One of the big lessons from history is that mankind doesn’t learn from
history. The history of the Krupp family which is in the llluminatj would
provide the world with a loud and clear warning for today. The first lesson
that could be learned is how a military buildup and military intentions can
be totally concealed for decades. Today, the New World Order has brought in
hundreds of thousands of foreign troops into the United States, they have
brought in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of guillotines for
executions, they have built a network of unused concentration camps across
the U.S., they have built crematoriums next to these concentration camps,
and yet most Americans appear to believe the lies of President Clinton and
others just like they believed the lies of Krupp, and the German Chancellors
BEFORE Hitler, and the German military leaders who were all well aware of
the secret German buildup that began immediately after W.W. I ended! We are
about to go into a New World Order that will be worse than Hitler’s New
World Order, but the power behind the scenes is the same -- the Illuminati
getting their power from their centuries-old generational satanic practices.
One ex-Illuminati thinks that the Krupp family became part of the Illuminati
in 1836. The Halbach and Bohlen families had united in marriage prior to the
Civil War. The Halbach family had large holdings of coal around Scranton,
PA. I believe the Halbach family was part of the Illuminati, and the Halbach
family married into the Krupps in 1906. ft appears that 1836 date can not be
far off, because the record shows that the Krupp family began getting all
kinds of favors from governments beginning late in the 1830s. Prior to this
time period, too many things went the wrong way for the Krupp family for
them to had any prominent role in the Illuminati leadership. In the summer
of 1838, Alfred Krupp, head of the Krupp Factories left his business and
went to Paris and then on to Liverpool. He quit travelling the Midlands of
England that winter and lived in Liverpool, England for 5 months with an
english family named Lightbody. By the summer of 1839, he was back in Essen,
Germany. After that trip to England, the Krupp fortunes began to turn. The
Alchemists were occultists who worked with chemicals and metals. The
alchemists tie in with the Rosicrucians and the early renaissance
researchers into chemistry.

The Krupps because they were involved in metalurgy also have been involved
with chemicals. The first Krupp known about was Arndt Krupp who appeared out
of no where (it is speculated he came from Holland) and arrived at Essen in
1587 a man of means and became a merchant in the area. His son Anton became
one of the military arms dealers of the times. Anton’s father-in-law ran a
gunsmith trade where he made guns. By about 1650, the Krupps were Essen
Germany’s uncrowned kings" (according to the german book Die KRUPPS written
by Norbert Muehlen. Frankfurt am Main: 1960, p. 13). They controlled the
city government. In 1800, the Krupps went into steel and coal, and producing
cannon. During the age of discovery when the New World was being explored
the powerful occult oligarchies of Europe set up trading companies to carve
up control of the world. The East India Company was one of the more notable
of these elite controlled trading companies. These trading companies tie in
with the occult world’s leadership and the formation of drug cartels during
the age of discovery. The 13 Illuminati families were participants in the
narcotics cartel that was set up clear back before the United States became
a nation. The roots of the cartels, go back to Knights Templars, the Knights
of Malta and some of the Italian oligarchies who had been involved in
narcotics trade for centuries.

That drug cartel has continued down through the centuries. I.G. Farben has
been a 20th century part of the German element of the cartel. Clear back
during colonial days, each of the various secret ruling occult families from
England, Germany, France and the Netherlands were given a piece of the
narcotics/chemical trade. The full story of the Krupp family would include
how they tie in with I.G. Farben and the worldwide chemical monopoly that
the Illuminati families have. It is clear that Gustav Krupp was informed of
I.G. Farben’s secret research into synthetic nitrates prior to W.W.I,
because Gustav told the great German chemist Emil Fischer not to worry about
the guncotton problem caused by low nitrate supplies. The Krupps faced a
bigger problem during W.W.II in getting enough high grade animal fat for
holding the cotton in place for explosives. This was solved by using the fat
of people killed in the concentration camps. Since the Illuminati’s Chemical
cartel and I.G. Farben and Krupp were involved in the use of human products,
the concentration camps were liberated by the Illuminati’s men and the use
of human fat, etc. covered up.

In our modern times two men of Illuminati from the Krupp family stand out,
Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halsbach (1907-1967) and Charles "Chip" Bohlen
(1904-1974). Chip Bohlen’s grandfather and Alfred Krupp’s great-grandfather
were brothers. Alfred Krupp was the most powerful and richest man in the
common market or Europe during the 1960s, and Chip Bohlen was one of the
most powerful political ligures of the United States serving as the U.S.
ambassador to the USSR for many years. New World Order leader and Chip’s
co-worker George F. Kennen described Chip Bohlen with the following: "No
single person was present at more of the high-level diplomatic encounters of
the wartime [WW II] and immediate postwar periods than Charles Bohlen." And
yet how often are Americans told that while Charles Bohlen was advising
Roosevelt to give the Soviets eastern Europe at Yalta in 1943. his relatives
Gustav and Alfred Krupp were directing the manufacture of Hitler’s best
armaments? It’s a small world at the top. On Jan. 21. ‘33, Papen told
Hugenberg, ‘We’ve hired Hitler." Although Hitler was very much his own
person, the people who put him into power knew what they were doing. The
Illuminati, as they so otten do, put their people in as Hitler’s advisor and
his bodyguard. Dietrich Stepp, Hitler’s personal bodyguard, was in the
Illuminati. They have done the same with numerous other people, for instance
the surrounded Howard Hughs. Hitler was surrounded by Satanists who took
orders from the Illuminati first and Hitler second. If you don’t believe
that Hitler submitted to the his Illuminati advisors, look at sonic of the
changes that he made in Nazi doctrines over the years in his speeches to
make sure that the elite of Germany were protected. Hitler backtracked on
some of his stands.

Four important Illuminati advisors to Hitler were Rudolf Hess, Martin L.
Bormann, Gustav Krupp and Alfred Krupp. Rudolf Hess was hidden by the
Illuminati during W.W. II. There is a book out which shows the military
medical records of the real Rudolf Hess who was wounded in W.W. I, and the
medical records of the fake "Hess" who was imprisoned in Spandau prison
after W.W.II. This is why the Nazi’s on trial at Nuremberg laughed when they
saw "Hess" for the first time in custody, they laughed because they knew he
wasn’t the real Hess. Bormann came from a generational occult family.
Bormann’s grandfather was Johann Friedrich Bormann (b. 1830) and his father
was Theodor Bormann and his mother Louise Grobler. Bormann before joining
the Nazi’s had worked for Hermann von Treuenlels as a foreman on a farm. He
was noted for his harshness, brutality and dominating personality. He also
gave the orders for thugs to beat up a man named Walter Kadow, who died
while being beaten. Bormann served some prison time for his involvement in
Kadow’s death. Bormann later as Hitler’s no. 2 man used his position to
enact some cruel measures on Europeans controlled by the Germans. All the
leading Nazis agreed among themselves that Bormann was "Hitler’s Lucifer."
Goring stated at Nuremberg, "The decisive influence on the Fuebrer himself
during the war, and particularly from 1942 on...was exercised by Herr
Bormann. It was a disastrous influence."

Bormann held the highest Nazi rank, Reichleiter, and was Hitler’s shadow
everywhere, and yet most Germans didn’t know who he was. When Hess
disappeared early in W.W.II, Bormann took his position. Gustav Krupp saved
the Nazi party in 1932. If it had not been for Gustav Krupp, Hitler would
never have come to power. During 1932, the Nazi Party had offended many
people and had lost greatly in the elections. Many of their big financial
supporters had backed away and it looked like the party was going to shrivel
up and die. Dr. Goebbels, of the Nazi Party wrote at this point in 1932,
"...We are all very discouraged. particularly in the face of the present
danger that the entire party may collapse and all our work be in vain. We
are now facing the decisive test." Soon after he wrote, "The financial
situation in Berlin is hopeless. Nothing but debts and obligations." At this
point. Gustav Krupp threw his momentous influence and big money (100,000,000
German Marks) into saving the Nazi party from their precarious position.
Gustav Krupp was perhaps the most powerful industrialist in Germany with
perhaps the best steel factories in the world, and the weight of his help
pulled the Nazi party up on its feet and to victory that year. When Krupp
made his big financial contribution, Hitler assigned Bormann to keep track
of all the money. From then on, Hitler’s personal finances and some of the
party’s finances were totally controlled and oversaw by Martin Bormann, a
member of the Illuminati. I say Gustav Krupp was "perhaps the most powerful
industrialist"--only because I don’t know anyone who knows how big Gustav
Krupp was financially. Gustav Krupp was the sole owner, that is the sole
proprietor of all his companies--there were no shareholders. Gustav Krupp
owned a vast array of corporations and companies and properties all over the
world. No one knows how much he owned, but he owned enough that his son who
was the sole inheritor of all the Krupp fortune was able to have his
factories totally destroyed by the allies in W.W. II, and then quickly
rebuild by using money derived from foreign (non-German) holdings all over
the world.

But was Hitler the person who led Germany to rearm and enter into W.W.II?
Gustav Krupp began secretly rearming Germany immediately after W.W.I, in
preparation for the next world war. The documentation that Krupp began
planning and secretly

rebuilding German armaments in preparation for W.W. II IMMEDIATELY AFTER
W.W. I IS INCONTROVERTIBLE. I suggest that doubters read William Manchester’
s massive book The Arms of KRUPP. 1587-1968. The German government
cooperated. Agreements were reached with the Soviets soon after W.W.l ended
to help the Germans secretly get around the strict requirements of the
Versailles Treaty which greatly restricted Germany in many ways to prevent
it from becoming a military power. On May 11, 1921, (;erman Chancellor
Wirth, the leader of the German government signed the Versailles Treaty
pledging disarmament. At the very same time he was fully cooperating with
the Krupps and the military to rearm Germany secretly. Wirth was very adept
at intrigue, and be and Krupp carried out international intrigue all over
the world to pull off their secret military buildup. Today, the Illuminati
are doing the very same thing. (More about this shortly.) When Hitler came
to power, Gustav Krupp billed the Nazi government 300 Million for having
secretly built up the German war machine during the 1920s, and the Nazi’s
paid it to Krupp. Later in 1943, during W.W. II when Gustav and Bertha
wanted to hand their entire empire over to their first son Alfred, Alfred
personally went to Hitler’s secret underground hideout in East Prussia to
get Hitler to personally make an exception to the German law that forbid
passing everything in an inheritance to only one child. Hitler greeted
Alfred with a great welcome and then let him talk to Martin Bormann.
Remember, Bormann, a very brutal man, was part of the Illuminati. Alfred and
Bormaun talked, and then Bormann directed Hans Lammers, the Nazi
constitutional oracle to secretly proclaim:

"The firm of Fried. Krupp, a family enterprise for 132 years, deserves the
highest recognition for its incomparable performances in boosting the
military power of Germany. Therefore, it is my wish that the enterprise be
preserved as a family property."

At the Nuremberg trials, Gustav was one of the Nazis at the top of the list
of criminals to be tried, and Alfred was mistakingly not put on it until
later. Gustav was declared unfit healthwise for trial, and Alfred was given
very lenient treatment. Other Nazis put on trial were sentenced to death
with less evidence and less crimes than Alfred. When the war ended, old man
Gustav was at Bluembach Castle which is located at a remote site in the
Austrian Alps. The American officer who captured the castle was Chip Bohlen’
s brother-in-law Col. Charles W. Thayer (in other words a relative to Gustav
Krupp), who made sure the American troops did not loot the castle. This is a
very strange coincidence, that of the millions of allied troops, a relative
of the Krupps is the one to capture Gustav Krupp’s castle. Col. Thayer knew
what Bluenbach Castle was all about before he took off with his men to find
it. The four-storied ivy covered castle has a pink granite driveway, and a
beautiful and luxurious interior. Even if a visitor gets to the main gate
which is remote enough, there is still a long trip to the castle. One of the
snow-covered mountains surrounding the postcard perfect castle has the
legendary cave of Barbarosa, who is said to be asleep waiting to be woken by
black ravens to come back to life and save Germany. The Illuminati’s
controlled media portrayed Gustav’s son Alfred as a victim of the Nuremberg
trials, even though mountains of documents prove that he was more of a war
criminal than Adolf Hitler.

The massive trial documents of the Nuremberg trial of Alfred Krupp were
never printed in Germany, and even today the truth about Krupp is unknown.
History was rewritten by the controlled presses to make Alfred Krupp out to
be the victim of Nazism, rather that to tell the truth about how he ran the
Krupp empire beginning in 1943, and was actively involved in the rape &
pillage of many nations, and actively involved in the torture of countless
slave laborers who came from nations all over the world (anybody the Nazis
found to arrest.) The slaves who worked for Krupp were not even slaves.
Hitler had made a law that slaves were to be fed so much per day according
to how hard the work was that they had to do. Krupp’s slaves were starved to
death while being forced to do hard labor. There was an acute shortage of
slaves to work and drastic needs for tanks, ships, artillery, subs and other
Krupp produced weapons, so there was no logical reason for Krupp’s personal
factory guards to starve and beat slaves to death on a regular manner. The
horrendous abuse that the slaves received actually often prevented the Krupp
factories from being successful in their production goals. Slaves are
generally fed and taken care of so they can work, but Krupp’s slaves were
not even given the basics that a slave gets--they were less than slaves, or
as one slave who worked for Krupp said that as Krupp’s slaves they didn’t
even have the status of "slave" but were like pieces of sandpaper to be used
and discarded. Krupp’s slaves were the worst treated in Germany and
frequently failed to achieve the production that was wanted due to the total
dehumanization and horrible abuse systematically heaped upon them. Slaves
were tortured in the basement of Krupp’s Hauptverwaltungsgebaude (the
executive corporation office building in Essen). Unimpeachable witnesses
declared that some of the most revolting torture of slaves occurred within
earshot of Alfred Krupps office. The secretaries who worked with Krupp could
hear the screams of people being tortured, and there is no doubt if they
could hear them, Alfred could too, but he always ignored the screams with a
stone-like face, as he did later in Satanic rituals. One Illuminati survivor
remembers Alfred’s distinctive face. Later John J. McCloy, head of the
Council of Foreign Relations, and a member of the Illuminati, was given the
job of High Commissioner over Occupied Germany. He overturned the Nuremberg
Trial decisions, stepping out of line with legalities and freed Alfred Krupp
from prison and exonerated him of "war guilt". The trial of Alfred Krupp’s
W.W.II war crimes had taken 5 years, and took 330,000 pages of court
transcripts. All that work was swept aside by John J. McCloy--a generational
satanist himself like Alfred. Alfred had 37 of the best lawyers who had
given more than a good fight for Alfred. They pulled every trick in the book
for their client--including murdering witnesses, suppressing evidence etc.
(The establishment newspapers in Europe and the U.S. portrayed Alfred as
having not been allowed adequate legal help! Nothing could be further from
the truth--he was the best defended Nuremberg criminal.) Yet, the evidence
against Krupp was overwhelming and the 5 Nuremberg judges had sentenced him
to prison. The judges also sentenced that all his possessions be taken from
him. This was more than fair considering all the pillage and looting Krupp
had personally directed throughout Europe. The British and American
governments never carried out the Judges orders to take Alfred’s property
away, and after serving awhile (having a vacation from his work load) in
prison, the Illuminati set him free from prison. Alfred was made out to be
martyr in the press--they claimed he was the only Nazi who had property
confiscated (which was a lie by the press), so that it looked like he’d been
singled out for special victimization by the Nuremberg court. While looking
to the public like a victim for loosing his property--none of it was ever
taken away!

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