-Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  The following is forwarded from the Comix Discussion List, which
links alternative comics creators, fans,  scholars, and publishers
worldwide.  It is the fourth e-mail from Serbian cartoonist Sasa Rekazic
(aka Aleksandar Zograf), creator of Alas!, Life Under Sanctions, and
Psychonaut.  He has been witnessing the bombing of Pancevo by NATO.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765>>Sasa Rakezic
>>26000 Pancevo
>>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>>April 6th 1999.
>>Gordana and I jumped out of bed at 3.50 AM, waken by a sound of a strong
>>detonation, coming somewhere from the North... We haven't seen a flame or
>>explosion, though. Nandor, who lives in a Northern part of the town, also
>>wasn't able to spot the target of the bombing, even though he heard the
>>planes and three detonations... Until the time when I write this (1 PM),
>>the local radio said that they can't locate the place where the bombs
>>This morning I was standing in the long que in front of the local
>>newsstand... People were waiting to buy the cigarets (five packs per
>>customer). I don't smoke, but I wanted to buy it for Gordana and my
>>parents... But the modest supply was sold out before my turn... There is a
>>great shortage of cigares, and many people are really nervous, because, as
>>you maybe know already, people in this part of the world smoke so much...
>>Yesterday, early in the morning, NATO has bombed the city of Nis, with 15
>>projectiles, which created the horrible damages all over the very heart of
>>the town...The starnge thing is that they bombed plants of the Tobacco
>>Industry in Nis as well... The whole storage of 100 tons of tobacco was
>>burnt down completely...
>>If that is a military target, what on earth is NOT a military target?
>>Today it's 6th of April, the date that marks the rather ironic anniversary
>>- on that day in 1941, Belgrade was bombed by Nazi German Army...
>>Everybody remembers this as the Armagedon-type of event, with many 1000's
>>of dead civilians,and the institutions like National Library completely
>>burnt down...Bombs have even fell on the Zoo which was (and still is)
>>rather close to the center of the city, so that freed wild animals were
>>running all over the place ( like shown in a movie titled "The
>>Underground", by Kusturica). The similar unhappy unniversary will probably
>>be marked on April 16-17th , when , this time in 1944 - during the
>>Orthodox Easter , Belgrade (and many other towns in Serbia)- still under
>>German occupation, were bombed by the Allies. The bombing was supposed to
>>be targeted at German military facilities, but - due to a bad weather etc.
>>- the bombers have missed most of their targets, and mostly killed
>>civilian people and caused a large destruction of the town... It seems
>>that this events at the time have caused people in Serbia feel as if they
>>are being bombed by everybody, be it the Occupation Army or the Allies...
>>Mind you that so many people who went through all that hell are still
>>alive, and they are watching the similar thing happening in 1999... By the
>>way, last night they bombed a small town of Aleksinac - one projectile hit
>>the Army barracks, while two bombs fell on the civil houses, destroying
>>the whole street near the ceneter of the town, and causing injuries and
>>death of many civilian people (they still search for them under the
>>ruins). That all looked pretty much like WW2 ...This was a rather awful
>>night in Serbia anyway, with Refinery in Novi Sad bombed and set to flame,
>>and with the only remaining bridge in town being a target of 2 Tomahawk
>>missiles...Both of the missiles were destroyed by Serbian anti-aircraft
>>forces,but, of course, everybody will fear that the next night NATO will
>>try to hit the same spot again....
>>It should not be forgotten that on April 6th in 1992. the siege of
>>Sarajevo has began, this time with Bosnian Serbs being in the role of
>>bombers... And above all this, our friends from NATO will have to
>>celebrate their 50th anniversary on April 24th (I think) this year...
>>After 50 years, the problems are still being "solved" by dropping bombs.
>>As you can see, the anniversary could be such a horrible thing...

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