-Caveat Lector-


The Mystery of John Podesta

What did Bill Clinton's last chief of staff, John Podesta, know,
and when did he know it? On Sunday one might have been tempted to
tune into the much awaited return of "The Sopranos" to find out.

Not to offend anyone, but ethnic stereotyping and solidarity are
in. We saw confirmed over the weekend when the New York Daily
News reported -- in a story the Washington Post saw fit to
reprint on page A2 of its Sunday edition -- that a major
fundraiser for the Clinton library who is not to be confused with
Denise Rich intervened with the White House to help win a pardon
for a New York business figure who fifteen years ago in a
bankruptcy case agreed to plead guilty on one count of perjury.
What made the report interesting on Soprano night is that the
ex-felon in question, William Fugazy, "has long been a prominent
fixture in New York's political and charity scene," the Daily
News reported. "His nonprofit campaigns included fighting
anti-Italian bias..."

What made the story even more interesting is that in lobbying for
Fugazy's pardon, the Clinton library supporter turned directly to
Podesta. The idea, presumably, was to get one Italian-American to
help another. We have no idea how Podesta responded. But the
intervention couldn't have hurt since Fugazy did win a
last-second pardon.

Podesta did not return the Daily News's calls. What's more, since
the Fugazy story broke too late to be the subject of queries at
last week's Burton committee hearing before which Podesta and
several other top Clinton White House figures appeared, Podesta
obviously wasn't asked about it. But it can't be good news for a
key Clinton aide who has tried to distance himself from the
pardons ever since they turned into Clinton's last official
scandal. Until yesterday, he seemed to be getting away with
whatever it is he needs to get away with.

>From the start word was the Podesta had done heroic work to keep
his boss from issuing even more dubious pardons. At the same
time, he liked to emphasize how "difficult" each of these cases
was, as he told "Nightline" on January 30. As February rolled
Podesta continued to defend Clinton's decision, though
increasingly it became the official word that Podesta, like White
House counsel Beth Nolan and Clinton longtime right hand Bruce
Lindsey, had personally opposed the Rich pardon. Podesta
confirmed as much on February 18's "Meet the Press," all the
while hiding behind the idea that Israeli prime minister Ehud
Barak and even deputy attorney general Eric Holder had
greaterinfluence on Clinton in the end.

Podesta stuck to this script before the Burton committee.
Throughout he's attempted to turn the discussion as much as
possible to high politics or serious policy. He's had next to
nothing to say about Denise Rich, for instance, or Beth Dozoretz.
When the famous Quinn e-mail emerged and had Clinton telling
those two women that he was working to overcome White House
opposition to the pardon, Podesta dismissed it as a "fourth-hand
conversation." It was a perfect situation for Podesta -- he could
pretend to be loyal to Clinton even though everyone knew he no
longer had to be, now that it was clear he had opposed the Rich

Because there was no widespread follow-up, he dodged a deadly
bullet shot at him by Cokie Roberts on "This Week" last February
11. She cited another Quinn e-mail, from January 9, in which
Rich's lawyer told colleagues: "I think we've benefited from
being under the press radar. Podesta said as much."

"So were you involved in this decision making?" Roberts asked
him. His response was vintage Clintonite: "That's the first time
I've seen that.... I--I don't actually remember talking to Mr.
Quinn, so I don't know where he got that from."

A week later, Tim Russert of "Meet the Press" ran the same "under
the press radar" quote by Podesta, and received the same answer,
if more shakily delivered:

RUSSERT: Did you say that to Jack Quinn?

PODESTA: I don't believe I ever talked to Jack Quinn, so I don't
know where that's coming from.

RUSSERT: Where'd that come from?

PODESTA: I don't know. I mean, I may have -- I actually have no
idea where that came from because I do not believe I talked to
Mr. Quinn about this.

He doesn't know where it came from? Maybe Podesta never spoke to
Quinn, he did speak to Peter Kadzik, a lawyer whose firm was also
representing Marc Rich. Kadzik wasn't just anyone. As Podesta let
on in an opening statement he read to Burton's committee -- it's
curious that Podesta was the only one of the four ex-Clinton
White House who appeared before the committee who felt the need
to submit on official statement of this sort -- Kadzik has been
Podesta's friend since law school days. The same Kadzik called
Podesta not once but three times late last year and early this on
Rich's behalf, and also came by Podesta's office in January to
lobby for Rich. Podesta states he made it clear to Kadzik that a
pardon was unlikely, and that he and the entire White House
counsel's staff opposed it. But he doesn't explain why he didn't
ask Kadzik to stop hounding him.

On "The Sopranos," the main character knows how to deal with
unwanted overtures from friends. But then it might be unfair to
confuse Podesta with Tony Soprano. He doesn't have the look of a
Jersey hood. If anything, his features are sculpted Italian
Renaissance: intelligent, Machiavellian, and much more

One other thing: "The Sopranos" is sheer comedy, and there was
nothing funny about the regime Podesta served.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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