Re: [CTRL] The Actor

2000-03-08 Thread Anon Ymous

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

For those keeping score at home, it should also be noted that Viereck
attempted to recruit HP Lovecraft to write a book entitled "New America and
the Coming World Order". This is chronicled in the tome "Lovecraft's Book" by
Richard A. Lupoff, 1985 Arkham House

> From Das Goat:
>  --Oh, yes -- Viereck, a fascinating, many-sided character, best known, for
> the
>  purposes of THIS list, as the top German propagandist in America in WWI (
> being
>  in fact Kaiser Wilhelm's illegitimate grandson!!) and, as Himmler's friend,
>  the top NAZI propagandist in America during WWII.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] The Actor

2000-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
The Actor
Alan Stang©1968
All Rights Reserved
Western Islands
Belmont, Massachusetts 02178
346 pps. – pbck – out-of-print

please note:

>From Das Goat:
--Oh, yes -- Viereck, a fascinating, many-sided character, best known, for the
purposes of THIS list, as the top German propagandist in America in WWI (being
in fact Kaiser Wilhelm's illegitimate grandson!!) and, as Himmler's friend,
the top NAZI propagandist in America during WWII.

Viereck was implicated in a plot to sabotage American factories as early as

By 1919, he was a full-fledged agent of the Kaiser, promoting anti-

The following snippets are from Marc J. Seifer's "Life and Times of Nikola

"In 1909 ... numerous dignitaries attended ... including Mark Twain and the
latest rising star in the world of poetry, the 24-year-old [wunderkind] George
Sylvester Viereck."

... "Although officially neutral, the sentiments of the majority of the
American population [before WWI] was with England, particularly after Germany
stormed through the peaceful kingdom of Belgium.  Nevertheless, fully one-
tenth of the US population was of German stock and their sentiments was on the
other side.  George Sylvester Viereck, the country's leading poet (and friend
of Tesla) ... courted Teddy Roosevelt and emissaries of President Wilson,
[pleading for neutrality].  Simultaneously, he began a new publication with
other leading German Americans [called] 'The Fatherland' ..." ...

"Viereck was a sensualist and cynic ... Having interviewed many of the
greatest minds of the epoch, the German-American intellectual had rattled the
souls of such individuals as Theodore Roosevelt, George Bernard Shaw,
occultist Aleister Crowley [who worked for him as a German agent -- while
spying ON him for British intelligence], H. G. Wells, Sigmund Freud, Albert
Einstein, Kaiser Wilhelm [grandpa], and Adolf Hitler [whom he admired].  A man
in contact with his irrational side, Viereck had passed many a day with Freud,
explicating the great theoretician's libido theory, influencing Freud's
writings ... 'Freud,' Viereck wrote, 'was motivated ... by a belief that each
individual represented a special expression of the World Spirit.'"

[Incongruous plug for Hegel !] ... "[Though] not an anti-Semite, Viereck, a
lifelong German apologist, was somehow  able to rationalize the Nazi
[worldview] and became the American spokesman for Adolf Hitler ... [Freud]
said that Viereck suffered from 'narcissism, delusions of persecution, and a
fixation on ... debasing himself' ... "During one of a series of interviews
which Viereck conducted with Tesla, he revealed that Tesla [believed that]
'What we call the 'soul' or 'spirit' is nothing more than the sum of bodily
functions." [[Or so VIERECK told us.]] ... "... spurred by Viereck's
discussion [with him] of the Aryan vision, Tesla supported the idea of
'sterilizing the unfit and deliberately guiding the mating instinct.' " ...

"[Tesla was] in the habit of meeting with Viereck on a somewhat regular basis
..."  [Tesla was also anti-Semitic and openly pro-Nazi, according to FBI
files, and Viereck was apparently going out of his way to enlist Tesla and
others as anti-American spies for Germany] ... "Viereck was known to partake
of 'opium tincture' "  ... "In 1939, just as World War II was about to start,
George Sylvester Viereck set off on a surreptitious journey to the Fatherland.

There, amid the pageantry of swastikas and the Gestapo, he met yet again with
Adolf Hitler and received a communique signed by the Fuhrer in his own hand
...  Upon his return, Viereck continued his practice of preaching the Nazi
party line in a variety of publications, writing some articles under an
assumed name, interpreting FDR as having a 'messianic complex' and Hitler as
'a dynamic genius and a poet of passion.'  ... Viereck was arrested and
indicted on two counts of seditious conspiracy.  It was quickly established
that he was on the German payroll supposedly as a journalist but obviously as
a paid propagandist. Conceited and self-deluded, he was sent to jail, where he
wrote [fiction] for the next few years.  [Thereafter] Viereck's name was
dropped from many anthologies and [even] from Who's Who ..."  He died in 1962,



Mr. Keele, might I interrupt at that point? I noticed that there is a
tendency all through this investigation on the part of witnesses for the
foundations and for the endowments to engage in a lot of name dropping, big

. . . and I think it would be far better to stick to ideas and stick to
thoughts and stick to sound facts than to try to prove arguments by the use
of names of certain individuals.

I don't think the naming of a name such as John Foster Dulles or Watson or
Moses or the Ten Commandments does anything to fortify the argument. That is
a personal opinion on my part. *
-- Congressman Donald L. O'Toole

*Select Comm