-Caveat Lector-

>From: "Sasa Rakezic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: No compromises?
>Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 00:11:23 +0200
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Priority: 3
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Sasa Rakezic
>P.F. 163
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia (Serbia)
>May 27th 1999
>Hello to all!
>After the snail mail from abroad stopped being delivered to Serbia, I
>almost stopped visiting a post office to check out my p.o. box. And when I
>finally went there to check it out, it turned out that a book, ordered
>this madness began, has somehow succeeded to get through!!!!! I ordered it
>from Bud Plant's catalogue, and it is a handsome "MAD about the Fifties"
>volume, with all the classical strips from the early Mad magazine. Hooray!
>A new book on my table. Can't believe it! All those genuine concepts by H.
>Kurtzman! Glorious stuff by Elder, Wolverton, Wood, Davis and all the
>others!!!! American satire from the 50's was so sharp, so beautifully
>executed. We should all learn from it, for many years to come. It is a
>great literature to read under the light of the candle during the
>May 28th 1999
>Yesterday, the power went off shortly after the booming sound of the bomber
>plane was heard over our neighborhood. NATO has destroyed some of the
>important power plants near Belgrade. The power comes off and on again,
>every now and then.
>Few hours ago, NATO have bombed a garbage dump  near Pristina, with four
>projectiles. Whatever the real target was, you can add the garbage dump to
>the list of the bombed places and objects in Serbia.
>Of course, everybody here is talking about Milosevic being indicted for war
>crimes...Just in the moment when some agreement for the halt of the
>military action in Kosovo was about to be settled through the diplomacy,
>lead by Russians!...It seems that NATO, which has a very strong influence
>on the policy of the War Crimes Tribunal in Hague, simply does not want to
>appear as ready to make any compromises, and is more eager to continue with
>the pressure against the "enemy". Is it even more important than to stop
>the suffering of both Albanian and Serbian civil population?
>I've been discussing these things with Donna Barr, who is able to very
>sharply analyze and understand the military logic, as you can see from her
>well-researched comics set inside the WW2 milieu.
>"There is a lot of media talk about Milosevic "cracking." , said Donna.
>"This is American media-talk for "He is willing to negotiate."
>In the American culture, there are only complete winners or complete
>losers; one is not allowed to compromise.  It is a sign of "weakness."
>Many of our people suffer from stress-illness because they cannot "win
>completely" all the time.
>And do you know what the British said?  That Milosovic has "back up
>generators," and if "he" is choosing to use "his" generators for the
>military instead of the hospitals, then it's "his" headache.
>You are no longer a country to NATO -- you are one person.  YOU are all to
>be treated as that one person.
>And repeatedly we see oil refineries burning.  This is an OIL question
>Speaking of compromises, it is something quite unpopular within a military
>logic in just any country... There is a joke, that I heard here in Serbia,
>about Milosevic writing a letter to Clinton:
>" Dear Bill, we can't take it any more. It's about time for you to
>That's all for now,

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