-Caveat Lector-

>From: "Sasa Rakezic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Dreams, prisons and graveyards
>Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 23:22:33 +0200
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Priority: 3
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Sasa Rakezic
>P.F. 163
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia (Serbia)
>May 19 1999
>Hey, I'm glad that I keep on visiting my friends cartoonists in their
>dreams. Rick Veitch told me about his dream of me being happy because I got
>some grant, and it was true, in reality, to my own surprise, just a few
>days before Rick dreamt this, I was informed that my grant for a trip to
>Seattle was accepted, and I'll go there for 6 weeks if the war stops until
>October !...
>Today I received a letter from Mack White, here's an excerpt from it:
>"In your report this morning you described Bob's dream.  Considering your
>interest in dreams, I thought you'd be interested in one I had last night.
>You were in it:
>I dreamed I traveled to Serbia.  The reason was because the Internet had
>been shut down and I needed to contact you.  Someone was guiding me through
>a neighborhood to your home.  For some reason we had to wait on a street
>corner for you to meet us.  It was night and there was a weird red glow to
>While standing there, I took a walk down a river, or canal, which was full
>of refugees on rafts.  All the refugees were carrying large plastic bottles
>of Coca-Cola.  I remember thinking, "I should follow their example and
>stock up on Coke for Y2K."
>I had wandered a bit far.  So I headed back to the rendezvous point.
>While we were waiting, an old man on a bicycle stopped to talk to my guide.
>Then a car appeared, and both of them ran off and hid.  I was too slow, so
>didn't hide.  I thought, "I need to pay better attention to what's
>happening around me, or I'll get killed."
>The car passed.  Inside were some men who fixed me in a menacing stare.  I
>waited for them to start shooting, but they didn't.  They just drove on
>My guide reappeared from his hiding place.  The wait continued.  I went
>into a store and found copies of XL on sale.  Inside was your comic strip.
>I bought three, intending to give one to you.
>Then I went back to the street corner.  About that time you appeared.  You
>and I shook hands.  You said you had some changes in the intro I had
>written  (?!).  Then we headed back to your home, which was a big  building
>crowded with people.   Everyone was tense.
>You were busy doing something (setting up some musical instruments for a
>performance of some kind), but I insisted you stop for a moment so I could
>show you the newspaper which had your comic strip in it.  When I picked up
>the stack of newspapers, they turned into sleeping bags.  They were black.
>I woke up.  My girlfriend woke up at the same time, oddly.  I told her
>about the dream.  "I'm worried," I said.  "I think this is going to turn
>into a ground war."
>The reason I said that was because, thinking about the black sleeping bags
>in the dream, I remembered a  report that was circulating several weeks ago
>that NATO had ordered several thousand body bags sent to their base of
>operations.  Apparently, they have been anticipating a ground war from the
>start.  So, that was the immediate association I made when I remembered the
>sleeping bags in the dream.  A ground war".
>Mack's dream reminded me of many talks that I had with friends here, who
>were all concerned about the possibility of the ground war, despite the
>efforts past few days to end this crisis in diplomatic way (diplomacy
>mostly comes to late). Serbian soldiers in Kosovo were probably having the
>similar thoughts on their mind while reading the NATO leaflets - one of the
>pamphlets shows an Apache helicopter attacking a Serbian tank, with the
>warning: DON'T WAIT FOR ME!
>Today, a bizarre thing happened in a place called Istok, in Kosovo: NATO
>has bombed a local prison! Three projectiles hit prison cells and the
>central building, two prisoners were killed, one guard and some more
>prisoners were injured.
>But what is bizarre any more? In early April, NATO projectiles fell on  the
>Serbian Orthodox Christian graveyard in  Kosovo's capital. Reporters were
>astonished to see not only the tombstones demolished, but also coffins and
>human bones showing up from the 10 meters wide crater....

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