-Caveat Lector-

Swiss seek stricter controls on light weapons

Switzerland and France have submitted a joint proposal to the United
Nations which seeks to place strict controls on the trade in light weapons.
They want a system whereby all small arms can be traced from the moment
they are produced.

The Swiss ambassador to the UN Disarmament Conference in Geneva,
Raimond Kunz, and his French counterpart, Hubert de La Fortelle, said
light weapons are responsible for the death of one person every minute
around the world.

Describing these weapons as a “factor in the destabilisation of the rule of
law” and a “threat to democracy”, they said Paris and Berne wanted to see
the creation of an international mechanism whereby states would commit
themselves to cooperating in tracking these weapons.

Among the methods being proposed by the Swiss and French to trace
weapons will be an indelible mark. This would allow the monitoring of
sources and supply lines, as well as identifying where authorised stocks
and transfers are lost, stolen or diverted.

A number of countries already mark their light weapons, but the problem is
finding a single, indelible internationally-recognised method. This could be
achieved using lasers, chemicals or radioactivity.

The Franco-Swiss joint initiative comes four months before a UN
conference in New York tackles the illicit trade in light weapons. The aim of
the gathering is to draw up a plan of action to deal with the problem.

Unlike chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, there is no global non-
proliferation regime limiting the spread of light arms, despite the fact they
kill far more people than weapons of mass destruction.

A firearms protocol aimed at combating the illicit manufacture and
trafficking of firearms is currently being negotiated in Vienna as part of a
UN Convention against transnational organised crime.

Despite not being a UN member, Switzerland has played an active role in
these negotiations, as well as being a leading player in other world efforts
to clamp down on the proliferation of light arms.

This commitment is part of its so-called “new diplomacy”, which it launched
three years ago and which focuses on the security of the individual. The
country’s campaign against anti-personnel mines falls within the same

Light weapons, or small arms, include conventional military arms such as
pistols, automatic rifles, machine guns, grenades and shoulder-fired
weapons. They have become a current issue because of the increasing
number of internal conflicts which are characterised by the almost exclusive
use of this type of weapons.

The Franco-Swiss paper under discussion says that small arms not only
cause terrible human suffering, but also “reduce the prospects for
sustainable development and foster a culture of violence”.

by Roy Probert

12.03.2001 - 16:55


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