-Caveat Lector-

Siberian nuclear plant causes record river contamination

By DAVID BRISCOE, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (November 1, 2000 6:20 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Radioactivity has been found in waterways
flowing from a Russian nuclear complex in Siberia at levels higher than
would come from 10,000 commercial nuclear reactors, U.S. and Russian
groups said Wednesday.

"We were shocked at the levels of contamination," said Tom Carpenter,
director of the Government Accountability Project's office in Seattle, Wash.,
who helped conduct tests of water in the Tom and Romashka rivers.

The groups reported evidence that pollution from the Siberian Chemical
Complex constitutes the largest nuclear river contamination anywhere in the
world. They demanded an immediate end to dumping of nuclear waste
from the complex, site of secret nuclear weapons development during the
Soviet years and where an explosion spread radioactivity in 1993.

Carpenter said in an interview that levels were too high to have originated
at a nuclear power plant or normal reprocessing activities and suggested
the possible presence at the site of an unacknowledged nuclear weapons-
grade reactor or giant nuclear accelerator.

The exact source of the radioactivity was not determined during testing in
August by environmentalists from the U.S. group and the Siberian
Scientists for Global Responsibility, he said. The Government
Accountability Project is a nongovernmental legal and environmental group
that watches the nuclear industry and defends nuclear whistle-blowers. The
Siberian group is a nongovernmental organization that monitors nuclear

Calling the radioactive problem "out of rational control," the groups also
urged the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, to send
an emergency response team to cordon off areas of high contamination
and determine the level of danger to humans from food contamination.

Carpenter said scientists took samples in areas of cattle-grazing and
fishing. He showed a picture of fish that registered with levels of
radioactivity more than 20 times normal and said it would be harmful if it
was eaten.

The analyses showed strontium 90 in plant life along the Romashka River
of 10,000 picocuries per liter, the report said. The permissible level for U.S.
drinking water is 8 per liter. Dangerous levels of phosphorus 32 also were
found, it said.

"The magnitude of the reported ... release of beta radioactivity to River
Tom is staggering," the report said, many times greater than other known
nuclear pollution problems in Russia or pollution of the Columbia River from
the Hanford, Wash., nuclear reservation.

The conclusions were based on laboratory examination of samples
conducted in Russia, Canada and the United States, Carpenter said.

Findings were presented at a news conference by Carpenter and Norm
Buske, a physicist and oceanographer with the watchdog group who said
the nuclear waste was being "straight-piped" into the environment.

"This has not been done anywhere in the world since the Cold War," Buske

Local residents call the Siberian complex "the largest and greatest nuclear
facility in the world." During Soviet times it featured five nuclear reactors
and produced weapons-grade plutonium. Two nuclear reactors continue to
produce electrical power for surrounding communities, but they could not
account for the extreme radiation levels, Buske said.

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