-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Student Sues School Over Ban of 'Straight Pride' Sweatshirt
By Melanie Hunter
CNS Evening Editor
April 03, 2001

(CNSNews.com) - A St. Paul, Minn., teenager is suing his high school after
school officials told him his sweatshirt, with the trademark logo 'Straight
Pride,' was offensive to gay, lesbian and bisexual students.

On the back of 16-year-old Elliot Chambers' shirt was the universal symbol of
a man and woman holding hands.

"In the afternoon, he was approached by an assistant principal who told him
that a female student, representing a group of homosexual students, were
offended at Elliot's wearing of the sweatshirt, and the assistant principal
said she would be speaking with the principal about the matter," said Michael
DePrimo of the American Family Association Law Center, who is representing
the family.

"The next day, Elliot was summoned to the principal's office, and he was told
he could not wear the sweatshirt to school again, allegedly because
homosexuals were offended by it," DePrimo said.

The school has set up "safe" rooms, marked by inverted pink triangles, the
universal symbol of the homosexual community. The "safe" rooms are set aside
for student/teacher discussion and counseling about homosexuality and other
"non-traditional relationships."

During a meeting with the school principal Dana Babbitt, the Chambers
expressed concern about the school's open support of homosexuality. The
Chambers claim Babbitt called them "homophobic."

"The Chambers have contacted many other parents of Woodbury High School
students and informed them of the safe rooms and the open support that the
school is giving to homosexuality and bisexuality," DePrimo said. "From what
I heard, every parent was outraged to find out what the school has done."

The center is challenging the constitutionality of the school's policy,
which, according to DePrimo, says, "Students may not wear items with
unacceptable writing or graphic depictions, which offend anyone or distract
from the educational experience of students at Woodbury High School.
Unacceptable writing or graphic depictions are those, which are commonly
accepted as vulgar, obscene or socially demeaning or derogatory."

DePrimo added, "And it's our position that his sweatshirt does not fall into
that category."

Stephen M. Crampton, chief counsel for the center, said, "This is a case of
classic viewpoint discrimination. The school has chosen to openly embrace
homosexuality and bisexuality, and it does not welcome dissenting points of
views. What is especially troubling is the school's open hostility toward
student support of committed man-woman relationships."

Principal Dana Babbitt and the school district declined comment.

The American Family Association Law Center is the legal arm of the American
Family Association, Inc., and it has offices in Tupelo, Miss., and
Washington, D.C. The center restricts its practice to constitutional
litigation in state and federal courts throughout the country.

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