-Caveat Lector-

>From: "Aleksandar Zograf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sasa Rakezic
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>April 11th 1999
>Hey -
> I was getting weary of all this. I'm not so much of a "war" type, and
>can't wait for the time when I will read comics late at night, instead of
>standing at my window pane and watching "Tomahawk" missiles flying
>around....Those war rhetorics on the radio and Tv are enough to blow your
>mind. And behind our backs, so many Albanian people being kicked out from
>their homes in Kosovo. I lost my will to do anything. I needed some time to
>be left on my own.
>But don't worry - soon your "princess" will collect his mind, and be ready
>for this bombing business, and letters and all...
>Last night the radio alarmed "a very busy activity of the NATO aircrafts
>coming from the North in the direction of Belgrade". I heard the planes,
>and some detonations as well, but there were no news about some horrible
>bombings as we were getting used to past few days... For some reason,
>yesterday's activities of the NATO airplanes over Serbia were not so
>Tomorrow morning, everybody was commenting and trying to figure out - "Why
>haven't they drop bombs?". While I was passing down the street, I heard
>some old man saying: "This must have been a provocation!".
>The other night 6 projectiles hit the Car factory plant in Kragujevac,
>while the workers were around , forming a "human shield"... It is reported
>that 124 persons were injured.  They said that they will continue with the
>"human shield" action... This bombing has destroyed the central heating
>system built not only for the internal use in the Factory, but also  for
>the heating of the (civilian, of course) buildings and houses in the
>biggest town in Central Serbia...
>After all, the "human shield" actions are continuing on several bridges in
>few towns in Serbia...
>I suspect that people will become more and more suicidal as the bombing
>campaign progress.
>Still, you may ask: why have everybody accepted Milosevic's autocratic
>leadership in Serbia under NATO bombs? And even though his "reign" was
>becoming less and less popular during past several years (hence the student
>and civil protests in 1996/"97)? Instead of the answer, I will let you read
>the comparision written and forwarded to me by Terry "Monty Python" Jones
>(from his letter published in Guardian):
>          "     Dear Sir,
>        If the old Warsaw Pact had bombed London because they didn't like
>Mrs Thatcher's policies in Northern Ireland, you could be certain of two
>things happening: 1) the whole country would have got behind Mrs Thatcher
>and 2) it wouldn't have helped the situation in Ireland one little bit."
>That guy, Terry Jones! He got it staright to the point.

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