-Caveat Lector-


Smallpox vaccine failure quotes

"Examination shows vaccination a complete failure. In this single year, 3,994
vaccinated people died of smallpox; the total number attacked exceeded
29,000." (All were vaccinated.)"---Dr. Kalb, Royal Examiner of Statistics for

"I believed that vaccination prevented smallpox. I believed that if it did
not absolutely prevent it in every case, it modified the disease in some
cases, and I believed that re-vaccination, if only frequent enough, gave
absolute immunity. Experience has driven all that out of my head; I have seen
vaccinated persons get smallpox, and persons who had been vaccinated get
smallpox, and I have seen those who had had smallpox get it a second time and
die of it."------Dr. J. C. Ward M.R.C.S. at Harrogate, (England)

"Smallpox was on the way out, indeed epidemics disappeared decades before the
WHO decided to conduct the final "eradication" campaign.   It is also
well-documented that the largest epidemics occurred in the most highly
vaccinated populations, while whose who were unvaccinated, did not have the
same epidemics. "--Viera Scheibner

"I have had in my own experience one very small epidemic comprising 33
(smallpox) cases of which 29 had vaccination histories and a good scar, and
some of them vaccinated within the last year. There was no protection there.
"---Dr Hay

"During the epidemic of 1871, visiting the hospitals and seeing in private
practice that nine-tenths of the small-pox cases were vaccinated."---Dr

"The increased deaths from these five causes, from 1855 to 1880, exceed the
total deaths from Small-pox during the same period! So that even if the
latter disease had been totally abolished by vaccination, the general
mortality would have been increased, and there is much reason to believe that
the increase may have been caused by vaccination itself."--Wallace

"Since the passing of the Act in 1853 we have had no less than three distinct
epidemics. In 1857-9 we had more than 14,000 deaths from smallpox; in the
1863-5 epidemic the deaths had increased to 20,000; and in 1871-2 they
totalled up to the tune of 44,800."--Dr Hadwen MD

"In the Metropolitan Hospital 1870-1-2, it is acknowledged that out of 14,808
smallpox patients 11,174 had been vaccinated."---Mr P.A. Taylor (Vacc Inq 5,

"Back then I was working in one of the oldest lung illness treatment centres
in Germany, and just by chance, I looked at the files of those people who had
fallen ill during the first German epidemic of smallpox, in 1947...We had
always been told that the smallpox vaccination would protect against
smallpox. And now I could verify, thanks to the files and papers, that all of
those who had fallen ill had been vaccinated. This was very upsetting for
me."---Dr Buchwald, M.D.

"Italy is one of the best vaccinated countries in the world, if not the best
of all, for twenty years before 1885, our nation was vaccinated in the
proportion of 98.5%. Notwithstanding, the epidemics of smallpox that we have
had have been something so frightful that nothing before the invention of
vaccination could equal them. During 1887, we had 16,249 deaths from
smallpox; in 1888- 18,110 and 1889, 13,413"------Chas Rauta, Professor of
Hygiene and Material Medical in the University of Perguia, Italy.

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