-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

# Fringes of: Science, Faith, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Sex, Dope, Art, etc.
# Confused? See the disclaimers & excuses at http://skeptilog.pitas.com/
# No devious statisticians were harmed during production of this bulletin.
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* UFOs swarming around Spokane, Washington - the Reptilioid invasion is
  near: http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2002/apr/m04-028.shtml
* Chemtrails Over Portland http://rense.com/general21/morechemoverport.htm

* Asian Yeti Hunt: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,272-253066,00.html
* Bigfoot http://news.mpr.org/features/200204/01_rehab_bigfoot-m/index.shtml
* Pets make you telepathic http://www.jsonline.com/enter/gen/mar02/31189.asp

* BioChemWar timeline: http://cns.miis.edu/research/cbw/agchron.htm#chron
* Guns Save Lives: http://www.rense.com/general21/gunssavelives.htm -- and
  rape cures virginity, death relieves pain, TV is educational, up is down.

* Heading towards a new Ice Age: http://www.globalclimate.org/Newsweek.htm
* Of War And Islam And Israel And: http://www.rense.com/general21/time.htm
* Duh... http://www.xproject-paranormal.com/archives/paranormal/faith.html

Are UFOs laying down chemtrails promoting global warming/cooling to suppress
handgun violence against telepathic pet yetis leading to armageddon in 2012?
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* Is Bush MABUS? Following the etymological trail for decades, trying to
  uncover clues to just what the 16th-century prophet NOSTRADAMUS meant
  when he code named the 3rd and future candidate for one of his 3 anti-
  christs as the enigmatic MABUS. http://rense.com/general21/mabus.htm

* 147,631,789 × 23,674 =...? You have the capacity to arrive at the answer
  instantly, in your own head. If only you could reach the autistic savant
  within yourself. Dig in:  http://www.discover.com/feb_02/featsavant.html
* Heed the spirit world: http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/2985251.htm

* Shrine 'apparition' draws 50,000 Indians - divine forces manifested:
* Not a miracle, says dewan of dargah. But what does HE know anyway?

Have you uncovered any enigmas lately? Do miraculous answers pop into your
head? Do the voices in your head help you solve crossword puzzles? Why not?
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* Iliad, Odyssey Mystery Solved? Higher math, statistical physics, computer
  analysis do it http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20020401/odyssey.html
* Episcopal Labyrinth: http://galvestondailynews.com/report.lasso?wcd=1277

* Torah reconstructed: http://www.dfw.com/mld/startelegram/2942700.htm
* Talmud 'quotes' with attitude: http://www.rense.com/general21/tal.htm
* Engrams & Clears http://www.salon.com/people/feature/2002/04/03/hubbard/

* AfroSoccer, Spirits & Deities www.allafrica.com/stories/200204010216.html
* Unholy Alliance: Xianity & NWO http://www.rense.com/general21/unholy4.htm
* Resurrection For Dummies: http://www.theledger.com/top_stories/31eled.htm

* 14-year old virgin girl was strangled in a good luck sorcery ritual.
  Oops: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?u=/nm/20020404/od_nm/death_dc_1
* The universe is just a VR program: http://www.johmann.net/book/tciy.html

Has y'r belief system reprogrammed any reality lately? Is y'r belief system
slandered & misrepresented by unbelievers? Do y'r beliefs solve mysteries??
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# Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 561-423-6102
# These bulletins are now posted online: http://skeptinews.pitas.com
# To get this in realtime, subscribe: http://sonic.net/~ric/vsub.htm

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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