-Caveat Lector-

>From Chris Ruddy's web site:

                         Wednesday April 7, 1:25 AM

                   FBI Loses First Round in TWA 800 Case

     TWA 800 defendant James Sanders was upbeat when reached by Inside
      Cover late Tuesday. His trial on charges of conspiracy to obtain
    secret evidence from the wreckage of the July 1996 air disaster was
   only in its second day and already presiding Judge Joanna Seybert had
                   handed the prosecution a major defeat.

     "The judge quashed the illegal seizure of my computer hard drive,
   which is very good news for us, " Sanders said, referring to the FBI's
   confiscation of manuscripts which he argues should be protected by the
      First Ammendment. "They hadn't even bothered to get a warrant,"
                            Sanders complained.

       The story of Sanders' independent investigation into the still
   unexplained crash is told in his 1997 book, "The Downing of TWA Flight
    800". As a working journalist, he obtained fabric swatches from the
   plane's seats and had them analyzed by a California laboratory. Their
    conclusion? Red stains on the material were identical in composition
                            to missile exhaust.

    Despite more than a hundred eyewitnesses who told investigators they
     saw a streaking object strike TWA 800 that July night, the FBI and
    NTSB have discounted the missile theory. That's what makes Sanders'
     discovery of missile exhaust trace evidence so problematic for the

   Early courtroom reactions seem to favor Sanders, with several offering
       praise for his attorney Bruce Maffeo's opening arguments. But
                      Wednesday's session will be key.

      That's when former TWA crash investigator Terry Stacey takes the
   stand. Stacey is now the government's key cooperating witness against
    Sanders and his wife Elizabeth, who is also named in the indictment.
    The conspiracy charge rests on the allegation that Sanders solicited
                    Stacey to obtain the fabric samples.

     Elizabeth Sanders is charged on the basis of a single conversation
   with Stacey, during which her husband says the fabric evidence wasn't
                              even mentioned.

     "Wednesday is going to be quite a day," Sanders told Inside Cover,
    eagerly anticipating public exposure of what may be one of the worst
                    government cover-ups of the century.

                          Monday April 5, 4:25 PM

                              TWA 800 in Court

     The trial of TWA 800 defendants James and Elizabeth Sanders, which
    began Monday in a Uniondale, N.Y., federal courtroom, could produce
    some real fireworks -- depending upon what evidence presiding Judge
                  Joanna Seybert lets the defense present.

   James Sanders, you may recall, is the journalist who accepted a piece
    of fabric taken from one of 800's seats by a TWA crash investigator,
   which contained evidence contradicting the official government theory
              that the July 17, 1996, disaster was accidental.

     Sanders' 1997 book, "The Downing of TWA Flight 800" documented his
       early investigative work. Unhappy with his report, the Justice
   Department has put Sanders on trial for interfering with the official
                          FBI-NTSB investigation.

   Cmdr. William Donaldson, whose two-year-long crusade for the truth has
    made him the premier expert on the 800 disaster, has signed on as a
                          defense team consultant.

    Friday, Donaldson told Inside Cover that the evidence he's uncovered
    suggests wrongdoing that reaches to the highest levels of the White
    House. Should Judge Seybert take an interest in the larger story of
   how 230 souls perished off Moriches Beach that July night, this trial
   could get a whole lot more intriguing than current media non-coverage
                              would indicate.

   Both Sanders and Donaldson have promised to keep NewsMax.com apprised
                        of daily trial developments.

                                Stay tuned.

                          Monday April 5, 7:16 AM

                     White House Doves Turn to Hillary

    The Clinton White House was so divided over the president's plan to
       bomb the Balkans that administration doves hoped Hillary would

   That's the word from longtime Clinton nemesis Larry Nichols, who seems
   to have developed a reliable White House source for the latest on the
                               Kosovo crisis.

    For instance, Nichols knew that Clinton's war on Slobodan Milosevic
    would commence precisely on March 24 -- and said so up and down the
                radio dial nearly a week before it happened.

     And now, other events Nichols described to Inside Cover early last
             week are being confirmed by the mainstream press.

      Last Thursday, the Washington Post reported that the CIA warned
    Clinton that bombing would only accelerate Kosovo's refugee problem.
      Now stories swirl about how Clinton overruled even his Pentagon
              advisrrs on the advisability of military action.

    Days before any of this hit the media, Nichols told us, "The morning
     the bombing started, I found out there was a huge rift inside the

    Then the onetime Clinton crony added, "In fact, if you start looking
   into this, you'll find that the White House staff even called Hillary
        to come home, because they hoped she'd get Bill to stop it."

     Mrs. Clinton was touring Africa when her husband ordered the NATO
   airstrikes on Yugoslavia. Nichols says network reporters were able to
   confirm what his White House source told him about the call to Hillary
                       -- but have sat on the story.

     It was White House fears over expected Chinagate bombshells in the
    soon-to-be released Cox report that prompted Clinton to order "bombs
                            away" over Belgrade.

     After a March 19 press conference where the president was queried
   about ongoing Chinese espionage, he and his advisers met and examined
   their options for a "bankable issue," Nichols said. "They expected the
    Cox report to come out the next Wednesday, and they needed something

   A week later, Kosovo had replaced China on the front pages. According
   to Nichols, Clinton was giving high-fives to his staff, telling them,
                            "We hit a home run."

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