-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Taiwan needs Aegis radar: US review

TAIPEI - A confidential review by US naval officers has concluded that Taiwan
needs a significant infusion of new weapons, including a sophisticated
ship-borne radar system that China has put at the top of the list of arms it
does not want Taiwan to have.

The assessment was carried out by officers from the US Pacific Fleet, who
visited Taiwan to assess its naval needs in light of China's military

While military factors are not the only consideration, the still-secret
review is an important element of the deliberations on whether to sell Taiwan
the radar system, known as Aegis, and other naval weapons.

The decision is one of the first major foreign policy tests for President
George W. Bush's administration and could set the tone of US-Chinese
relations for years to come.

Beijing has singled out as particularly objectionable the potential sales of
three types of weapons: the Navy's Aegis, which China fears may provide the
basis for an eventual anti-missile defence and blunt China's missile threat
to the island; the Army's advanced Patriot anti-missile system known as
PAC-3; and submarines, which China maintains are offensive weapons.

Taiwan has sought to buy submarines as well as the Aegis and has also been in
discussions about the new Patriot system.

The US naval officers who conducted the review concluded that Taiwan also
needs the Kidd-class destroyer as a stopgap.

And they cited the need for new submarines as well as an underwater sonar
array to detect Chinese subs.

The pending decision on arms sales has split American China hands, putting
pressure on Mr Bush.--New York Times

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