-Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  Following is the latest e-mail from from Serbian cartoonist Sasa
Rekazic (aka Aleksandar Zograf), creator of Alas!, Life Under Sanctions,
and Psychonaut.  He has been witnessing the bombing of Pancevo by NATO and
is managing to stay in contact with the international comics community
despite his computer being down.

Mack White

>March, 28th, 1999 14:00
>Dear friends,
>my computer is not working at the moment, so I wasn’t able to sen you
>e-mails... or to write back to all of yoiu who were so kind enough to
>write... I will try to convince a friend who is keen on computers to come
>and fix the damn thing! I heard from the others that it is not easy to
>connect, anyway...
>Yesterday we saw from the window another struke at the same spot at UTVA
>airplane factory plant... how will you feel if you see the red mushroom
>cloud over your home town? I got to say that – still – it looked pretty
>impressive, with a lot of twinkling shiny sparks around... it caused a fire
>again, and about 30 houses in the sorroundings were damaged by
>detonation... it’s funny – our frined Nandor was in front of his department
>building, together with a couple of neighbors... they heard the aircraft,
>which fired a missile from someplace over their department building,
>straight to UTVA Factory plant... they were about 1 Km from the place of
>bombing... it happened at 20.50, last evening...
>I’ve been working on a comics workshop since last September, and it is
>called ‘kuhinja’ (kitchen), as it is happening every saturday behind the
>large table in our kitchen... I gathered a group of cartoonists from
>Pancevo, Belgrade and the towns in the sorroundings... the youngest of
>them, Vuk Palibrk – 12 years old – called me yesterday, and asked: ‘are we
>going to have a workshop this saturday?’ I said ‘No, it’s too complicated,
>raids are on during the day, it’s not easy to come to this part of the
>town, etc... the other time when that kid made me laugh was when he saw
>Julie Doucet, who had an exhibition here in Pancevo only a month before
>this madness started... ‘she looks better as a comic character than in real
>life’ said Vuk. I’m sure Julie is going to kill the little bastard, as soon
>as she gets him!
>I spoke to another cartoonist that many of you know – Wostok, he is OK,
>they still haven’t dropped any bombs at his native town of Vrsac... at the
>day when the strikes began, Wostok made a short video film, with his father
>playing STALIN!
>Here we are exposed to shameless propaganda on the State TV, it is so
>horrible... the regime’s police has closed down two independent Radio
>Stations and the Police came into the Radio Pancevo offices, and forced
>them to ‘tone down’ their reports, etc...
>At the same time, it’s hard to say waht it’s happening, because we are so
>badly informed... they said that about 130 people died duiuring the several
>days of NATO strikes... could be less, could be more, who knows?
>Until soon,
>Sasa and Gordana

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