[CTRL] The Broeder Bond 3(b)

1999-07-06 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

5Political Triumph - the 1948 Election Victory

The Broederbond played a decisive role in the unexpected Nationalist victory
of 1948, which placed South Africa on a totally new course. The Brocdcrbond
supplied the political leaders to make the victory possible. Virtually all
the members of Dr D F Malan's Cabinet were also members of the
society. They were imbued with the same idealism and determination to ensure
an Afrikaner victory at the polls.
They masterminded the symbolic oxwagon trek of 1938, which united
Afrikaners emotionally and facilitated the later political unity (see
Chapter 4).
They supplied the National Party with the policy of apartheid or
separate development, which became a powerful political slogan in contrast
to General Smuts's indecisive attitude to racial matters (see Chapter 3).
They united Afrikaners politically, in spite of sharp differences of
opinion and approach between, for instance, the Ossewabrand-wag and the
National Party. They took over the Mineworkers' Union, which swung six vital
seats on the Witwatersrand and enabled the National Party to win the
election with a majority of six seats.
Soon after the emotion of the oxwagon trek had died down, the shadow
of the Second World War also fell over South Africa - and Afrikanerdom. Even
the emotional unity experienced at Monument Koppic was shattered, and
division in Afrikaner ranks became deeper then ever. Smuts won the vote in
Parliament supporting the war, and Hertzog had to resign as Prime Minister.
For a short while he and Malan were reconciled but that, too, was to be
shattered. Smuts called for volunteers to go and fight and, according to F A
van Jaarsveld,' "a great percentage, if not the majority, of the white
military forces consisted of Afrikaners."
In the anti-war emotion characterising a strong section of
Afrikaners, a new militant organisation, the Ossewabrandwag, thrived. It
soon had 300 000 members, held military parades and
rallies, cheered British setbacks and Nazi triumphs. Sporadic sabotage
occurred, and some members of the organisation were interned without trial
by the Smuts Government. Among those jailed at Koffiefontein, but never
proved guilty of anything, was young Advocate John Vorster, then an OB
general, and later Prime Minister of South Africa, Hendrik van den Bergh,
later to become his security adviser, and P J Riekert, his economic adviser.
The confusion, division and political impotency in Afrikaner ranks
had hardly ever been greater, says van Jaarsveld. "It was a condition which
reminded one of the period of civil war in the Transvaal from 1860-1864."
Apart from Malan's National Party and Hans van Rensburg's
Ossewabrandwag, there was also the Afrikaner Party, made up mostly of
Hertzog followers and led by Klasic Havenga.
The Broederbond's first attempt to heal the breach in Afrikanerdom
came after the split between Hertzog and Malan in 1940. The reason for the
split, a smear story in Nationalist ranks that Hertz
He was collaborating with the Freemasons, was investigated by a
committee of Nationalist Members of Parliament, headed by the chairman of
the Broederbond, Professor J C van Rooy of Potchefstroom.
The commission found that the Freemason story could not be regarded
as "the primary reason" for the break, but that it created confusion and
mistrust and "indirectly affected detrimentally attempts at reunion."2  It
exonerated the Free State Nationalist leaders, Dr NJ van der Merwe and
Advocate C R Swart, from blame for the Freemason gossip story. As the reason
for the break, it cited a misunderstanding on General Hertzog's part as to
the form of the party he and Malan had tried to establish.
General Hertzog was obviously being written off as a force in the
political war that was to come. In spite of his stature, he was regarded as
too soft on Republicanism and too conciliatory on English-Afrikaans
Because the Ossewabrandwag did not have a specified role in the
Afrikaners' political and cultural life, negotiations between the militant
organisation and the Herenigde Nasionale Party took place. At the Cape
Congress of the party held at Cradock in 1940, Dr Malan announced that
agreement had been reached: although the two organisations would co-operate,
the party would be active politically and the Ossewabrandwag in
non-political areas such as the economic, moral and religious advancement of
the Afrikaner

nation. The Ossewabrandwag would work for Afrikaner unity and refrain from
underground revolutionary activity.3
The anticipated new unity was shattered in January 1941 when a group
of Hertzog supporters split off and formed the Afrikaner Party under the
leadership of General E A Conroy, (later replaced by Havenga) with 12 other
members of Parliament supporting him. This would become the political home
of many OB members.

[CTRL] The Broeder Bond 3(c)

1999-07-06 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

From The Super Afrikaners-Ivor Wilkins and Hans Strydom 1978

(note the power of the symbolic action to a susceptible population)

4The Symbolic Oxwagon Trek of 1938

It is difficult to find another single event which stirred Afrikaner
emotions more between the Anglo-Boer War and the Second World War than the
symbolic oxwagon trek of 1938. Not even the people who planned and organised
it, the Afrikaner Broederbond, had the faintest idea it would be such an
overwhelming success. It served to reunite Afrikaners in one nationalism and
played a most significant role in the 1948 election victory.
A year after the Trek, the war divided the Afrikaners and the
Ossewabrandwag created a split in the National Party; but it was all
temporary. Deep down the Afrikaners wanted unity, and the symbolic trek
emphasised this. As soon as the war was over the deep divisions healed and a
political unity was found which led to a victory through the ballot box.
Looking back today, it is impossible to see how this could have been
achieved without the emotional binding force of the symbolic trek. It
created the opportunity for Afrikaners to be together, to experience the
satisfying feeling of a nation on the march, of agreement rather than
What started as a fairly inconspicuous attempt to celebrate the
centenary of the Great Trek by sending a team of oxwagons from Cape Town to
Pretoria became a rousing national movement. At the final celebrations 200
000 Afrikaners camped for days at Monument Koppie, the site chosen for the
Voortrekker Monument to be completed about 10 years later. Along the route
to Pretoria thousands of Afrikaners - some travelling hundreds of miles came
to see the oxwagons, to touch them, to pray by them.
The oxwagon trek was one of the Broederbond's greatest
master-strokes. Realising the division in Afrikaner ranks and the absolute
necessity for unity to prepare for political victory, they staged it as an
emotional rally. The opportunity was ideal. It was 100 years since the Great
Trek when the Voortrekkers went north, one of the most important reasons
being the desire to escape British
rule. The celebrations planned by a central committee headed by

Dr E J Jansen, a prominent Broeder and then Speaker of the House of
Assembly, were to peak on December 16, Dingaan's Day, at Monument Koppie
where the foundation stone for the Voortrekker Monument was to be laid.
No doubt this would have been an impressive ceremony on its own, but
it was the oxwagon trek which turned it into a national crusade. The idea
came from the Afvikaanse Tual en Kultur vereniging of the Railways
(Afrikaans Language and Cultural Society of the Railways), a cultural front
organisation of the Broederbond. The ATKV was formed by Henning Klopper, one
of the three young men who founded the Broederbond on the koppie in
Johannesburg in 1918. When he formed the ATKV on the Rail-ways it had only
200 members; five years later it had 50 000 and today it is probably the
largest formally organised Afrikaans cultural association.
Who was Henning Klopper who had played such an important part in
forming the Broederbond and the ATKV? Like other prominent Broeders, Danic
du Plessis and Willie Heckroodt, he worked on the Railways. He joined when
he was 15 at a salary of  f4 a month, and worked hard to spread his belief
in Afrikanerdom. His role in the oxwagon trek made him a national hero among
Afrikaners. Not only was he the founder of the ATKV who had organised the
trek, but they had nominated him as trek
leader. At all the main celebrations along the route he was the central
figure, making speeches and passing on the message of Afrikaner unity.
Henning Klopper is convinced that it was the symbolic oxwagon trek
that paved the way for the 1948 election victory for the National Party and
the subsequent referendum majority which led to the Republic.   "It was this
dynamic movement which gave expression to the aspirations of the Afrikaners,
and united them at the time when division among Afrikaners was at its
greatest, and their feelings were bitterest,"   he says. When Klopper left
home to join the Railways, his mother gave him a Bible and said: "Read it
every morning and evening." Fifty years later he said: "I never let
her down."  At that stage he had read the Bible from cover to cover 22
times. It takes him 10 to 18 months to read it though once.

He does not smoke or drink and in the true spirit of the
Broederbond, abhors "loose morals". Like the Broederbond, which expels
members involved in a divorce, he sees divorce as an evil
practice "undermining the morals of the people." He feels clergymen should
"put their foot down and take the lead in stamping out this evil."
In all his readings of the Bible, he says he has found nothing to
shake his belief in apartheid.  "We are not all created the same. We are
created to be what we are - not something 

[CTRL] The Broeder Bond 3(a)

1999-07-06 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

From The Super Afrikaners-Ivor Wilkins and Hans Strydom 1978

Only recommended for people interested in SA history or those in how secret
power societies work.
The broederbond was infiltrated and destroyed, but it shows the power that a
well placed small group of people can have over an unsuspecting society.
(remember that Smuts was also a member of a secret society-the round table-
see Mr Quigleys works)

3   Smuts

No sooner had the Broederbond disposed of Hertzog than a new and even more
dangerous enemy appeared. He was General Jan Smuts. If Hertzog's years as
Fusion Prime Minister had been marked by Afrikaner division,Smuts's rise
to power heralded prolonged and bitter hostility. World War Two, the issue
on which he came to power, split the country's white factions far apart.
A great many Afrikaners vigorously condemned Smuts's determination
that South Africa should participate in "England's war". For some this
feeling went even further, to an open sympathy with the Nazi cause. Hitler's
quick climb to ascendancy greatly attracted a number of Afrikaner
Nationalists, as did developments in Nazi Germany. So much so, in a number
of cases, that a feeling of general sympathy was translated into active
support for Germany's struggle. The Broederbond numbered among its ranks
many such supporters. The organisation which had striven in cultural matters
to keep English- and Afrikaans-speaking elements apart, and thus reinforce
Afrikaners of an exclusive Afrikanerdom, arranged for a few selected
Afrikaans students to go to Germany and study methods employed there in the
education of the nation's youth.'
Dr Nico Diederichs was one who went across to study and report, and
qualified as a quisling in the Nazi's Anti-Komitern training school.3
According to Malherbe4 who was Smuts's Director of Military Intelligence, as
early as 1934 Hitler had sent a spy to South Africa, a German professor,
Graf von Duerckheim Mont martin, to ascertain what elements in South Africa
could be relied upon to collaborate with Nazi Germany in the event of a war
with Great Britain.
His findings were said to have been sent to Hitler in a secret
report. A copy of this report was found by South Africa's military
intelligence among the papers seized at the headquarters of the German
diplomatic representative in South West Africa in 1940
when the South African forces moved in. The report stressed, inter a, the
furtherance of German Kulttrr by means of subtle propaganda and by
encouraging South African students to go to German universities, and the
exploitation of anti-English sentiments among Afrikaners. Von Duerckheim
held a prominent position in von Ribbentrop's organisation during the
1939-45 World War. He was, however, liquidated towards the end of the war
when it was found that he had a Jewish grandmother. Dr Malherbe goes on:
"With South Africa's participation in the war, anti-British feelings flared
up with renewed fervour. A number of prominent Afrikaner leaders became
openly pro-Nazi and found expression of their ambitions in flamboyant
organisations such as the Grey Shirts and the Ossewabrandwag. The latter
organisation, under the leadership of Dr Hans van Rensburg, was openly
militant and opposed to General Smuts's war effort. He soon counted more
members than there were in Smuts's army. Among these were a large number of
teachers and even Dutch Reformed ministers. South Africa's former Premier,
Mr Vorster, occupied a high position as Assistant-hoof Kommandant. Dr
Verwoerd had strong Nazi sympathies, and his paper, the Transvaler, was
jubilant over the initial reverses of the Allied forces on land and sea.
Likewise it was filled with gloom when the Nazis started losing.
"It was hoped that with a German victory South Africa would become
'freed from the British yoke' and at last achieve the Broederbond ideal of
an independent Afrikaner republic, excluding the British and the Jews. In
the anti-war propaganda Smuts was made out to be a traitor to the Afrikaner
cause in fighting for the British not (as was the case) with the British . .
. Meanwhile, through a powerful broadcasting station at Zeesen (Germany)
pro-German propaganda in Afrikaans was pouring into South Africa over the
radio. Its programmes were avidly listened to because of the excellent music
and good reception, far better than that of the British Broadcasting
Corporation or the local South African Broadcasting Corporation.
"Immediately following on the music programme came the most venomous
anti-British and anti-Jewish talks in Afrikaans by Dr Erik Holm, a young
South African teacher who was studying in Germany at the time.5 He was
employed by the Nazis and paid by Goebbels himself . . .There can be
no doubt that this slimy, hate-generating stuff which was poured nightly in
Afrikaans into South African homes must have left its mark on the receptive

minds of the Afrikaner youth at the time. 

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] The Broeder Bond 3(a)]

1999-07-06 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Taylor, John (JH)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 From The Super Afrikaners-Ivor Wilkins and Hans Strydom 1978

 Only recommended for people interested in SA history or those in how secret
 power societies work.
 The broederbond was infiltrated and destroyed, but it shows the power that a
 well placed small group of people can have over an unsuspecting society.
 (remember that Smuts was also a member of a secret society-the round table-
 see Mr Quigleys works)

snipped for bandwidth
I read this book when it first came out 20 years ago. The Broederbond was
created to fight the British rulers of South Africa--rulers whose control over
the country was directed, as John Taylor states, by an equally secretive and
even more obscure secret society. I'm not sure who is really in control of
South Africa today, except that it almost certainly is NOT the ANC. With all
due respect to Nelson Mandela, who really did survive hoorendous conditions
when no one thought he would, the abandonment of the ANC's historic commitment
to socialism, together with the flight of the South African power elite from
the country, demonstrates clearly that the ANC did not "defeat" apartheid. The
striking rise in the perceived crime rate and governmental corruption show
that the country's new leaders are more interested in feathering their own
nests than they are in effecting a true revolutionary redistribution of wealth
and power to the masses. In short, South Africa has exchanged corrupt, venal,
and brutal white masters for corrupt, venal, and brutal black masters. I fear
that we have not seen the end of violent revolutionary conflict there...


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] The Broeder Bond

1999-07-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

The Broeder Bond allegedly meet at Ruiport, in a geographical locality
which is exactly centre of that part of Africa.
There is allegedly a big decision making centre there on land owned by
deBeers, and strangely enough an incredible archaeological site of a long
vanished african people.
Next to the ops centre is a massive jutting rock called the finger of
Kuriman, and all around it - laid out in the desert plain are patterns of
On each boulder is painted a creature - and some of these were extinct a
long time ago.
Elsewhere in South Africa, the head, eyes etc of Kuriman turn up with
geographical precision.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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