-Caveat Lector-

[This stuff just keeps getting more awful by the day.]


Establishing Residency

While the National Enquirer and other media focus on rumors of an
affair between then-President Bill Clinton and Denise Rich, the
Secret Service hasn't hesitated to fan rumors of other potential
paramours for Clinton.

At the request of Rep. Dan Burton, the Secret Service provided
White House logs on such visitors as former DNC finance chair
Beth Dozoretz, who on most of her visits met with Clinton in the
White House residence, not the Oval Office.

Secret Service agents who regularly leaked information to Burton
during his committee's investigations during the Clinton
presidency were quick to point out many of those dates. "They
underlined dates where Mrs. Clinton wasn't in the White House,
but the president was meeting with people like Dozoretz in the
residence during nonworking hours," says a committee staffer.

But in the case of people like Dozoretz and Rich, there is a far
more reasonable explanation than the rumor-mongering that is
going on, say former Clinton aides who were aware of the Dozoretz

"The president was deeply suspicious of even some of his allies,
like Dozoretz, and he didn't want to do any fundraising business
in the West Wing. The counsel's office said it would probably be
okay to meet in his private study, but Clinton didn't want these
people called before Burton's committee or a Senate committee and
saying, 'We planned fundraising in the Oval Office,'" says the
staffer. "Clinton did almost all of his DNC meetings in the

The explanation is more than plausible, but one person isn't
helping clarify Clinton's complicated relationships with the
women of the DNC: According to a DNC fundraiser, friends of
current DNC chief Terry McAuliffe were sources for the National
Enquirer's exposé on Clinton's "relationship" with Denise Rich.

"McAuliffe is coming to realize that he's not going to be a
success with the party if Bill Clinton is always around looking
over his shoulder," says the DNC fundraiser.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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