: "Aleksandar Zograf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sasa Rakezic
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>Dear friends,
>I am writing this during the raids... NATO had striked Pancevo, as well as
>some near by villages, and some suburban parts in Belgrade, and many other
>towns in Serbia in Monte Negro... Gordana and I decided that we will stay
>in our flat...I tryed to send the message 1 hour before, and was
>interrupted by explosion...It was NOT in our part of town, but they hit the
>UTVA - a plane factory, the same one that I spoke about in Alas #3 several
>years ago... But this time, they haven't dropped the bombs at UTVA
>factories in our neighborhood, but in their houses in the other part of the
>town... I can still see the flame as I am writing this. But don't worry! We
>are OK by now.The guys from Tv Pancevo (local TV) have been there, and they
>already aired the scenes INSIDE the building in flames! Noone has been hurt
>at that location, as far as we know by now...
>We heard emergency syrens for the last time about 20 minutes ago... Many
>people are still on the street, we were surprized that the panick was not
>overwhelming...God, it's so prosaic...I just saw some 16-17 year old kids
>on the swings in the little park near by our block of buildigs...And that
>flame in the distance as well...This is so stupid.
>The guys from NUP (the band from the neighboring village) called 20 minutes
>ago, and they said HI! to all our mutual friends... It is very hard to get
>the line if you try to phone...In the near by village of Kacarevo there
>were some hits, but we still don't know what happened...
>I don't know if I will be able to send MORE messages, or if even I will be
>able to connect, but we just wanted to say that you do not have to worry +
>that we are OK...
>Sorry for the typos etc,
>Love you all
>Sasa and Gordana

>From: "Aleksandar Zograf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sasa Rakezic
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>Hey -
>The emergency in Pancevo has not stopped until the beginning of the NATO
>strikes in 20 00... Gordana and I are still in our flat, we haven't been to
>shelter, we were sleeping in our clotes when about ten minutes ago (at abot
>03 40h )were waken up by detonation...They just said on the radio that two
>places in town which were hit already were bombed again! It's hard to
>understand why, the firemen had put out the fire few hours ago, and they
>said that everything was destroyed already in one of the
>places ( Utva airplane factory).
>They showed people on the local TV again, and the roof at their house was
>demolished in a previous bombing - they don't even know what happened, as
>they were hiding in the shelter... (they were not as ignorant as we are).
>It seems that something fell of the plane or from the bomb or missile, and
>made a large hole in the roof of their house... But there was nothing
>around, not a trace of a piece of bomb or something...
>The problem is that it is really hard to call by a phone, you can not
>easily get through, so I guess that there are still not all the
>informations about what happened...It was not even possible to call the
>ambulance, so they had to announce some alternative phone numbers...
>It is hard to tell what this NATO operation really means...It will
>DEFINITELLY make Milosevic even more powerful at the moment, because common
>people feel the rage because of all this, and all sort of extremism will be
>empowered...They will use this situation to fight the "different voices" in
>Serbia...They closed the most important independent radio station in
>Belgrade (B92) before the NATO strikes even began...And the right wingers
>at the Serbian parliament asked to punish al the "defetists and traitors"
>For me, it is still funny that I had a hypnagogic vision of the bombs
>exploding in my town long before the war in Ex-Yugoslavia even began ( see
>Alas!Comics #3)...
>And I STILL don't understand why are they bombing again and again this
>stinky little town of Pancevo , and how it is going to stop the conflict in
>( I just heard that Belgrade is under heavy bombings again)...
>Until soon (hopefully)
>Sasa and Gordana

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